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I N C O R P O R A T 4 O
Geotechnical & Earthquake
Engineering Consultants
September 18, 2014
File No. 07-055.100 RECEIVED
15701— 75th Place West COUNTER
Edmonds, Washington 980264521
Subject: Geotechnical Evaluation
Proposed Grading
15701— 75'h Place West, Edmonds, Washington
Dear Mr. Caryl:
As requested, we are pleased to present this letter summarizing our geotechnical
evaluation for the subject lot. This letter presents the results of our evaluation and
provides our geotechnical recommendations for the proposed grading planned for the
west side of the residence.
We previously prepared a letter dated April 11, 2007 providing geotechnical
recommendations for the construction of a patio in this same area. The patio was not
In preparing this letter, we met with you on-site to observe the current site conditions,
reviewed the proposed grading plans and other improvements, and reviewed background
geologic and geotechnical information for the site and vicinity. Our review included
published literature regarding the project site, including summary logs of previous
borings and test pits in the vicinity of the site maintained by the Washington Department
of Natural Resources(Ilttl s: fl l tes w r .'OV/ nr/ ,cola / Fhejn� subsurl , and the
North Edmonds Subsidence and Landslide Hazard Area Summary Report, Edmonds,
Washington (Landau, 2007).
Our services are provided in accordance with the attached General Conditions.
3213 Eastlake Avenue East, Suite B
Seattle, WA 98102
FAX (206) 262-0374
Mr. Van Caryl
Geotechnical Evaluation: 15701— 75th Place West, Edmonds, WA
September 18, 2014
The subject site is located at 15701 — 75th Place West in Edmonds, Washington. The site
is located in a geologic province known as the Meadowdale Landslide Complex, which is
an ancient landslide or paleo-slide. The subject site is situated between 75th Place West
and the steep slope that defines the eastern edge of the landslide complex. This area is
identified as being within Zone B of the landslide complex (Landau, 2007) which has a
potential for large scale slope instability and localized small scale instability. As a result,
we understand the City of Edmonds is requesting a geotechnical assessment to evaluate
the potential impacts of the proposed improvements to the site stability.
The site contains an existing two story, lightly loaded wood frame residence constructed
in 1973. The site and surrounding area slopes down from east to west and the residence
is benched into the natural sloping grade, with the lower level comprised of a daylight
basement. Plates 1 and 2 provide an overview of the site conditions.
At this time it is planned to remodel the interior of the existing residence to create an
accessory dwelling unit comprising the lower, daylight basement level of the residence.
In order to provide access to the lower unit, it is planned to install a door at the location
of a framed window opening on the west side of the residence. The door will require
permanently lowering grades on the west side of the residence by excavating to a depth
of two feet at the west edge of the residence. The depth of excavation will taper to match
existing grade to the west. Approximately 45 cubic yards of soil will be excavated and
removed from the site.
07-055.100 15701 -75th Ave W Page 2 PanGEO, Inc.
Mr. Van Caryl
Geotechnical Evaluation: 15701 — 75th Place West, Edmonds, WA
September 18, 2014
Plate 1: View from southwest portion of site toward Plate 2: Area of yard on west side of houe where
northeast. Existing residence is in the central portion grades will be lowered. Excavation will extend from
of the photo. two feet deep at house tapering to match grade on
right side of photo.
The excavation and soil exporting is expecting to take one day to complete.
A cantilevered second story deck is also planned for the west side of the residence. No
new foundations are planned to support the deck.
As part of our study, we returned to the site on September 9, 2014 to conduct a
reconnaissance of the site. The existing residence is situated about 90 feet east of the 75th
Place West right-of-way, with the basement floor about 15 feet above the grade of 75th
Place West. The grade between the residence and the street is terraced; see Plate 1 above,
with an approximately 20 foot wide level lawn area immediately west of the residence.
At the edge of the lawn is a 10 to 12 foot high slope with a gradient of 50 percent. At the
toe of the slope is relatively level gravel parking area at the elevation of 75th Place West.
East of the residence is an approximately 20 foot wide level yard area, which is bordered
to the east by an approximately 40 foot high slope that ascends to the east at a 50 to 80
percent gradient.
07-055.100 15701 -75th Ave W Page 3 PanGEO, Inc.
Mr. Van Caryl
Geotechnical Evaluation: 15701— 75th Place West, Edmonds, WA
September 18, 2014
In general, the project site and its vicinity are underlain by a sequence of glacial till,
advance outwash sand and gravel, and fine-grained silt and clay. The steep topography
and the presence of groundwater at the sand/gravel and the underlying silt/clay contact is
often the triggering mechanism of past slides.
We understand the residence was constructed in 1973. Observations made during our site
visit suggest that the site has been stable at least since the residence was built, a period of
41 years. Although one minor crack was observed within the concrete stem wall on the
north side of the building, the crack pattern suggests that it was caused by foundation
settlement at the northwest building corner, and is not related to slope movement.
Although the site appears stable at this time, and has been stable since at least 1973 when
the residence was built, the potential for future ground movements cannot be dismissed
because of the site geology, site topography, and the history of previous slope failures in
the vicinity of the site.
Because the proposed changes to the residence will result in lowering grades by as much
as 2 feet and the soils will be removed from the site, in our opinion the proposed changes
should not increase the potential for instability. However, the anticipated volume of soil
removal (45 cubic yards) is relatively small, so the proposed grading is not expected to
improve the site stability either. In summary, for all practical purposes, it is our opinion
that the proposed grading should have no impacts (either positive or negative) on the long
term stability of the site.
The regrading should be designed such that the finished ground surface slopes away from
the top of the west slope; All surface water from new impervious surfaces such as
walkways should be collected and carried by way of a tightline to permanent discharge
07-055.100 15701 -75th Ave W Page 4 PanGEO, Inc.
Mr. Van Caryl
Geotechnical Evaluation: 15701— 75th Place West, Edmonds, WA
September 18, 2014
The City of Edmonds imposes a seasonal grading restriction on earthwork in critical
areas that extends from October 1 through April 30. As the proposed earthwork will only
take one day and is limited to the excavation and exporting of soils, in our opinion the
earthwork can take place during the grading restriction period, provided the following
mitigation measures are implemented:
• The earthwork should be timed to occur during a period when there will be an
extended period of predictable, dry weather. In no case should earthwork should
be conducted during periods of precipitation.
• The soils generated by the excavation should be loaded directly into a truck and
exported. In no case should soils be temporarily stockpiled in the work area or at
the top of the west slope.
• After the grading is completed, the exposed surface should be covered with at
least three inches of straw mulch.
As required by the City of Edmonds, the following Statement of Risk is made:
a. Structural Plan Review: The proposed regrading does not include any structural
b. Increased Risk: The proposed regrading involves lowering grades in the lawn
area west of the residence, reducing the weight at the top of the west slope and
reducing driving forces for future instability. As a result, the proposed
improvements are not anticipated to increase the risk of slope instability.
Provided that proper erosion control measures are implemented during
construction and surface water drainage is controlled on a permanent basis, in our
opinion that the risk of damage to the property or adjacent properties as a result of
the planned improvements will be minimal. However, the word "minimal" does
not imply no risk. Development in a landslide or steep slope area always involves
some risk.
07-055.100 15701 -75th Ave W Page 5 PanGEO, Inc.
Mr. Van Caryl
Geotechnical Evaluation: 15701 — 75`h Place West, Edmonds, WA
September 18, 2014
c. Probability of slope movements: Based on our subjective judgment, which is in
part based on the stability of the site during at least the last 41 years and the
setback distance from the street and the bluff fronting Puget Sound, it is our
opinion that the probability of ground subsidence at the site is less than about 10%
in the next 25 years. However, it should also be noted that the site stability could
also be impacted by factors beyond one's control, including extreme weather
conditions and off-site construction activities.
We trust the information presented herein meets your need at this time. If you have any
questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office.
PanGEO, Inc.
'M " � Me",
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Scott D. Dinkelman
Scott D. Dinkelman, LEG
Senior Engineering Geologist
Attachment: General Conditions
Siew L. Tan, P.E.
Principal Geotechnical Engineer
07-055.100 15701 -75th Ave W Page 6 PanGEO, Inc.
PanGEO, Inc., a Washington Corporation C PanG139% and Client agree to a work assignment in accordance with the attached proposal and cost
estimate, and the following general conditions.
The attached proposal together with these General Conditions comprises the entire Agreement between the parties. This Agreement may not be
changed without the prior written consent of all parties to the Agreement. There are no terms or conditions that are not expressed in this
PanGEO agrees to perform its professional services in accordance with that degree of care and skill ordinarily exercised by similarly qualified
geotechnical engineering professionals currently practicing in this area under similar conditions. No warranties or other representations are
expressed or implied.
The Client is responsible to provide PanGEO with a description of the property, its location, and the locations of any underground utilities,
facilities or structures on or adjacent to the property that could impact our work. PanGEO, its owners, employees, subcontractors and agents will
not be responsible for any damage to buried utilities or subterranean structures that are not specifically identified to PanGEO. The Client also
must advise PanGEO of the location and nature of any known or suspected hazardous materials that may exist on the property.
The Client agrees to advise PanGEO, prior to commencement of our services, of any special requirements for entry, work permits, security
clearances, licenses, or any other required permissions. If the property is not owned by the Client, the Client shall obtain permission for right -of -
entry for the purpose of performing our services.
PanGEO will take reasonable precautions to minimize surface and subsurface disturbance of the site. In the normal course of exploratory work
some disturbance may occur, and the restoration of any disturbance is not part of this Agreement, unless specifically provided in the scope of
services and budget for the work.
Subsurface conditions at some locations at the site may vary from those encountered at the locations where surveys or explorations are made.
Because the interpretations and recommendations of PanGEO are based solely on the information available to PanGEO, limitations on the
available information will result in some uncertainty, and, therefore, risk, with respect to the interpretation of geologic and geotechnical
conditions, despite the use of due professional care. If conditions different from those described in our report are observed or appear to be
present, PanGEO should be retained to provide additional analyses as necessary to evaluate the situation and modify our recommendations as
The discovery of unanticipated conditions or hazardous materials constitutes a changed condition that may require renegotiation of the scope of
services and budget, or termination of services. If unanticipated hazardous materials are encountered, PanGEO may take immediate action to
protect health and safety. PanGEO shall notify Client as soon as practically possible should unanticipated hazardous materials be encountered.
Client agrees to compensate PanGEO for the additional cost of services necessary to protect the health and safety of the public, PanGEO's
employees, or others.
Client agrees that any hazardous materials, including asbestos, present at the work site, prior to and during the performance of this Agreement
were not generated, stored or disposed of by PanGEO. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Client shall defend, indemnify and hold
harmless PanGEO, its owners, employees, subcontractors and agents, from any and all liability, loss, costs, damage or expenses (including
attorneys' fees and costs upon trial and appeal) arising out of or in connection with (1) any future pollution -related claims or damages at the site,
including potential claims from third parties that may name PanGEO as a defendant, and (2) the performance of any professional services of
PanGEO that result in alleged exacerbation of existing environmental pollution or contamination, or result in any newly caused or created
pollution or contamination. This indemnification will not apply to claims, damages, losses or expenses which are a result of negligent acts by
PanGEO under this Agreement, or which arise from new pollutants introduced solely by PanGEO.
The Client is responsible for reporting releases of hazardous substances when such reports are required by government agencies. The Client
agrees to defend and hold PanGEO harmless for government or third party action taken for Client's failure to comply with hazardous substance
release reporting requirements.
PanGEO will be responsible for its professional activities on the job site. This will not relieve the Client, Owner, or construction contractors of
their obligation to maintain a safe job site. Neither PanGEO's professional activities nor the presence of its employees nor subcontractors shall be
construed to imply responsibility for job site safety.
07-055.100 15701 -75th Ave W Page A-1 PanGEO, Inc.
Non -hazardous samples will be discarded 30 days after they are obtained unless prior arrangements are made to store or deliver the samples.
Samples containing hazardous materials that are regulated under federal, state, or local environmental laws will be returned to the site.
Reports, field data, laboratory data, analyses, calculations, estimates, designs and other documents prepared by PanGEO as instruments of service
shall remain the property of PanGEO. PanGEO will retain pertinent records relating to the services performed for a period of ten years following
submission of the report. Copies of the instruments of service will be made available to the Client on request at a reasonable fee. Reuse of any
instruments of service by the Client on extensions of this project or on other projects without PanGEO's written permissions will be at the
Client's sole risk. Client agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless PanGEO from claims, damages and expenses arising out of such reuse.
Billing for services will be submitted upon completion of the geotechnical engineering report. A service charge of one and one-half percent
(1.51/o) per month will be added to unpaid accounts due over 60 days. Expenses incurred in preparation and/or foreclosure of any lien or
collecting delinquent amounts including, but not limited to attorneys' fees, costs at trial and appeal and charges for PanGEO's staff time shall be
paid in addition to the delinquent amount.
This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon at least seven (7) days written notice in the event of substantial failure by the other party
to perform in accordance with the terms and conditions through no fault of the terminating party. Such termination shall not be effective if that
substantial failure has been remedied before expiration of the period specified in the written notice. In the event that the Client requests early
termination of our services, PanGEO reserves the right to complete such analyses and records as are necessary to place its files in order and
complete a report on the services performed to date. Charges for these termination activities shall be in addition to all charges incurred up to the
date of termination.
PanGEO maintains Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Insurance as required by state laws. PanGEO also maintains
comprehensive general, auto, professional and environmental liability insurance, certificates of which are available upon request.
General Liability: In the performance of this Agreement and subject to the limits, terms and conditions of property damage and public liability
coverage, PanGEO agrees to indemnify and hold Client harmless from PanGEO's proportional share of liability resulting from its negligence and
any breech of contract compared to that of other persons or entities which results in damage to the Client. PanGEO shall not be responsible for
any loss, damage, or liability beyond the amounts, limits, coverage or conditions of its insurance coverage on the date the claim is made.
PanGEO shall not be responsible for Client's negligence nor the negligence of third parties.
Profawsional Liability: In consideration of relative opportunities for financial reward from this project for the parties to this Agreement, Client
agrees that the maximum aggregate amount of its recovery from PanGEO or its employees due to any and all claims of professional negligence
and breach of contract arising out of any incident shall be limited to $50,000 or the amount of PanGEO's fees for the services provided under this
Agreement, whichever is less, unless a higher limit with commensurate compensation is specifically negotiated.
PanGEO shall not be liable for consequential damages, including loss of use or loss of profits, or indirect damages, regardless of whether such
claim is based upon alleged breach of contract, willful misconduct, strict liability, breach of warranty or negligent act, error or omission, whether
professional or nonprofessional.
Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or breach thereof, shall be mediated. The law of the State of
Washington will govern the validity and execution of this Agreement and the disposition of any claims related to this Agreement. The prevailing
party in any dispute or litigation concerning this Agreement will be entitled to recover reasonable attorneys' fees and costs incurred at trial and
appeal, including staff time, court costs, attorneys' fees, and other claim -related expenses.
Neither the Client nor PanGEO may delegate, assign, sublet or transfer the duties, interests or responsibilities set forth in this agreement without
the written consent of the other party.
These terns and conditions shall survive the completion of the services under the Agreement and the termination of the Agreement for any cause
The Client and PanGEO have entered into this Agreement of their own free will, to communicate to one another mutual understandings and
responsibilities. Any element of the Agreement later held to violate a law or regulation shall be deemed void, and remaining provisions shall
continue in force. Client and PanGEO shall in good faith attempt to replace any invalid or unenforceable provision with one that is valid and
enforceable, and which comes as close as possible to expressing the intent of the original provision.
07-055.100 15701 -75th Ave W Page A-2 PanGEO, Inc.