20150810163702.pdfAugust 4, 2015 G-:� K�CJ_ Project: BLD20150278 & 0279 Single Family Home Address: Le- 7317 Lake Ballinger Way Code Info: 2012 International Building Code Type V -B Construction R-3 Occupancy GENERAL 1) Provide a traffic control plan. A. General Contractor when selected will provide Traffic Control Plan. Construction material and traffic control plan provided, see C2.2 SITE PLAN 1) As changes are made to other plan sheets, please revise this sheet as needed. A. Revised as requested. GRADING PLAN (C 1.0) 1) Please revise the title 'Grading Plan' to 'Grading and Erosion Plan'. A. Title has been changed. 2) Please show any erosion control measures on this plan sheet (i.e. silt fence, Construction entrance, etc.). A. Edmonds Erosion Control Standards have been added. 3) Please reference the City Standards for all erosion control measures. A. Reference to Edmonds Erosion Control Standards have been added. 4) Please show the silt fence located as far north as allowed by the Geotechnical Report and as needed for the development. A. Silt Fence location has been added STORMWATER SITE PLAN (C2.0) General 5) Please revise the title 'Stormwater Site Plan' to 'Stormwater and Utility Plan'. A. Title has been changed as requested. 6) Please show all the utilities on this plan (water, sewer, storm, gas, phone, power, etc.) A. All utilities have been added to the plan as requested. 1 1 18422103 d Ave NE Bothell, WA 98011 425 482 7987 (t) www.gabbertarchitects.com 7) Please add a note to the plans that state the existing utilities will be removed and/or capped under the demolition permit (BLD20 150277). A. Note has been added as requested. WATER 1) It appears that a fire sprinkler system is required for this property. Typically if there is an existing water service line from the watermain to the meter it will not be the appropriate size and a new tap will be required. A. Fire Dept. Review Stated that the house need not be sprinklered. a. Please show the water service line from the meter to the house. A. Shown b. Please add a note that a 1 " meter is to be installed. A. Noted Please show a 1-1/2" line to be installed (as required for a combination fire and domestic service line). A. Noted d. Please label the pipe material and note tracer wire to be installed on the water service line. A. Noted SEWER 1) Please note if the existing side sewer and lateral is proposed to be reused, the sewer will need to be inspected by the City's Public Works department to determine if it can be reused. Contact Edmonds sewer division, 425-771-0235. A. If the lateral cannot be reused, a new connection will be required. The connection at the main will need to be a romac inserta tee installed by the contractor (not the City of Edmonds). A. Plans noted to provide Romac Inserta Tee at connection 2) The sewer lateral (the portion from the main to the property line) will need to be straight from the mainline to the property line. A. Please revise the plans accordingly. A. Plans revised to reflect a straight line from PL to main. 3) Please label the pipe material and size. The sewer lateral must be 6". Once on private property the sewer may reduce to 4". A. Pipe size and material noted on plans 4) Show a 6" cleanout at the property line. Please add a note that the 6" cleanout at the property line will have a 12" cast iron lamphole cover with 1/2" hexbolts. A. Note added to plans 2 1 18422 103"d Ave NE Bothell, WA 9801 1 425 482 7987 (t) www.gabbertarchitects.com 5) Show a cleanout located within T of the house, at any 90° bend, when there is less than 3' between two 45° bends, and when there is more than 1 00' -between cleanouts. A. Note added to plan 6) Please show the invert elevations at the main and the house so that slope and coverage can be verified. If the slope of the pipe exceeds 20% the pipe will need to be anchored. A. All invert elevations added utility plans STORM 1) The proposed stormwater plan shows a raingarden to be installed as the stormwater management system. However, the Geotechnical Report submitted by Geotech Consultants, Inc dated 8/12/14 states the following, "Infiltration of stormwater at the site is not feasible due to the shallow groundwater that exists below the site". Therefore, the City cannot approve the proposed system. a. Please propose a stormwater management system that is consistent with both the City of Edmonds standards and the Geotechnical Report. A. The proposed stormwater management system (the "Storm System') consists of a bioretention system to treat and detain stormwater runoff from pollution generating impervious surfaces and a gravel trench to detain runoff from non pollution generating impervious surfaces. The bioretention system is equipped with an underdrain to account for the poor infiltration capacity of the native soils. Both the bioretention system and the gravel trench are equipped with risers and flow control orifices. A catch basin is located upstream from the gravel trench for heavy sediment and debris removal prior to detention. The Storm System has been modeled using WWHM2012 with the WSDOT time series and Gringorten flood frequency. WWHM2012 model input and output is attached. a. The proposed amount of impervious area exceeds 5,000 sqft, so the system will have to be designed by a licensed engineer. Please provide design calculations for the proposed system. A. Designed by Engineer b. There was recently a new single family residence constructed at 7109 Lake Ballinger Way. You may want to review the street file (found in the development services department of City Hall) to see the system that was approved to assist you as you design the stormwater management system for this site. A. Thank You. c. Once we have received revised drawings and design calculations, Engineering will continue the stormwater review. 2) Please remove the existing lot coverage from the plans. A. Removed as requested. 3) Please revise the proposed lot coverage to state proposed impervious area and revise as needed. 3 1 18422103 d Ave NE Bothell, WA 9801 1 425 482 7987 (t) www.gabbertarchitects.com A. Revised as requested. 4) Please have the engineer address where the footing drains are permitted to discharge to. A. House footing connection is shown on the Plan. Garage is slab on piles and does not require footing drains. 5) Please provide rim elevations for all pipes within the catch basins so that we can verify pipe coverage and slope. A. Provided as requested. 6) Please show directional flow areas on the driveway so that it is clear that the surface water runoff from the driveway is being collected and discharged to the onsite stormwater management system. A. Provided as requested. DRY UTILITIES 1. Please show all proposed dry utilities (gas, phone, cable, etc.) on the plans so that utility separation can be verified. A. See attached survey and drainage plan. 2. Please note that all utilities must go underground. A. Noted 4 1 18422103 d Ave NE Bothell, WA 98011 425 482 7987 (t) www.gabbertarchitects.com