20130429111353525.pdfSEATTLE TANK SERVICE L|CENSE#SEATTTT012O4EXP: 10/21/201A P0BOX 31518 ICC LICENSE # 5050840 SEATTLE, VVAS8103 C|TYL|CENSE# NR016802 206-038-2280 SITE PLAI iEITING OIL TANK DECOMMISSIONIN* JOB SITE ADDRESS: 1001 MAPLE STREET, EDN1ONDS WA 98020 OWNER: JEFFREY HART PHONE: 200-878-0811 / 200'909-2896 Foam A'// Pump and clean one 300 gallon underground heating oil tank. Fill with STRUCTURAL u�~�! FOAM Cut orremove vent and filler pipes and cap them permanently below grade. Pump out one gallon underground heating oil tank. Excavate and remove, u�~�| back fill hole and properly dispose oftank. 33