20131017154321936.pdfffol -aim,01y, N!" �ffi 0110 Zo ME, 121 5 1h Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 Phone: 425.771.0220 ® Fax: 425.771.0221 - Web: www.EdmondsWA.gov DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT ® PLANNING DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE DESIGN REVIEW FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND DECISION Kimberly Winnie Marilyn Murphy Gina Janicek, Associate Planner October 17, 2013 Proposal is to remove two Japanese maple trees on the west side of the building and replace them with a laurel hedge. The Daley Park Condominium Homeowners Association (Daley Park) is proposing to remove two Japanese maple trees on their property (Attachment 1). Removal of these two trees would leave a blank area within an existing laurel hedge (Attachment 3). The applicant has therefore proposed to replant with laurel to continue the hedge along the west side property line (Attachment 2). C. Findings and Conclusions , V `�`11q" 10 , 04 1. Daley Park is located at 620 Daley Street in the 1'1111ii Multiple Residential (RM -1.5) zone in downtown 41f, Edmonds. This site is bordered by the public (P) zone to the south, single family residential (RS -6) across the street to the east, downtown business 111its" (BD5) across the street to the west, and multiple MINIMUM I residential (RM -1.5) to the north and directly adjacent to the east and west. J NOUN Nr= 2. Daley Park is a four unit building constructed in 1984, according to the County Assessor's AOMORI;, 811141111 1 /oo', "alf'(, /m,, V website. NAM M Page 1 of 3 Development Services Department — Planning Division 1 1215`h Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 1425.771,0220 All code citations can be found on the City of Edmonds website: EdmondsWA.gov File Number PLw20130055 Daley Park Landscape Plan 3. An arborist's report was not submitted with this application. The two trees appear to beingood health. 4. The reason provided for the proposed removal Ofthe two Japanese maples iSthat they provide shade tOthe west side vv8lkvv3y, which results in nn03S. Also, the applicant feels that the roots are beginning to impact a section of the walkway. 5. Japanese maples are deciduous while laurel is evergreen. R8p|8dDgthe low growing deciduous trees with an evergreen hedge will compliment the site year-round. 6. \tiSunknown why two low growing Japanese maples were planted in the middle ofolaurel hedge, but that i3what was approved with the original landscape plan from 1983 (file ADB -10-1983). 7. StaffdeSigO[8vievviS8D3d00iDiSt[ativ8"T«pe|"decisionpu[SuaDttOECDCChaOt8r . 20.01.083. F. Technical Review The Engineering Division has reviewed the proposal and has provided the following comments: 1.,Trees shall b8fell onto private property. 2. Vehicles and equipment shall be located onprivate property. Should itbenecessary toutilizetheCityhOhtofxvoytoperfornoanyofthiSvvVrkthecontrmctorshallopply for and obtain a right of way construction permit in advance of starting work. 3..The owner iSresponsible for keeping all debris onsite and preventing any silt -laden runoff from leaving the site and/or entering into the City storm system. G. Decision Based 0Dthe findings, conclusions, and attachments tothis report, staff finds that the design review for file number PLN2U13OO55is APPROVED with the following conditions. 1. Trees shall befell onto private property. 2. Vehicles and equipment shall be located nnprivate property. Should it be necessary to utilize the City right of way to perform any of this work, the contractor shall apply for and obtain a right of way construction permit in advance of starting work. 3. The owner isresponsible for keeping all debris onsite and preventing any silt laden runoff from leaving the site and/or entering into the City storm system. Page uv/» Development Services Department - Planning Division 1 121 51h Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 1425.771.0220 All code citations can oefound vnthe City mEdmonds website: cumonomvx.guv File Number PLN20130055 Daley Park Landscape Plan H. Attachments 1. Land Use Application 2.. Landscape Amendment Request 3. Landscape Plan I. Parties of Record 1. Marilyn Murphy— Daley Park, President: 620 Daley Street #1, Edmonds WA 98020. 2.- Kimberly Winnie — Daley Park, Secretary: 620 Daley Street #4, Edmonds WA 98020. J. Appeals Staff design review is a Type I decision which pursuant to ECDC 20.01.003.A is subject to judicial appeal. Type I decisions may be appealed by a party of record with standing to file a land use petition in Snohomish County superior court. Such petition must be filed within 21 days after issuance of the decision, as provided in Chapter 36.70C RCW. Page 3 of 3 Development Services Department — Planning Division 1 121 5th Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020 1425.771.0220 All code citations can be found on the City of Edmonds website: EdmondsWA.gov ity of EdrTionds Land L)se Application ARCILITEC]'URAL DESIGN REVIEW 01111MIMUMMEMEMMEM C(MIREIIENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT n CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FILE 11 /.6NF I HOME OCCUPATION DATE REC'I) BY I FORMALSUBDI VISION I SHORTSUBDI VISION E, E -3, REcEll"r 11 I I LOTLINE ADJUSTMENT HEARING DATH, I PLANNED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT I OFFICIALSTREF I* MAI, AMENDMEN'r c I I B I❑I c 1 111E p"STAIT PB HAD > I S,rjzEri.,r VACATION I I REZONE I SHORELINE PERMIT I V A I t I AN %/ REASONABLE USE EXCEV ION a%A n NRVAPUBLICREconbo PROPEirry ADDRESS OR PROPERTY OWNER PI IONE ADDRESS --- --- --- - --- 010, FAX 11 --------- TAX ACCOUNTR. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECFOR PROPOSED USE (ATFACH COVER 1, U-17ER AS NECESSARY) A0)1, A Cb Uw), 'ALI, 4�, I S T -FTf R NECESSAIZY)----..-- DESCRIBLHOWT1114IR .110, 4,i,� I, CODE'S I CO Eft LE FAX 11 A �4 WA, da if 'I lie undersigned aphalieant, and hiMier/its Irchs, and assigns, in consideration oil the processing Of the application agrees 10 release, indemnify, defend and hold the City of Edmonds Ilafilliess from any and all damages, including reasonable attorney's fees, arising from any action or infraction based in whole of, part upon false, Misleading, ilraCCUfatC Of illCOMPICtC illibrillatroll flunishud fly the applicant, his/her/its agents of, employees. By my signature, I certify that the information and exhibits herewith submitted are true and correct to the best of'my knowledge and that I aill authorized to file thisapplic"1711)(oll file [)el tilt 'ot'llie oNN,l)'cr as listed below. DA1 E Prop !:ty wric0s Atit'll I o'lo I -1111011 1, 7 , 7; 7 TY(I )0y ( - - the laws of 1110, State or -- ----- eel tit� under the penalty of perjury tilrdel Washington that the J (1110%Villg iS if fiUC aand Coiled Matellient: I have, authorized the above Applicant/Agent to apply ]or the subject land use riplAcatioll, and grant lily permission for the public, officials and tile sratTofthe City OfF'(11,101W.", to enter the subJect properly (ill (lie purposes oflr'rnspc,d�olla/d I)Ostill�pjff,, fife'lldant to (his application. SIGNATURE OF OWNER .. . .. ......__..DA I,'-. .-A ..... .. Revised on 8122,12 KIN-16-1/Affl, I �Tlr., "", 21 r ��F September 5,2O1.3 City OfEdmonds Landscape Amendment Request As secretary of the Daley Park Condominiums HOA at 620 Daley Street I am writing this letter to request permission for our HOA to have two Japanese maple trees on the west side Of Our building removed and replaced with a continuation of the laurel hedge that we have. These trees and the building west ofuxkeep this section ofourddevva|kinconstantshade,which results inmoss covering our sidewalk. There iaalso asection ofthe ddevva1kthat isstarting tobe impacted by the root system of the trees. Because of these reasons we are requesting your approval for the trees tnberemoved. VVewoo|duye|S4Certi8edArbohyt(PN'1641�)T/entKreeck,ofNurthmestArburiuu|tuneN2S'8O6' 6945) to rennove the trees. Thank yqu for your prompt response, Kimberly L Winnie, Secretary, Daley Park Condominiums FIOA, 620 Daley Street, Edmonds 98020 (kknk�!vI Wii(,i � �,425�38�S90 Marilyn Murphy, President Daley Park Condominiums HOA 425'7788621) Shannon Reed, Vice President Daley Park [bndom|niumoHOA 206-351, 7600) jackie"I'hornas, Treasurer Daley Park Condominiums 110A (i- I, lr;) � � 1 ) 1 1 1 1 i| 716-179'7327) O-9 a, 0-9 N I fro TIO 1A &I'TTACHMENT 3 us all ?5F all ----------- I fro TIO 1A &I'TTACHMENT 3 ?5F ----------- ............ I fro TIO 1A &I'TTACHMENT 3