20150629170821583.pdfJune 29,2015
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Scott Schheber
PoBox 1465
Edmonds, WA 98020
761Daley St.
Edmonds, WA 98020
RE: Demo Permit BLD2O14'O348EXPIRED without obtaining inspections.
Scott Schhebe/&Janette RonquiUo
Please obtain a new Demo permit for the house and garage at 20621 Maplewood Drive. This permit
expired without obtaining the necessary inspections.
The garage cannot remain unthe property. |tisnot considered aprimary structure. You cannot have an
accessory structure without aprimary structure.
VVewill need your application and fees bvJuly 9th ,IO1l |fnot received bvthat date, the matter will be
forwarded toCode Enforcement and penalties may beaccessed.
Thank you,
Linda Thornquist
Senior Permit Coordinator
City ofEdmonds 425-771-O22O
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