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Kristin Johns
City of Edmonds
12105 th Ave N.
Edmonds, WA 98020
Project Name: Flans B|oEntry &Carport
Project Address: 2Z40993'~PL. VV,Edmonds, VVA
Dear Kristin,
Itemized below isour response tothe review comments \nthe K}9/12/14>review for the
above referenced project. Our response appears in bold.
1. Site Plan:
a. September 12,D}14Comment: The setbacks still donot appear tobemeasured from
the property line, but rather from the edge ofthe payment this time. The edge ofthe
payment is not always where the edge of the right-of-way is, which is where setbacks
are measured from. See the attached aerial view ufthe subject property for mn
indication ofwhere the property boundary is. Also, please verify that the front deck
work was alike for like replacement and did not expand the deckany.
Refer to the revised site plan(SO.1) showing the existing cleckuet back from the
property line. |t|sour understanding that the current deck has the same footprint
amthe original deck. The existing foundation can still beseen beneath the current
deck, indicating that the current deck iaroughly the same size msthe original deck.
b. September 1I2014Comment: The site plan still appears toshow the dedkwithin
the required 7.5-fnotside setback. The structural plans (Sheet I2.1)submitted on
August 29,2014show the carport meeting the side setback. baportion nfthe
carport isbeing demolished and reconstructed tomeeting setbacks? Please clearly
indicate on the plan how the carport is going to comply with the required setbacks.
Refer Nmthe revised site plan (SO.1)for the location ofthe cat -port wall. The new
carport wall will heset 7.5-feetback from the property line osrequired. The
location ofthe new wall |salso indicated onthe structural plan.
HamElo Entry &Carpot
Comment Response
October 24,014
Page 2 of 2
The maximum structural lot coverage inthe RS'8zone is 35%ofthe lot area. This means that the
total area of the footprint of all structures needs to be included on the site plan so that we can
ensure they total 3596orless. The lot dimensions that you've provided are Q2'x113'yielding atotal
lot area nf9266square feet. Therefore, the maximum lot coverage for this site would be3243
square feet. Please include a breakdown of the building footprints for the house, entry, revised
carport, and back deck. The total ofthese areas (their footprints) should benomore than 3343
square feet. Please update the site plan with these measurements. September 12,ZO14Comment:
Please update coverage calculations asnecessary.
Refer to the revised site plan (SO.1) for structural areas and additional measurements. The
structural coverage area |s1Q8Oofand the total lot area is 9148sf(121^-6"x82'-0"). The structural
lot coverage is21%,which iabelow the allowable amount of35%.
Exist. Shed
70 sf
Exist. House
1170 sf
Exist. Back Deck
320 sf
Exist. Front Deck
60 sf
If you have any questions or comments regarding the responses to this review please do not hesitate to call.
1G Engineering
Gve8�,.Y Ven, PE, SE
2SO4thAve 5Edmonds, VVA9802O