20150824_ResubResponseLetter.pdf-� S t U Iu .. * S.. ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING August 24, 2015 Kernen Lien Senior Planner City of Edmonds - Planning Division 121 5th Avenue North Edmonds, WA 98020 Kernen, Lien@edmondswa,gov RECEIVED AUG 2Z " 2015 DEVELOPMENTlei GI�R SERVICES RE: Letter of Completeness and Request for Additional Information Notice of deemed withdrawal of PLN20130022 Point Edwards Building -50 Pine Street Augmented Design Review Application PLN20150023 Below, you will find our responses to your review of July 29, 2015. The original subject text of each correction has been included verbatim with any omissions clearly noted. Our responses are included in bold italics. Planning Division I Kernen Lien (425) 771-0220 Height: a. Height Calculations: Two sets of height calculations are provided in the application materials (Sheets A4 and A5). Sheet A4 calculates average grade with a single height rectangle around the entire Building 10. Sheet A5 includes height calculat'ion's for each portion of Building 10 consistent with footnote 5 of ECDC 16.75,020.13 and the Point Edwards Master Plan, Only one method of height calculation can be used, and method proscribed in footnote 5 of ECDC 16.75,020.13 and the Point Edwards Master Plan is the method the must be used, The method of height calculations was an issue that was appealed on the previous Building 10 application (PLN20130022). On page 21 of Resolution 1309 (City Councils decision on the appeal of PLN20130022), Conclusion of Law # 4 noted, "Building height should have been calculated as required in the Master Plan on AR0240," The reference to the Master Plan is, "To encourage the appearance of smaller building masses, building heights will be calculated separately for each clearly separated portion of a building." This is the method proscribed in footnote 5 of ECDC 16,75.020.13 and the method used on Sheet A5, For clarity, please remove the height calculations on Sheet A4 using a single height rectangle. S 1,e , , V%9 I AX 7 Hr ') ' 1/,,I ' I I I �', l ,,)I ' I I IJV: , 0 , i I I I I i;', 1,. ", ?'I www.studioms.com 8/24/15 Corrections Response # 1 Permit#: PLN20150032 50 Pine Street, Edmonds, WA b, Elevation Views: Using the height calculation method in footnote 5 and the Point Edwards Master Plan will result in different average grade and allowable height limits for each portion of Building 10. On the elevation views for each portion of Building 10, please indicate the average grade, maximum height and proposed height, a. See sheet A5 for updated height calculation per city comment. b. See sheet A5 for defined average levels (Portion 1 - West Wing & Portion 2 -East Wing) 2. Landscaping: The landscaping plan provided on Sheets A25 - A29 appears to only be a conceptual landscape plan, Landscaping is part of the design review and a detailed plan must be provided, While the City is not party to the settlement agreements associated with Building 10, some items agreed to in the settlement agreement will directly impact the landscaping associated with Building 10 that must be reviewed by the Architectural Design Board (ADB). In particular the settlement agreement with the Town of Woodway and other parties notes that trees will not be located along the southern border of the parking lot east of the eastern side of the Inadomi house. This could result in a deviation from the required landscaping as proscribed in ECDC 20.13 which requires a specific spacing between trees. ECDC 20.13.000 allows the ADB to interpret and modify the requirements of the landscaping chapter. The specific modification must be shown on the landscape plan. The settlement agreement also notes that the species of tree adjacent to the south property line will be as agreed on by EPS and Inadomi and approved by the City, The specific tree is not noted on the landscape plan, Please provide a detailed landscape with the proposed plantings consistent with the requirements of ECDC 20,13.010. See sheet A26 for tree callouts - A detailed landscape plan has been provided. Trees along the southern property line, east of the Inadomi house have been removed. The tree species will be discussed and agreed upon, per the agreement with the adjoining neighbors. A tree species has been suggested and is noted on the schedule. 3. Trash Enclosure: It is understood that trash compactor bins will be located within the parking garage trash room. An outdoor loading location is proposed in the exterior parking lot, where the bins will be placed on collection day. The current proposal includes transporting the bins from the parking garage to the outdoor loading area via Pine Street. This operation has been discussed with the City Engineer and Public Works Director and it has been determined that the movement of the compactor bins should remain on private property; or potentially the public sidewalk could be modified (width and concrete depth) and used as the path of travel. .. 2 m 8/24/15 Corrections Response # 1 Permit#: PLN20150032 50 Pine Street, Edmonds, WA Please revise the design drawings to either include provisions on site to accommodate the trash hauling operations or modify the public sidewalk as needed to meet these needs. See sheet A35 for public sidewalk modification for trash bins path of travel and outdoor loading accommodation, Thank you. Aidan Bird Studio Meng Strazzara WIN