20140616120401438.pdf() Lovell-Sauerland and Associates, Ine
Z 19217 36th Avenue West, Suite 106
E H a I H E E A s 1 8 u R V E Y 0 R 8
I = = — Lviinwood. Washington 98036
Phone: 425-775-1591
Surveyors Engineers Planners Development Consultants
Jeanie McConnell
Engineer Division
City of Edmonds
Re: Engineering Permit Submittal (1St Review Responses)
This letter is to address the first review comments made by the Engineer Department on Ju-,-"
2nd, 2014. The numbers of the responses correspond to the comments on the review. 11
attempt to point out how and where the comments have been addressed on the attach
revised plans. I]
King County Site Improvement Bond Quantity 17'orksheet has been updated.
2. Reference to the City subdivision file number has been added above the COE approval
block (Sheets C1 to C6).
Ah "The Contractor shall be responsible to re -stripe the fog line and centerline, as
required, prior to project completion" has been added to sheets C1 and C6.
4. Phone and cable pedestal has been added at southwest corner of the parcel.
1. The telephone company has been revised to "Frontier".
2. The Fire Protection has been revised to "Fire District 1".
3. A demolition note has been added under the Notes section.
4. The General Notes has been revised to reference 2014 WSDOT standards.
1. The existing water meter will be reused for Lot 3, and relocated to the edge of the ROW.
2. The plan view has been revised.
3. The Notes section has been revised as follows:
a. Note #3 has been revised. This meter will not be used during construction.
b. Note #4 - Per the Contractor, fire sprinkler system is not required for the 3 -units
townhouse, a %" meter is sufficient.
c. Notes #9 
 have been added.
4. Topo line 106 has been revised to shown in bold line type.
1. Limits of sewer trench restoration have been added.
2. It has been confirmed that the proposed sidewalk ramp and landing at the north end of the
project does not conflict with access to the concrete pad on the neighboring parcel.
3. The WSDOT style of driveway approach will create more impervious area. The new
section and the existing section at the south end of the project do not look consistent. The
new sidewalk will be right under the overhead power line.
4. CAP — Corrugated Aluminum Pipe (16 gauge or better) has been selected as the detention
5. CB 2 has been labeled as the Control Structure.
6. The runoff from the driveway surface cannot be collected at the manholes provided as part
of the detention system. CB 5 equipped with oil/water separator will provide oil control
primary from driveway areas.
7. Frontage Improvement Section detail has been revised to include specifications for
roadway subgrade consistent with that stated in City Standard details E-2.1.4.
8. Detail E2.3 has been replaced with the current version.
9. The Impervious Areas chart has been revised.
10. Note 1 under Drainage Construction Notes has been revised.
1. Details have been revised to note that steps/ladder shall be polypropylene.
1. The gas service line has been revised.
2. The note pertaining to the %" water meter references note 5 on Sheet 2 has been revised
to note 4.
3. Comment has been addressed.
4. The locations of water service & meter for Lot 1, 2 & 3 have been revised per the request
of the Public Works Department.
5. Note #3 has been revised to read as "The Contractor shall be responsible for the sewer
tap and installation of sewer lateral within the ROW'.
6. The side sewer has been revised.
1. This sheet has been removed from the plan set.
This sheet has been renumbered as C6, and the sheet title has been revised to read as
1. Work area has been revised to include the sewer patch.
2. Traffic control plans have been revised to include "END ROAD WORK" signs.
3. "SIDEWALK CLOSED" sign has been added at the end of the existing sidewalk to the
south of the subject property.
4. Vicinity Map has been revised to include haul route, and renamed as Haul Route Map.
Thank you for your time and effort in this review. If you have any questions or need additional
information, please do not hesitate to call.
John Yuen