/'A�p-Rll'�.fl.I�Ii�HA'tJ. `1 A�
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I?1'la' to Wanva q!'!r pel'urit, t!I!s foal)111nsY he complete!l tt1 irs' ell6rely to the Cltt£for
crt�lu'vrlrll, The must g1'ackil011'leilglnent !it! rr!! prrrtles,
sLecisll tns>rc(iu11]?irin nnd'ut�eriallnst7uLkdorst, _.
The Special Inspection Mvi of �' SetElQt9 40.96) C_ ; will perrornl special
inspection Col. the lollowing types orsvork (sepamw Nvi s must be submitted if afore flim£ one lira) is to be
Site wowing " Strilclural Steel noon;,
All individnal inspectors to LIU onlployed on this 1lioject will bu WAIJO cortiflod for (tic iypu of %vork dw.Y ore to
inspect, if inspection i;, Iol• work that is not covered by the bYAHO cat genes, w than iuspwr.tnr is urlt WAHO
ccrtilied, it drt.tiled resuniu or tho i£rspcctov and firm loin,) be :atbminewd. Tll'' re;tlnito nnn i choly that (ho
inspector and the Firm are. cfuallfied by o(kiwi iuit and ImI)vrielicC h, pol,kirnl the .:este. and testing squired by Ibr.
prof' it ciesilm and spncific:ation5.
71lo work shall be inspected for coil Corolance with tile plans and spccificidions opilroved by the City. Revisions
ad o(hlendn cheats wiD not he used for inspee(ion, unless they, have: been apprcived by the City. Inywedon
records sltali hwhicic:
A, dally mcord to be Ina111ta111e(I an We, itemizing To inspections pmIlortned. Any nonrnnArnt g work
:h£tll be broug ht to the immediate auelitinn of the contrntor For lesob.uiuu.
A weekly report shall be silbmitled 0 the City; delta MY TO inspections and lusting pl-rlill•med, listing
any nonwntorming wort( and resolution oflioucontiminifig items,
A final risimi shall be S Wifilll'•d to the building department prior to the Certifiente of occupaneyr being
issued, This report will in(l ow flat inspection and testing was C0111plV1. d in C011F0£•111allCC will file
appwvud plans. sp(:cilicafions and approved revisions w addendo. Any unresolved discrcpnncies must
be detalled in the final report.
The conlral:Wr chid) provide the s mWW inspector or agency £ldequtile notiItort Ito of work requiring inspection.
The Cite approved plan and speeifielitious must be sande available, at thojobsito for the use of the special
inspector £incl to City inspowor. The contraewr shall nulintoin all daily inspection reports, on site, for review by
all pnrties.
The special inspection functions art: considered to be in addition w the normal iuspcclium perlbrmucl by th(1 City
and the Contractor is responsible Ir confaCti g the Cite to schedule regular inspections, No concrete shall be
pomwi or other work covered until npprov£ll is given by the City inspector,
I1tibMSY15DEP'I'PSWAkfmgltlm£duttis InISM1i0Icy (:Itucldinspecllon5t iti tial (asp oiou and wtin!, aywi onl COI?.doc312012013
Buildium Department:
The building department shall review any revisions mud addenda. The, City inspector will monitor ilia special
ilspeotion tunetions for compliance with the agreement Aid the approved plans, The City inspector shall be
respansibic for approving various stages of construction to be covered told for work to proceed,
DesJ r� T'lroYessJ_onslls_:
The architect And/or engineer will clearly indicate On the plans and specifications the specific types of special
inspeetian required and sboli include a schedule for hlspection and testing. Tile nrchitcot and/or enginccr will
coordinate their revision and addenda process ill such n wily ns to ensure that all required City approvals tire
obtained, priorto work shown on the revisions being performed in file field,
The proicet Owner, or the architect or engineer acting 11.1 the Owners agent, shall erliploy the special inspector w•
A failure of rho special inspector or firm to perfol'111 ill Keeping with the requirements of the THC, the approvcd
plans and this docmnent, may void dais agreement and die Building Official's approval of the special inspector.
Jn such a ease 11 ileiv special inspector and/or firm vVoull need to be proposed for approval. A failure of the
design and/oreonstruction parties to perforin in accordance with this agreement 11111y result in 11 STOP Word"
notice boirig posted on the project• until nonconforming items have bcon resolved.
I have read laid agrcr to comply will) the to nls and conditions of this agroomenl.
Glenn Safadago G�Sa
OtvnFr: Sicuature le;m _ f_ Itfc 3!24315
Contractor: t%t� lr ,j 4c ,7 ;' Sif ntitttrc�- - - -- .. _ Date:
t){'�,t7;.�i� -) 1"t,�1i: TC", ,4 •; LLL
Arch.JG1g: tf < l'":Arial,, tY r" "k, i Siglrature ` ., _ i� ;t Date: Z3 J/."
Speoilil incl} _G�llnuturc � ��1;�{c.; / '
Spwial tilsp. Ag lley_
!i m
Hy: -- W� \ ® . Date-3,
1nEDt tSVm•13GPTI SU1uildingStlnndouis hd'ormntion by Cbnek\iuspcelionslspectnl (nspedimr and Iesliug abTeement COE,doO1201201 S