20150326172108023.pdfMcCoruiell, Jeariie
From., McConnell, Jeanie
Sent: I'lluisday, I'March 26', 2015 5:17 [IM
'ro: Jeff Vehis (jel'I'vet-,ii,s@fi-oritier.(.-oi),i)
Cc: Licn, Kcrne�n
Subject- pin20140039 - Vehrs SP
Attachments: ROW I�eri)-iiL.-Al,)plicatioii.pdf; llerf.Bonding.VVith Letterhead- 1.9.12.pdf; Perf.1'"roz.With
C_iood evening.leff,
1he civil plans for your SLibdivision project: have been approved! Issuance of the plans is pending acceptance of the
ROW perrnit application (eng201 60115) and payrnent of j,')ern'ii[ fe�e in the arrrOUrlt of $295. pi..,,k@flon
2. Payrnenit of inspectiorr fees in the amount of $4465.20
3. Performance bond in the arnount of $135,309.00 For all site improvements OR $96,231.00 for- ROW &'"FESC only.
b"'rnd fc�iu rI NVId (-jncflf1C1 OCIMPE1,11y ars; .afi cdhi, s1
The civil constwdi0r) plans note the following as deferred submittals:
Traffic Control Plan (1'he pian subrncUed care '30 712(1 5 SfiH Ct have aH of thie recpii ed kn forn-tation
Fiave, ycx,ir contnaclo[ si"Ibrnkl a! lrafkic corufi(,)l paru with F?,1DVV �,�x�rfnt appkicakon,)
Encroachment permit for retaining wall in City ROW. Encroachment agreement to be recorded at same time as
subdivision. (A jx; idk',ri of wzlfll C"'nCmac1-mS into the (,,i�[y R()WE:rA thetefore �1
encl oa(A ln-lelfl perm nit is 11 ,raqlAii ec'j For tNs wz�'111 fhis V'J11 not ho'k] up oar, uaine'E", 014: yOLW (JVH )[@[IS, [Adt We neecl to
deal wrth it ch iu hig 11 iie reN/k,,,w cif alae, recorcflig do(,,,urmsn[s.)
You left me a message asking for the next steps,. -]"he above information Should help you with that, but I'll spell it out a
little more here:
1) Civil plans need to be issued.
a. The iterns, above need to be taken care of prior to civil plan issuance, or as noted.
b, If you want to post a bond so you can record the short plat prior to actually constructing all of the
required improvements please post a bond for $96,231.
2) Once the civil plans have been issued you can submit Your final recording docs to receive final short plat
approval and ultirnately record the short plat into 3 legal parcels.
a. The application fee is $1300.
b, Please submit a title report current within the last 30 -days.
c, Please refer to handout P73c Final Plat Review (ignore the fees noted in the handout) further -
describes this process. You can also contact Kernen if you have any other, questions related to final
j e, ;,i n i e IM c Cl o m t n e I I Frigineering Progr'atn Kwiager
42 5' -7 7'1 () 2 20, e)�,' t 1 tat 1