2015-0246 Pinewood alteration-remodel - Dona.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: March 18, 2015
TO: Steve Dona Architecture
FROM: Chuck Miller, Plans Examiner
RE: Plan Check: BLD2015-0246
Project: Pinewood alteration-remodel
Project Address: 239111 236 Street SW
During a review of the plans by the Building Division for the above noted project, it was found that
the following information, clarifications, or changes are needed. A complete review cannot be
performed until the revised plans/documents, including a written response indicating where the
clouded or otherwise highlighted changes can be found on the revised plans, have been submitted
to a Permit Coordinator. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Engineering, or Fire, may
result in additional comments.
On the Residential Building Permit Application and provided construction documents Scope of
1.Clarify the existing square footage and use of the structure where the proposed work is to be
done. There are two structures on the property and the square footage and use noted on the
plans appears to be for the structure built in 1972. The representation of the work appears to
be within the existing single family dwelling built in 1958 and it appears to be the creation
of an additional dwelling unit. If your intention is to create an additional dwelling unit,
contact Jen Machuga, Associate Planner in the Planning Division 425-771-0220 x1224 or
jen.machuga@edmondswa.gov. Due to zoning restrictions, no dwelling units beyond those
already approved shall be permitted. Nothing in this permit application process shall be
interpreted as allowing or permitting the maintenance of any currently existing illegal,
nonconforming, or unpermitted building, structure, or site condition which is outside the
scope of the permit application, regardless of whether such building, structure, or condition
is shown on the site plan or drawing. Such building, structure, or condition may be the
subject of a separate enforcement action.
2.Clarify the difference in the square footage of the existing finished area of the basement
noted to be remodeled and that indicated by the Snohomish County Assessor. There does
not appear to have been any permits issued for the addition of approximately 272 square feet
to the existing to be remodeled.
3.Clarify the difference in the number of bedrooms and bathrooms in the structure and that
indicated by the Snohomish County Assessor. The proposed work appears to represent a
larger number of bedrooms and bathrooms than that currently recorded. Provide an
existing floor plan for both levels per the City of Edmonds Permit Submittal
On sheets A-2.1 and A-2.3:
4.Eliminate from the plans any references to the construction of a deck that is not included in
the scope of work and not represented on the construction documents.
On sheet A-2.1 Foundation Plan:
5.Foundation Notes Note #5 - Change the code section from R319.3 to R317.3.
6.Structural Engineers Notes Mark C Change the number of anchor bolts to be added
from 3 to 5 per the provided structural calculations.
On sheet A-2.2 Main Floor Plan:
7.Change the location of the proposed work identified in the Drawing Title, the floor plan
label, and the Floor Plan Notes from Main to Basement.
8.Window/Door Schedule Mark 1 Indicated the required safety glazing per International
Residential Code (IRC) R308.4.2.
9.Main (Basement) Floor Plan Notes Note #7 - Change the code section from R319.3 to
10.Main (Basement) Floor Plan legend Change the provided information to reflect that
determined in response to plan review comment 2 above.
11.Main (Basement) Floor Plan
a.Change the window mark for the window in the north bedroom from 5 to 7.
b.Indicate on the plans the required 100 cfm intermittent (or 25 CFM continuous)
minimum local exhaust for the Kitchen per IRC Table M1507.4.
c.Indicate on the plans (or relocate that indicated in the Entry) the required 50 cfm
intermittent (or 25 CFM continuous) minimum local exhaust for the Laundry per
IRC Table M1507.4.
d.Clarify the representation of what appears to be two water heaters in the closet of the
north bedroom. Unless directly vented or electrical appliances are installed, there are
very specific installation requirements that do not appear to be evident in the
proposed construction.
On sheet A-2.3 Upper Floor Framing Plan:
12.Upper Floor Framing Notes
a.Note #3 Eliminate the provided information or change it to reflect that found in the
Engineers Notes on the same sheet.
b.Note #5 - Eliminate the provided information or change it to reflect that found in the
Engineers Notes on the same sheet.
13.Upper Floor Framing Plan
a.Clarify the difference in the spacing of the existing floor joists and that required by
the referenced one-hour fire-resistance rated floor/ceiling assembly GA File No.
FC 5120.
b.Indicate on the plans the orientation of and support for the floor joists over the
Entry and Den to guide proper review, construction, and inspection.
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On sheet A-4.1 Assembly/Construction Details:
14.Detail 2/A4.1 Occupancy Separation Wall and Ceiling Assembly Details Remove the
word min. (minimum) in the sentence describing the attachment of the resilient channels to
the wood joists. It is not present in the Gypsum Association Fire Resistance Design
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