2013-1105 Swedish Parking Structure - Beck.pdf
October 13, 2013
Leif Bjorback
Building Official
City of Edmonds
121 5 Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020-3145
Subject: Swedish Parking Garage (Structural Only Review)
Permit: 2013-1105
Per your request, Beck & Associates has completed a review of the
structural only
drawings and calculations for conformance with the 2012 International Building Code
(IBC), as adopted and amended by the State of Washington and the City of Edmonds.
Our review of the plans and calculations indicates that corrections are necessary prior to
permit issuance. The applicant should address the following comments in itemized letter
format in addition to making corrections & revisions to the drawings.
1) The structural drawings need to specify connection requirements for proposed light poles
(reference architectural drawings).
2) The proposed structure needs to comply with the structural integrity requirements of ACI 318-11.
The requirements for structural integrity steel in two-way, unbonded, post-tensioned systems
were modified in ACI 318-08. The commentary to Section 18.12.6 states that the structural
integrity requirement can be satisfied by first placing the integrity tendons for the distributed
tendon direction and then placing the banded tendons. Plans should be updated to indicate the
sequencing of tendon placement in order to meet the structural integrity requirements of ACI
318. ACI 318-11, Sections 18.12.6
1) The geotechnical report is identified as a DRAFT. A final report is required to be
submitted for our review.
2) Please confirm that the PT slab design considers gravity support of the perimeter
masonry vehicle barrier (8/S6.2).
3) Reference page L34 of the calculations. It appears that a torsional irregularity exists
(Level 2, StaticX -5%, ratio = 1.225). Please address this condition. Update the
analysis and design to consider the torsional irregularity. Alternatively, provide further
analysis to demonstrate that a torsional irregularity does not exist. ASCE 7-10, Table
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October 13, 2013
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S2.2N Second Floor Level Mild Reinforcement Plan - North
4) According to the calculations (page PT159), the following reinforcement is required,
similar to that which is provided along grid 11.
a) Grid C-1 top reinforcement in the N-S direction is required to be (10) #5T x 10-0.
b) Additional bottom reinforcement (#4Bx15-0 @ 48 o.c.) running in the N-S
direction, spanning between grids B & C and located between grids 1 & 2, is
S2.2S Second Floor Level Mild Reinforcement Plan - South
5) According to the calculations (page PT159), (10) #5T x 10-0 are required at the
column located at grid H-1 (spanning in the N-S direction) similar to that which is
provided along grid 11.
S2.2N-PT Second Floor Level Post-Tensioned Framing Plan - North
6) According to the calculations (page PT61), the low tendon profile along grid A
between grids 2 & 3 is required to be 1-1/4.
S2.2S-PT Second Floor Level Post-Tensioned Framing Plan - South
7) According to the calculations (page PT159 & PT162), the low tendon profile along
grids 1 and 11 between grids H & J are required to be 1-1/4.
S2.3S Third Floor Level Mild Reinforcement Plan - South
8) Detail 10/S3.1, as called out at gird G-8, does not exist. Please coordinate.
9) All mild reinforcement and studrails not shown should be per S2.2S. The callout
currently references S2.2N.
S2.3N-PT Third Floor Level Post-Tensioned Framing Plan - North
10) According to the calculations (page PT91), (14) additional banded tendons are
required along grid C at the end spans (both ends). Plans currently specify (12)
additional banded tendons at each end.
S3.1 Structural Column Schedule and Details
11) Reference column SCC3 in the Concrete Column Reinforcement Schedule (4/S3.1).
The column vertical reinforcement and ties should be noted to extend to the top of the
ramp slab.
S6.3 Structural Steel Framing Details
12) Reference 11/S6.3. Provide an analysis for connection of the cantilever column
elements to the foundation (column base plate weld, base plate, anchor bolts).
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3) Special inspections are required on this project as specified in the General Structural
Notes. Identify the WABO certified special inspection agency that will be retained to
provide special inspection services. A list of certified inspectors can be found at
4) Geotechnical inspections are required on this project as outlined in the General
Structural Notes and the Geotechnical report prepared by Landau Associates. Please
confirm that Landau Associates will be retained to provide geotechnical inspections
and oversee the geotechnical aspects of the project.
Please contact me should you have any questions.
Douglas Beck, PE, SE
Beck & Associates, PLLC