20141119112944225.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS°1215yAVENUE NORTH °EoMowDS,VVA98U2U PHONE: 426J71.O23O°FAX: 4Z5.771.O221°WEB: DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING e BUILDING October 20, 2014 Randy Munson 0E: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS FOR PLAN CHECK#2014-O999 REMODEL/GARAGE AT1Q3l0SUNSET WAY Dear Randy, I have reviewed the above building permit application for the Planning Division. Before |can sign off on the permit, however, the following information needs to be clarified in a written response and through submittal ofupdated plans: ­,an/d,indicate its, elevation, whether -actual orassurn,ed-. The daturn must �e/,/and, w114 be-used ­for/ h/eiglyt-veriftcation at inspection, — OP 51 deck,, covered, wall(,, cover, d p, r h, (omeompieted, the proposed, addition/remodel must, be evaluated against the origirml vaftbt, not proposed Lot 2 of PLN20130059. On Sheet A-1, call out the setbacks of t1lo _garage,and_de,�k to the exi5tipg lot lines and calcul'atethe,structural, lot coverage, All referenced code sections are available here � ' azlv ' Pleosesubnnitthneeoopieoofyourupdatedsiteplanandtvvosetsofanyupdatedmheetsof the building plans. Please make all submittals tomPermit Coordinator, Monday through Friday, 8:0Oarnto4:3Opno(8:OOannto12:00pnnonWednesdays on|»). |fyou have any questions, please contact meat(425)771-OZ2O. ~~ Sincerely, Mike Clugston, AICP Associate Planner �? �