2013-0190 Ching & Chang SFR2.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: June 24, 2013
TO: Jonathan Richards
FROM: Chuck Miller, Plans Examiner
RE: Plan Check: BLD2013-0190
Project: Ching/Chang SFR
Project Address: 17134 Talbot Road
During a review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can be
found on the plans, cloud all changes on the revised plans, and submit the revised plans/documents to a
Permit Coordinator. Previous items that recur on this list appear in italics. Thank you.
On page A2.0:
1.Foundation/Floor 1 Framing Plan Indicate on the plans the required anchorage and holdowns
to develop the tension loads noted in the provided structural calculations at each end of the
shear walls designated 2, 5, 7, 8, and 2.6 to guide proper review, installation, and
inspection. The holddowns at each end of the braced walls designated 2.6 along the traverse
braced wall line 4 - the north wall of the Office, and designated 7 along the traverse braced
wall line 2 - the north wall of the Living Room appear to be missing. The provided structural
calculations submitted on February 22, 2013 also indicated holddowns at the end of braced walls
designated 2, 5, and 8, along longitudinal braced wall lines 1, 2, and 3, and traverse
braced wall line 3, yet no holddowns have been added. The tension loads noted at those
locations appear to be larger than that accommodated by base plate anchorage. Please clarify.
On page A3.0 or A4.0:
2.Provide a detail and a reference to it for the required connection at the top of the braced wall
panel 7 located along north wall of the Living Room to complete the shear transfer from the
floor diaphragm above.
On pages A3.0 and A5.0:
3.Indicate on the plans the required base plate nailing (fasteners and spacing) for the various braced
walls that are not attached with anchor bolts.
On page A5.0:
4.Second Level Floor Plan - Indicate on the plans the required holdowns to develop the tension
loads noted in the provided structural calculations at each end of the shear walls designated 5,
7, and 2.6 to guide proper review, installation, and inspection. The holddowns at each end of
the braced walls designated 2.6 along the traverse braced wall line 2 - the south wall of the
Master Bathroom, and designated 7 along the traverse braced wall line 3 - the north wall of
Bedroom 2 and the stairwell appear to be missing. The provided structural calculations
submitted on February 22, 2013 also indicated holddowns at the end of braced walls designated
1 and 5, along longitudinal braced wall lines 1 and 2, yet no holddownshave been added.
The tension loads noted at those locations appear to be larger than that accommodated by base
plate anchorage. Please clarify.
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