2013-0226 Magnuson remodel-addition .pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: March 18, 2013
TO: Willard Magnuson
FROM: Chuck Miller, Plans Examiner
RE: Plan Check: BLD2013-0226
Project: Magnuson remodel-addition
Project Address: 423 2 Avenue N
During a review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can be
found on the plans, cloud all changes on the revised plans, and submit the revised plans/documents to a
Permit Coordinator. Thank you.
General Notes:
1.Indicate on the building plans the proposed location of the natural gas fueled fireplace noted on
the building permit application. The fireplace could not be found on Sheet 9 Proposed
Remodel Floor Plan - of the submitted construction documents.
On Sheet 4c:
2.The removal of the existing 7.0x3.0 window in the Attic Storage (also noted as bedroom over
garage and attic bedroom on Sheet 9) will result in that space no longer being able to be used
as a sleeping room. It will no longer have the required emergency escape and rescue opening per
On Sheet 6:
3.Clarify the span of the existing 2x6 rafters after the removal of the framing members to create the
vaulted ceiling. The rafters appear to be over spanned and will fail when subjected to the
design snow load. Even when originally constructed, the 1955 Uniform Building Code
prohibited 2x6 rafter spans beyond 10 feet 11 inches (using Douglas fir).
4.Indicate the insulation method or materials to be used to place R-38 insulation in the allowable
space of a 2x6 rafter. The required 1 inch ventilation clearance per R806.3 (and per most roof
covering product manufacturers) leaves little room for the installation of most commonly
available products to achieve that level.
On Sheet 8:
5.Indicate on the building plans the required dwelling/garage fire separation per R302.6. Either the
demising wall between the spaces must extend from the foundation to the underside of the roof
sheathing and be covered with ½ inch gypsum wallboard OR the ceiling of the garage must be
covered with ½ inch gypsum wallboard in addition to the surface of the wall separating the
6.Indicate on the building plans the required minimum footing depth of 18 inches per R403.1.4.1.
7.Indicate on the building plans the required 24 inches of R-10 insulation and the thermal break
between the slab edge and the foundation wall per WSEC 502.1.4.8 and Table 6-1 footnote #6.
Placing the insulation within the perimeter of the foundation wall would also meet the
requirements of both.
On Sheet 9:
8.Indicate on the building plans all of the required beams over each window and door opening used
to support the roof loads when framed as proposed on Sheet 6. While some of the existing
beams may still be sufficient for unchanged openings, those beams and the beams over added or
relocated openings need to be shown to guide proper review, installation, and inspection.
9.Indicate on the building plans the proposed use of the space over the existing garage. The
removal of the existing 7.0x3.0 window in the bedroom over garage or attic bedroom (also
noted as Attic Storage on Sheet 2) will result in that space no longer being able to be used as a
sleeping room. It will no longer have the required emergency escape and rescue opening per
R310.1 see also review note #2.
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