2012-1157 Bird Remodel.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: December 26, 2012
TO: NW R&R Inc.
12010 57 Drive SE
Snohomish, WA
Email: NWRIRINC@yahoo.com
FROM: Leif Bjorback, Assistant Building Official
RE: Plan Check: 2012-1157
Project: Bird Residence remodel
Project Address: 18514 79 Pl W
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can
be found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to a permit coordinator.
1.Please indicate on the plans the size of the new slider, and the size of the new header.
2.Indicate smoke alarms in each bedroom and immediately outside of each sleeping area.
These alarms must be hard-wired. R314
3.Indicate carbon monoxide alarms immediately outside of each sleeping area. These alarms
must be hard-wired or plug-in style. R315.1
4.Please show on the plans the size of windows in the 2 basement bedrooms (to determine
egress opening size). If either of the basement bedrooms is new, the room will require an
egress opening complying with IRC section R310.
5.Indicate on the plans what the fuel source is for the furnace. If it is oil or gas, provide
combustion air to the equipment according to the IRC and the manufacturers instructions.
6.Indicate a graspable handrail at the interior stairs. The handrail must be 34-38 high with
ends returned. R311.7.7
7.Provide a deck framing plan, to scale or with dimensions, showing the layout and spans of
all framing members. Please include footings, posts, beams, joists, and stair construction.
8.Show on the plans deck lateral load connectors required by section R502.2.2.3 (providing
resistance to deck separation from the house.) This may be accomplished as simply as
installing an HTT-type connector as shown in the attached detail, Option 2. Provide a note or
detail on the plans showing the application.
9.The decking is shown on the plans as 5/8x4 cedar. Do you mean 5/4 x4 cedar? Please revise
the plans since 5/8 inch cedar is not structurally rated for a 16 inch span.
10.Show a minimum 3 x 3 landing at the top of the deck stairs. R311.7.5
11.Show dimensions of the deck stair treads and risers. The minimum tread depth is 10 inches;
the maximum riser height is 7-3/4 inches. R311.7.4
12.Indicate a graspable handrail at the exterior stairs. The handrail must be 34-38 high with
ends returned. R311.7.7
13.A light fixture (such as a porch light) must be located in the vicinity of the top of the deck
stairs. Please show this on the plans. R303.6
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