20141212173325100.pdfDecember 12,2O14
Associate Planner
City ofEdmonds
121St�'Avenue North
Edmonds, VVA98O2O
RE: Plan Review #2O14-1109(338111U4mAve. VV.)
Dear Mr. OuQston:
VVehave received the planning review comment for the above referenced permit and respond as
1. The corners have been moved aarequested and the height calculations have
been adjusted accordingly. The result isalowering ofthe average elevation by.O1feet from
340.86'to340.85.' | have provided three copies ofthe site plan reflecting the change.
2. Lines of Elevation: I have changed the elevation data on page A6 to show the correct elevations.
Please let meknow ifyou need any additional information o/clarifications. | can bereached at
Todd Echelbarger