2014-0238 Swedish ED - M&P (Rainbow).pdf
April 14, 2014
Mr. Leif Bjorback
Building Official
City of Edmonds
121 Fifth Avenue North
Edmonds, Washington 98020-3145
Subject: Swedish Edmonds Ambulatory Care Center
Mechanical Permit Review 01 2014-0238
I have received and reviewed the above referenced project for conformance with
the following codes, as adopted and amended by the State of Washington and
the City of Edmonds:
2012 International Mechanical Code (IMC)
2012 International Fuel Gas Code (IFGC)
2012 Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC)
2012 Washington State Energy Code, WAC 51-11 (WSEC)
The comments listed below only apply to the documents submitted with the
building permit application for the mechanical and plumbing reviews (medical gas
systems have not been reviewed):
1. All mechanical plans are required to be stamped and signed by a licensed
WA State engineer.
2. The Washington State Energy Code Compliance Forms should be revised
and resubmitted; The forms make multiple references to a sheet M300 which
is not in the plans; items are marked as not applicable but then there is a
sheet reference.
3. Sheets M2.01A through M2.02B: The plumbing floor plans are inadequate for
permit review: plumbing piping should be extended to all fixtures and pipe
sizes shown or referenced to riser diagrams.
4. On the plans, indicate the slope of the rainwater and overflow rainwater
leaders for size verification.
5. Sheet M2.03A: Roof drain callouts missing at gridlines A.5 and 4.
6. Sheet M2.03B: Roof drain callouts missing.
Rainbow Consulting Mechanical Engineering 336 NW 50 Street, Seattle, WA 98107 www.rainbowconsulting-me.com
Steven Rainbow, PE Phone 206.235.6002 steven@rainbowconsulting-me.com
Swedish Edmonds Ambulatory Care Center
Mechanical Review 01
April 14, 2014
Page 2 of 2
7. Sheets M4.01A and M4.01B: Plans are inadequate for permit review: provide
more complete plans with completed duct runs with grilles, registers and
diffusers, exhaust for spaces as required, and indication of fire, smoke and
combination fire/smoke dampers.
8. Sheet M4.02: Fire smoke dampers are shown but they do not appear to be in
the correct location. Other fire smoke dampers appear to be missing.
9. Sheet M4.02: FCU011 has a supply duct routed through a rated shaft.
10. Sheet M7.04: Provide total gas load, total equivalent length of the gas iping
system, and size the gas piping for both gas pressure options available to the
11. Sheet M7.04: Indicate pipe size of domestic cold water riser. Provide
pressure reducing valve on water supply.
12. Where are elevator shaft ventilation fans and relief air ducts shown on plans?
13. Are the stairwells conditioned spaces? No HVAC appears to be serving the
14. Provide plumbing domestic water riser diagrams and plumbing waste and
vent riser diagrams for review. Provide domestic water service sizing
calculation on the plans.
If you have any questions or require additional clarification on any of the items
contained in this letter, please email me at steven@rainbowconsulting-me.com or
contact me directly at 206-235-6002.
Rainbow Consulting
Steven Rainbow, PE
cc: Douglas Beck, Beck & Associates, PLLC, beckpllc@msn.com
Rainbow Consulting Mechanical Engineering 336 NW 50 Street, Seattle, WA 98107 www.rainbowconsulting-me.com
Steven Rainbow, PE Phone 206.235.6002 steven@rainbowconsulting-me.com