1o10oSunmnWay Edmonds, WA 98026-5331 mnyn@edohopim.cnm 425.7785400
Oty of Edmonds, WA
SubJect: BLD 2014-1165Heslop Hcmse Remodel
Dew Jennifer:
The responsescorrelate. with your commentletter dated U1/O2/z5:
A- Storm:
L [hait: the, format nequestcdbindudednnshee 4I03.
Z� Addhiona|floor area:
a. N|exbdng fOmndad*ware miUz(,�d fii the uonqletednennodeVaddbon,The new areas
will have new footings and theirefimeare induUedasnmmimpe�vkussurface area in
the cxkung&p/opmedhnpe/viousSuufzoeArea tah|eunsheet 41O2.
L A new site plan for your convenierwe has been created oin scheet A102 w show the n evv
impomiousareas added tothesite�
S. Fxisting garage is to remain with its walk in place, bUt JKIM Will be a new roof set on top of
these wa||o.Theexisting slab and foundation iotoremahn�nplace.
4, Asthe chart onA1UZoudinesthe new immeminuS area addedafter 19z6iaand Mill beless thon
S, Site Plan:
a. See sheeitA182"(hemroof outline isshown inthickdark |ines,
h, Noexisting foundation isdemolished. The new thneenew floor areas, (east between
grids DRK,west between gridsS�&.4`andwes bemueengrids 2 & 3),are shown on
A102 have new foundatiolIS Under thpm and he into the exisflng foundation as weH.
6 Driveway:
p� Driveway area has been r�,:Mse to show 710 sf. Perhaps commonsense can prevail in
the future, where such discrepancies as 10 sf, is not considered an infraction arid
necessitates acurm.�cdon. Asacount,ymeare increas�ng�yhecomingham sOrung to
the point that innovation and pogress are sliNed by Tegulations that provide m4flnwl
b� Me existing walkway isbeingrempvedand the imperviouscabu|ationsreflect this.
T Deck:
a. This has been removedfromthe dawingp.
8� UUikies
1, Utilities are nmmshown onthe drawings,