20140418123606118.pdfRECEIVED AFIR 07 2014 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (,',0(JNTER S'ubject: Leroy Saunders Residential �Iermit Application Located at 15911 74h Place W, Edmonds A;Plplicant/Owner Liability and Landslide Acknowledgmej To Whom It May Concern: 1, Leroy D. Saunders, applicant for a single family home to be located at the abo%" ;zddress, affirm that: I The permit submittal information regarding landslide hazard is accurate to the best of my knowledge, and I hold the City of Edmonds staff harmless from liability associated with reliance on such permit application submittals. All conclusions regarding landslide hazard are mine and those of my design professionals. I understand and accept the risk of developing in an area with potentially unstable soils and understand the required temporary and permanent erosion control and site maintenance issues associated with specific geologic hazards or conditions of the site that may affect slope stability over time. I will advise, in writing, any prospective purchasers of the site, or any prospective lesees of structures on the site, of the slide potential and on -going maintenance issues of the area and on the property. L ray D. Saunders 'o 11 _�e n racyA— I An WON 04"t% 0 rA woo 4w­ P C ,A A.o. 0 . . . ........ 113 1