2015-0530 Fortaleza (Alcazar,AIA).pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: May 26, 2015
TO: Fortaleza WL LLC
FROM: Andrew Gahan, Plans Examiner
RE: Plan Check: BLD2015-0530
Project: Tenant Improvement
Project Address: 123 2 Ave South
During a review of the plans by the Building Division for the above noted project, it was found that
the following information, clarifications, or changes are needed. A complete review cannot be
performed until the revised plans/documents, including a written response indicating where the
clouded or otherwise highlighted changes can be found on the revised plans, have been submitted
to a Permit Coordinator. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Engineering, or Fire, may
result in additional comments.
1.Please justify the use of an occupant load of 15 ft per person in the concierge.
2.Clarify the use of the room east of the wine storage. It appears the door at floor level and
the door at the top of the stairs both lead to the same space.
3.Justify the use of the sliding door considering IBC 1008.1.2. Additionally, please provide
specifications and details of the operating hardware proposed pertaining to the sliding door
from the concierge to the corridor.
4.It appears that the wine storage space will be converting from a B occupancy to an S-2
occupancy resulting in the need for fire separation. Please specify a listed assembly to
provide the fire separation required at the walls separating S-2 occupancy from B occupancy
and from any corridor. Reference IBC Table 508.4.
5.Similarly, please provide the listed assembly used to provide fire separation between the
corridor and the storage and concierge spaces.
6.Please provide the occupancy and uses for the spaces directly above and directly below the
area of interest regarding.
7.Provide specifications and/or details regarding the lateral braces proposed at the top of the
8.Specify the anchors proposed to be used at the corners of the storage cabinets including the
size, material and depth of embedment.
9.Please provide the anticipated weight of each cabinet within the storage space.