20140613165635661.pdfCITY OF EDMO4NDS=1J1rmAVENUE NORTH °Eom0NoS,VVA9DOZ0
PHONE: 42GJ71.O220°FAX: 425.771.O221°VVsy:
April 13D14
June 11, 2014
Randy Munson
Dear Randy,
I have again reviewed the above bui ding permit applIC Pla
can sign off on the permit, however, the followin or t a I di I
response and on updated plans with changes call out co ents i I
1. ta�inin �wall: Partially addressed. Please update Sheet A-1 to show "top of wall'
100ji and grade' spot elevations at 20'intervals along the length of the wall. 'Top
of Wall" and 'Bottom of Wall'are currently shown.
The proposed retaining wall shown on Sheet A-1 is located within required setback
areas. As a result, the top of the wall may only be 3 feet above original grade in those
areas. It appears as if portions of the wall may not satisfy this requirement (the plans
say "48high concrete wall mnaXirnVmm"). Please confirm and revise asnecessary,
adding original grade and top of wall spot elevations at 20' intervals along the length
ofthe wall.
2. Datum point: Addressed. OnSheet Ar1,please label the datum point used to
establish the height calculations and its elevation, actual or assumed.
I : Addressed. [)nSheet Arl,show the landing associated
with the man door onthe east side ofthe garage.
rellis/eave: The pr I proje s e0ffllred 20' stre;e
according to ECDC .0 1
o��N�i�notonemf�hc �/������. Tha��e0J�oesnot opyeorf�beshown
o0any ofthe building plans. Please verify and revise osnecessary.
On Sheet A-1, show the trellis/eave above the store doors to the 'Study' room.
5. : Addressed. On 5heetAr2, re -label "average grade e|evat|oD" as "average
original grade", "maximum ridge elevation" ao"maximum allowed height", and call
out which line is the "actual ridge e|eva1ion".
as well.
On Sheets A-2 nd A-3, he nort chimney appears to a b o u t 3 0 s q u a r e
horizontal section above the 25' maximum height limit. This would exceed maximum
nine square feet allowed iDthe chimney height exception in ECOC21.40.O3O.D.4.
Please verify and revise as appropriate.
7. Structural lot coverage: Addressed. OnSheet Ar1structural lot coverage isshown as
34.78Y6and right below that itsays "of lot arem34.42%y. The information onSheet A-
1.1calou|atesto34.78Y6. Regardless, with 3596being the maximum allowed for the R5
zones, was there consideration given toproposing a slightly smaller house inorder 10
allow some future flexibility for a shed or similar accessory structure? Beside the
garage, it doesn't appear that any of the other storage areas are directly accessible to
the outside.
All referenced code sections are available atthe following website:
Please submit three copies of your updated site plan (one being reduced size of 11 x 17 or
smaller) and two sets nfany updated sheets ofthe building plans. Please make all
submittals to a Permit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pm (8 am to 12
prnonly onVVgdnesdays). |fyou have any questions, please contact rneat(425)771-O220.
Mike Clugston, A|CP
Associate Planner