20140604155729461.pdfJune 3, 2014
Jennifer Lambert
City of Edmonds
1215" Ave N.
Edmonds, Washington 98020
Re: Building permit applications #BLD2043404
Site Address: 726 Sprague St.
Dear Ms. Lambert:
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The following are the locations of corrections requested by the you. They are
numbered the same as the original.
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1. Sidewalk has been revised.
2. Surface run off caught by catch basin #3 8z has been moved to end of alley.
Arrows show how water runs to it as well as the thickened edge per COE
detail 2.11.
3. The invert elevations of all 3 pipes have been added.
7. Footing drain has been connected to the outfall line of the detention system.
If you have any further questions please call or e-mail.
Thank. you,
Chris Mc( imiess