20150217150348753.pdf2/13/15 2-12-2015 City of Edmonds Plans Examiner (Chuck Miller) 121 5th Ave., N Edmonds, Wa, 98020 Re: City Permit # BLD2014-1213 Corr. Letter Dated: February 9, 2015 Site add. 21810 86th, PI., W, Edmonds, Wa (Shaw Lane Lot 1) R & A # 14-194 To whom it may concern, The following is this office's responses to the latest correction letter for the referenced project. A2 & A5 item 1: See revised calculations and plans with shearwalls around openings shown. A3 & A6 item 2: See revised calculations and plans with shearwalls around openings shown . A4 item 3a: See revised calculations for beam 22,(max reaction is 7,129#),this load is transferring down a 24" minimum high stem wall and thru a 8" minimum concrete footing will be distributed over a minimum length of 2' + .67' +.67'=3.33', with a 1.33' wide footing allowable bearing is 3.33' X 1.33'X 2,000PSF =8,889# (greater than 7,129#). Therefore OK A5 item 4b: Thank you for catching this oversight, detail enclosed, however it is this office's opinion that if the City of Edmonds is issuing business licenses and building permits to contractors who do not know how to build 6" overhangs you have more problems than needing a detail on the plans. c: By others. d: This office does not specify manufactures, contractor may use RedBuilt RedLam LVL, TrussJoist Mircolam LVL or any other LVL manufacture with a minimum E value of 1.9 x 10*6 PSI, if contractor chooses to use MicroLam, manufacture provides details and specs on how to connect (2) 1.75" X 11.875" LVL's together to make them perform like a 3.5 X 11.875 LVL, which will also work. e. This office does not specify manufactures, contractor may use RedBuilt RedLam LVL, TrussJoist Mircolam LVL or any other LVL manufacture with a minimum E value of 1.9 x 10*6 PSI, if contractor chooses to use MicroLam, manufacture provides details and specs on how to connect (2) 1.75" X 11.875" LVL's together to make them perform like a 3.5 X 11.875 LVL, which will also work. f. This office does not specify manufactures, contractor may use RedBuilt RedLam LVL, TrussJoist Mircolam LVL or any other LVL manufacture with a minimum E value of 1.9 x 10*6 PSI, if contractor chooses to use MicroLam, manufacture provides details and specs on how to connect corr lett 2 2/'13/15 (2) 1.75" X 11.875" LVL.'s together to make there perform like a 3.5 X 11.875 L.VL, which will also work g: See revised calculation for beam 18, 18A and '1813 beam 18 shows 13' beam works as shown, beam 18A shows continuous beam works however it may have a maximum up deflection of 0.013" (deflection = L/3855) and require a tie --down at east end capable of resisting 1,719#, beam 1813 shows continuous beam no tie -down (cantilevered) with a maximum up deflection of .2" (deflection = L/520), meets code no change required. This office does not care if beam is continuous or (2) separate beams. In addition this office checked worst case reaction from beam (18, 18A or 1813) on door header supporting beam 18 (all variants), header and footings as shown are adequate to support all applied loads, see calculations. h: This office does not specify manufactures, contractor may use ReclBuilt RedLam LVL, TrUSSJOiSt Mircolam LVL or any other LVL manufacture with a minimum E value of 1.9 x 10*6 PSI, if contractor chooses to use MicroLam, manufacture provides details and specs on how to connect (2) 1.75" X 11.875" LVIL's together to make them perform like a 3.5 X 11.875 LVL, which will also work i: This office does not specify manufactures, contractor may use ReclBuilt RedLarn LMIL, TrussJoist Mircolam LVL or any other LVL manufacture with a minimum E value of 1.9 x 10*6 PSI, if contractor chooses to use MicroLam, manufacture provides details and specs on how to connect (2) 1.75" X-1 1.875" LVL's together to make them perform like a 3.5 X 11.875 LVL, which will also work If you require any further legitimate information or have additional questions please feel free to contact this office directly @ (425) 778-2793. Sincerely Wendell Reed, PE, CBO corr lett 2