20130911102409699.pdf11" Y 0 E 1-M 0 N D S m15th AVENUE NORTH °somowoa.wmoaouo~(4usrn'oxzo°FAX (4xsrn'ozo1 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT September 11, 2013 Kenneth Strong 1970384~'Ave VV Edmonds WA 98826 RE: |NV2013'0034 Work done prior topermit. Roof extension over driveway. Dear Mr. Strong, | am contacting you regarding a violation that remains to be taken core of. This is in regards to the roof extension from the garage over the driveway that isinthe setback. The conversation vvehad was to either obtain odemo permit orseek avariance. | believe you talked with planning concerning the criteria that must be met in order for a variance to be approved. |nyour case, the approval ofa variance isunlikely and not recommended. Please respond bvSeptember 2S mbvdoing 1of2things: 1. Obtain mDemo Permit toremove the structure. Requires application and fees. I. Apply for avariance. Requires application and fees. information can be found on our website: www.edmondswa Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your cooperation, Linda Thornquist ~ Permit Specialist City of Edmonds 425-771'0220 Cc: file ~ /ncogzoroCm6AuguaCl2` I890 ° SisterCdy- BeNuuu'Japau