20130718112858992.pdfCity of Edmonds 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building > Engineering BLD20130523 WA 98020 e (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us Engineering Plan Review Comments Permit Application #: BLD20130523 Date: June 28 2013 Project Name/Address: Mathews — 636 Dayton St Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail: Randall Munson — randy.munson@comcast.net Reviewer: JENNIFER LAMBERT Division: ENGINEERING During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: www.edmondswa.gov under City Government / Development Services Department/ Engineering Division then scroll down to Handouts: SITE PLAN 1) As changes are made to the civil drawings, please revise the Site Plan to be consistent. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY PLAN GENERAL 1) Please label the Civil drawing as Drainage/Utility/TESC Plan. It the plan becomes unreadable the TESC drawing may need to be on a separate TESC Plan. 2) Please add a general notes section (example provided). 3) Please add a construction sequence section (example provided). 4) Please add a note to the plans that state the existing utilities will be removed and/or capped under the demolition permit BLD20130522. TESC 1) Please replace the silt fence detail and add the City's Standard Detail E1.1. 2) Please show where the construction entrance is to be located and reference the standard detail E1.2. 3) Please add a note that filter socks will be added in catch basins downstream from the construction site and as needed per E1.3. DATE E-MAILED 6/28/2013 PAGE (1) City of Edmonds BL D20130523 2 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 > (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www 6edmondsma.us PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building e Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments SEWER 1) Please show the proposed sewer line from the main to the house. a. If you intend to re -use the existing sewer later, please add the following note: "If re -using the existing sewer lateral the condition must be verified by City's Public Works Dept. Contact Edmonds Sewer Division 425-771-0235".. Please also note that the lateral must be 6" to re -use. b. Please show all invert elevations at the cleanouts and at the connection to the main, Please show the 6" cleanout (with 12" cast iron lamphole cover and t/2" hexbolts) at the property line. d. Please show a cleanout within 2' of the house. e. Please note what pipe material will be used for the sewer. 1) Please show the proposed water service line from the house to the meter. 2) Please provide the depth of the water service line so that cover and separation from the infiltration system can be verified. 3) Please note what pipe material and size line will be used as well as noting that tracer wire will be added to the water service line. 1) Please add the impervious surface chart as shown below. a. Please make sure that all impervious surfaces (both driveways, patios, roof line, etc.) are included in the new regulated impervious surfaces calculations. The grasscrete driveway is considered impervious but mitigated by installing a permeable driveway instead of an impervious driveway. I've attached the city policy for permeable pavements. DATE E-MAILED 6/28/2013 PAGE (2) City of Edmonds 1215 TH AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering I: N 17►WkiI Y►�TG� WA 98020 < (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: www.ci.edmonds.wa.us Engineering Plan Review Comments Line Type Area (square feet) 1. Non -Regulated Exempt Regulated 2. Replaced 3. New (Post 1977) 444444444 + 4 Total Regulated Impervious Area = Mitigation required if in excess o 2000s 5. Total Area Mitigated by Existing Stormwater Management System(s) - 6Regulated Area Not Yet Mitigated = 7Area Proposed to be Mitigated by Low Impact Development Techniques = 8jArea Proposed to be Mitigated through Conventional SWM Techniques = 2) All impervious areas shall be collected and discharged to the stormwater management system. a. Please show how the stormwater runoff form the south driveway will be collected and discharged to the stormwater management system. b. Please show how the stormwater runoff from the patio will be collected and discharged to the stormwater management system. 3) Please provide a design detail of the grasscrete driveway for review. See the permeable pavement policy for requirements. 4) Please add a profile detail to the plans for the construction of the grasscrete driveway. 5) The infiltration system must be 5' from the grasscrete driveway. Please revise accordingly. 6) A covenant is required if grasscrete is to be used as a form of stormwater mitigation. Please see the attached covenant to be completed and submitted to the City for review prior to recording. 7) The infiltration must be 5' from property line and right of way. Please revise the plans accordingly. 8) The depth of the infiltration system used in the Hydrology Model differs from the infiltration detail. Please revise the plans/report to be consistent. 9) In the Drainage Letter, it states that the infiltration trench with the following dimensions was calculated: 40'x4'x4', however, the modeling uses 50'x4'x0.8'. Please review and revise as needed. DATE E-MAILED 6/28/2013 PAGE (3) City of Edmonds BLD2O130523 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX (425) 771-0221 Website: wwwxLedmondsma.us PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering Engineering Plan Review Comments 10) Please note that the City has not verified the size of the system since the impervious surface calculations were not submitted. The City will review once the calculations have been submitted. 11) Please provide invert elevations for the roof drains at the house so that proper cover can be verified. 12) Please show where the footing drains will outfall to. If they are to discharge to the stormwater management system, please revise the drainage calculations accordingly. DRY UTILITIES 1) Please show the location of the dry utilities (power, gas, phone, etc.) so that separation can be verified. 2) Please add a note to the plans that all utilities shall be underground. Frontage Improvements /Driveway 1) Please add a note that the sidewalk, and curb/gutter may need to be replaced if it is currently damaged and/or does not meet ADA requirements. 2) The north driveway approach is currently 9'. a. The City's requirement is that the driveway approach must be a minimum of 12'. Please revise plans and impervious surface calculations accordingly. I Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans and associated documents with a written response to each item to a Permit Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 ext 1321 or by e-mail at Jennifer.lambertkedmondswa.gov if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. DATE E-MAILED 6/28/2013 PAGE (4)