20150702102806548.pdfRe: Mipstate Job#0472
Mietzner Brothers Properties LLC
Site Address: 20607 85th Place W
Edmonds # BLD2015-0376
3. Foundation/Basement
a. Clarify the difference in the location and the length of the shearwalls along the
east wall of the'Bonus/Red Room' and of that indicated in the provided structura
The wall lengths/contributing foundation lengths at wall line C along the back of the
structure correlate directly to those lengths shown in the structural calculations
package on sheet 52 If the floor plan submitted differs from that shown on the
attached red man( sheet, please notify this office.
4. Detail 4 — Typical Cantilevered Foundation Wall — and Detail 7 — Top Restrained
Foundation Wall — Provide stamped and signed structural calculations (referencing the
currently adopted code version) supporting the foundation wall designs. They appear to
bC....yond the prescriptive criteria of the IRC R404.
Please find attached details and supporting calculations for the typical foundation
required for this project.
R 1113 MMMMM
9. Provide on the plans a stamp/acknowledgement by the engineer of record for the non-
prescriptive design work represented.
Should there be any questions or comments please contact our office or ask the guy in the office
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