2013-1105 Swedish Parking Garage.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: November 18, 2013
TO: Scott Harris
JRJ Architects
Email: sharris@jrjarch.com
FROM: Leif Bjorback, Building Official
RE: Plan Check: 2013-1105
Project: Swedish Parking Garage
Project Address: 7324 216 St. SW
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can be
found on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to a permit coordinator in the Development
Services Department. Thank you.
1.On the cover sheet please change the referenced codes from 2009 to 2012. Also, change
Washington Energy Efficiency Specialty Code to read Washington State Energy
2.The site address is incorrect in the title block of all pages except the cover sheet. Please
change the address to read 7324 216 St SW.
3.Show the emergency lighting on the plans. IBC 1006.1
4.Show on the drawings emergency signs at the elevator call stations complying with IBC
5.At detail F1/A2.0 change THIRD FLOOR LEVEL to read FIRST FLOOR LEVEL.
6.On sheet A2.2, the position of the callout for D1/A4.2 suggests a cross-sectional view,
however the view shown is an elevation view. Please either correct the callout reference,
or provide a cross-sectional view, as appropriate.
7.A 36 inch wide access aisle is required for pedestrian access to the stairwell areas, most of
which are immediately adjacent to parking stalls on both sides of these areas. When cars
are parked in these stalls there is insufficient width to provide the minimum access. Please
modify the plans to show a marked access aisle wherever this configuration occurs. IBC
8.On sheet A6.2 revise the section details to show a 12 inch minimum top extension of the
handrails at all stair runs. (Several details currently show 11 inch extensions.) IBC 1012.6
9.The construction of the parking structure, and resulting increase in the number of parking
stalls on site, necessitates an increase in the number of accessible stalls on site per IBC
1106. It is understood that no accessible stalls will be required or provided within the
structure itself, but that additional accessible stalls will be added elsewhere on the
property to comply with code requirements. Please provide parking calculations showing
the number of stalls on site, the number of required accessible stalls, and modify the site
plan to show the locations and signage for the stalls.
10.Please respond to the structural review comments by Beck and Associates dated
10/13/2013. Your response should be addressed to me.
11.Special inspections have been identified for the project. Please complete and return the
attached special inspection agreement formsone for Soils and one for Structural. These
may be submitted for review any time prior to the issuance of the building permit.
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