20140509_moreinfo_PLN20140007.pdf`Ile. 13`x"
May 9, 2014
1215"' Avenue North, Edmonds WA 98020
Phone: 425.771.0220 ® Fax: 425.771.0221 - Web www, e dui and w, 1pa(. v
Joe Duvey
20507 W. Richmond Road
Bothell, WA 98012
Subject: Request for Additional hiformation
Lot Line Adjustment Application PLN20140007
Mr. Duvey,
Thank your for submitting additional information in response to the City' March 26, 2014 Letter of
Completeness and Request for additional information. Further clarification is necessary for the City to
continue review of the lot line adjustment. This letter retains the same number format as the March 16`x'
letter of completeness and new comments are included in rc� I. Please respond to the following so we can
continue our review:
1. Easements:
a. Drainage: The 15 -foot drainage easement along the western portion
of Parcel B recorded on AND 2185055 was granted to Snohomish County. The City of
Edmonds has a storm line located with that easement area. An easement for the benefit
of the City of Edmonds must be established for the storm line.
,l.la,ma You 1br aadlioall; Ulna, dra hiaage for the 1_,"u�y ant' 1;alrnaannds lnaaaara.vcn, alma
(`.°CIISC"pVVd; II 416."scrip1 wider 11,ask;:',mell�( 1�11'PMsiion not V"VNDV"U1bcr 3 mi °et t does, mA a&.G`VVrak:',1"y/
dusc,ribe dw a,aa.a'cmlc,aO. The a:1csb ;u ipflml aaHb , a.aa. elille11 a 15 'oo cas Yeln°uear�il`.
arrossa;,s Zhu wa:s*f dy p0kaann A aa10 11, the a.aaQa.uiller l 1s ml Goa.,at:ed m
ll aacc° 111. 1" c ana¢; anladaie F,a sa"Sann nl 1°mana6simil rna tc, dl
b. Access: llrldnraQa>aacd,
2. West Line: Pa rflanBly addr a , ,cd. The proposed new line in the northwest portion of parcel at
(N55`56'57'E 56.13ft) needs to be adjusted. It is understood that the proposed lot line adjustment
is intended to move the property line that currently runs through the existing residence. However,
the new lot line cannot make existing nonconforming setbacks more nonconforming pursuant to
ECDC 20.75.050.C.2. By angling this line, the setbacks for the residence becomes more
nonconforming (rear setbacks in the RS -8 zone are 15 feet). In order to remain compliant with
ECDC 2075.050.C.2, this line should continue west at the point where the existing line crosses
the existing fence at least to a point where the new line if angled down would maintain a 15 -foot
setback from the existing residence.
Chn , aQau�un k'd la:y'1 fiou ;: "'Is, aka,,pi�Aal ou 1,ah (,As '3 anu d 4 ayalaloraaauscd 06 ( a.�,aMnn�unaQa°nn4 naln�;a�daa Vta�y�va.a%a;.u`, ulw
1Fa1�,°ull alr,6ina� a ukylna:yn'o.ayan 1°11a�,e.a. 1 1Qaarara.; ppavk� lkrr�.n�n unhQaN,n��Qei. lullF.o�aa,rn uykaakRa.i�, �lrar 1a.ap<al ala=:;a,Nnlatta'rna
Coll an�alerQ ( /nIh tloaa naa6s^.d Ilot lunnPa;,.
Net and Gross Lot Area: TSlot: a adpddressa:;d:9. Update the gross and net lot area for each lot to take in
account the access easement for the shared driveway. It is also noted that on the current plans,
2,148 square feet was removed from the lot area of Parcel B. Only access easements must be
removed from the gross lot area. If the area deducted was for the drainage easement recorded
under AFN 2185055, this easement does not need to be deducted from the gross lot area of Parcel
B. While the title report noted AFN 24185055 was an ingress/egress easement and drainage
easement, the easement itself notes that it is a "perpetual easement for drainage only."
Pk° se p rove&,' flit nde:,t ko areas 661, Parcel / and p3� i ➢ud; ucva ,;ed Iflaauus on `dpudtir°.t :'b a, lily d kpkry
qu:ues(ion r -narks [Or die auel lot rauu°ca,
4. Parcel labeling: p"aark allly sdldr'd S,sed. Please revise the LLA documents so the labeling of the
parcels is consistent. Sheet 2 labels the properties as Parcel 1 and Parcel 2. Sheet 3 labels the
properties as Parcel 1 and Parcel 2. Sheet 3 labels the properties as Parcel A and Parcel B. The
note regarding moving the shed on Sheet 3 references Lot 1.
YOU 1`01aapcci,.ated 0)c patce, W)ek,, on Shecc 1 The m)tcl rcoa rding d is stlte d s,6H
Shed: There is an existing shed on Parcel A which is noted to be relocated within "Lot 1" at
correct setbacks. While this is noted on the "Before LLA" side of Sheet 3, the position of the
relocated shed is not shown on the "After LLA" side of Sheet 3. Please show the proposed
location of the shed after the LLA.
`) haaufla ymu thou° showing dp-�It" or die shed aafler fl,ac p.,1 A on S'iic(A "3 a uspcaa!<ilnp, Mdda flarc:°
agapheaant, i uunde'u•uadaauud iliac, d)c� d %Ndfl 11m,V x,, rclauiaac d on Panrc(,,q A, Ncisc., reviQ c(I the 11,A
doc VV"I[adl',a" k uv;col,dinga„ly'.
6. Signature Block for Planning: Please include a signature block for Planning
Division approval on the LLA documents.
7. File Number: 1'4ot aadd:ir s sed, Please add the LLA file number to the LLA documents,
According to ECDC, the above requested information must be submitted within 90 days (or
by August 7, 2014) of the application will expire.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 425-771-0220 or via email at
kerp uu �;ien �r)ednut,can( sod g }=c_aw .
kernen Lien
Senior Planner
Cc: John Skocilich, Property Owner
Mike Long, Western Engineers, Inc.