20150115114319647.pdfJanuary lS,2O15 Michael Clugston City ofEdmonds 12I5mAvenue North Edmonds, VVA98O2O RE: PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS 21810 cm In response to your letter dated December 16, 2014, 1 submit the following: 1. only one permit is allowed to be issued prior to plat recordation, please make lot lthe allowed permit. 2. The engineer has checked the scale and reprinted the plans. 3. The house was moved back slightly 5othe porch i5Dnlonger iOthe setback. 4. Height calculations have been adjusted; the DlaXiOoUrn allowable height went f[oD0 114.90to114.86. | have updated the plan accordingly. Please let me know if you need any additional information. I can be reached at 206.920.3673. ToddEche|b3rge[