20131217170132591.pdfFrom: Bjorbadk,LeK Sent: Tuesday, December 17,2Ol34:2OPIVI To: ThornquistLinda Subject: FW: Permit # BLD2013122; Bafus decking repair VViUyou please printthis and place inh|e"Than� From: Bjorback, Leif Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 20134:19 PM To:'GuyBafus@no|.com' Subject: RE: Permit # BLD2013122; Bafus decking repair Mr, Bahls' Thankyou forprovid1headditiona|informaLionabootthescopeofyourdeckpno�ect'Knovvinp,iheadua|squane footage ofthe impact'd area aUoNs usto at a more accurate va|naiion to ihe pojec1 Which trans|ates into a |ovver and moreapprop/iatepermit fee. TheadjustedfeeamountistheCityvviUprovideyouvvi�hz refundof$36S,|hovea|neadyini1ia1edthe requestinmyoHicetogetyour nefundprocessedandfonwardedtoyou, K8y apo|oQicsfmrany confusion or inconveniencethis may have caused I8/T2')jJrhoLk 8ui|din�OfDda| ("Hy of (42I)771-0220x1380 From: Sent: Friday, December 13,2O13 12:41 PM To- Bjorback, Leif Subject: Pannit# BLQ2013122; Bafus decking repair Dear Mr. Bjorback: {}npennit#BLD2O131222' 310 square feet of wooden decking is being replaced with composite decking material manufactured byAzek. Inc. The perimeter wooden railing is also being replaced by o composite rail kit manufactured by Timber Tech. This iejust omaintenance project onmnexistin8deok. Since the total permit fees paid tothe City ofEdmonds for this project were$G73.G0; there may have been some confusion that the entire deck structure was also being replaced which is not the case. |donot know ifthere was a clerical error incalculating the permit fee due hn anerroneous assumption that the entire deck itself was also being replaced. Apraviouo|y approved (1989) engineering drawing was submitted with the October 31.2O13. permit application. Annotations were made onthis drawing showing the scope of the decking/rail replacement project. The foregoing information should clear upany possible confusion.