20150206094440667.pdfPSI 18105 Sunset Way iWIUMy 29, 2015 Jen Machuga AssociatEe Planner City of E&nonds, WA Edmonds, WA 98026-5331 tonys@adshapiro.com SUbject: BI D 2014-1,165 lieslop FICRIse Rernodel Dear Jew The responses correlate with your COMMet)t [EMer dated 1.2/11/14: VlA Ihaand dehvery 425.778.5400 1. Property fflvnensions: the R.'s directions and leng:ths have been rev�sed to natc.h the survey dated 2014-12-26 by'Tyee SUrveyovs, 2. Site Plan: a. An additional shte plan has beerr addecl to sheet A1,02 for YOUr converence with new line p,ypes. b, Site area shown on the drawings now snatch Ohe swvey of rei-ord case d fon this pros ect. c. Eve overhangs n-ratch those listed on ffitn builchng plans at 2'-.0" except at the west living roorn area, betw(-.en grids 3 & 4. cl, Topo lines wo shown and labeled at V indrements for nnore ;.-wcuiracy than 2'. I Setbacks: a. The deck on the east sHe of the house N. -is been renloved. b. Southern FIL has been labeled and the distanc-e of the south bufldkig face exceeds the 13'. 0" setback. 4. Nor n-conforrrdng condition: a. I he building official has given prelin,finary approval of the surinnrrwy oudlned on the doclumerits shomfing the arnount of tl ie retained building exceeds the 25% flu eshold. See sheet b. A second separatEe flOOr l)IMI has been included outlining the areas of existing vs, new constructior r. c' The floor plan o ioted in part b outhries the existing vs. now zo eas of consu uctit)rr. 5, 1 Beight Calculaflons: a T lie dallu n i Or I the IIEParhy fire hydrant has I)Een n(Aed err tire site pLiirr refeu r1ii g the survey noted above. b. The table has been revised to listthe numhers to the one hUrrdreds ijlace, c. The table has been revised to show the building is lower than 2S' high d. All bUilding Oevations show the niaximurn building Eflevation. 6, Lot coverage: the revised net lot coverage is shov/n on a separate area plan, See A102 Respectfully: ADShapi ' ro At, rft-etts', 115