20150513110738446.pdfMay 12, 2015
Linda McMurphy
Water Quality Technician
City of Edmonds,
Public Works
121 5t" Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020
Dear Ms. McMurphy,
burgess design I interiors 0 architecture
In response to your letter dated April 17, 2015 we are providing the following information. Below
please find the text of your comments followed by our response in italics.
"Must have premise isolation in hot box @ meter with a reduced pressure backflow prevention
assembly. Please show on plans."
Relsj,,)onselAbove requited noft,,"s in(,ficated on sheet A.2A, 1,
Thank you very much.
Randy Morgan
Architect of Record
1326 Fifth Avenue, Suite 400. Seattle Washington 98101 T: (206) 587,7120 F: (206) 587.7122