20150921141213.pdfCity of Edmonds BLD2O15O6O9 1/11r, /a 121 5 TH AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: vv%vow edearoaanaati, 2 l PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT w' Planning • Building • Engineering Plan RevieICo II wbelow ts� " EIEPAf [Respai'ise to yi . µt. Ji irtt Permit Application #: BLD20150609 Date: June 25. 2015 Project Name/Address: Strayer - Demo., Addition & [. mo el 2240198th Ave W m.. Contact Person/Address, Fax or E-mail: Tom Leren tom(a,lerendesian.com Reviewer: Chris Rivera Division: ENGINEERING During review of the subject submittal, it was found that the following information, corrections, or clarifications would need to be addressed. All Handouts referred to in these comments can be accessed at our website: w . (1nk qd w a, L)v/ under City Government / Development Services Department / Engineering Division then scroll down to Handouts: 1) Please show the location of the side sewer line on the site plan. Added to site pllaaa and c, viii pla.arn. 2) A right of way permit is required for the use of the right of way, attached is a right of way application. Please fill out and submit with a traffic control plan...i..tae:., Ih tint iae irnrrnit. and traffic is Irian°n viii be deateairu°eget such tirneM that wvorie vvillll tae: done and a su.ulbcoi ntractoi has beein serllecte d 3) Per Edmonds Community Development Code 18.80.060C, where there is no curb or gutter, the driveway approach must be constructed with asphalt within the right of way up to the property line. Please identify the new driveway material within the right of way (asphalt) and on site (asphalt or concrete). ,; eae;; civii plan liairovi eut. Site lia an m°vi.:ae¢t to reflect asphalt. 4) Please provide the date of construction for all existing impervious surfaces on the Site Plan. E'tae re~ %%sed kgpe lviouus surface scltae d uiie:; on civ ll pair. 5) With demolition of the garage, per the plans the concrete slab will be removed. This takes the area down to bare soils and will not be considered as Replaced exempt impervious surfaces. This will make the section of the new garage/addition New Impervious surfaces, please make these corrections in the Impervious Surface Calculations table. Il e vi seat pel, civlii 1pians 6) In total, I've calculated Non-regulated impervious surfaces (existing surfaces to remain) as approximately 1,920sf and New (Post 1977) impervious surfaces at approximately 2,400sf. For which all of the 2,400sf of impervious surfaces will need to be mitigated by a stormwater management system, i.e. detention system or infiltration system. Please recalculate the impervious surface numbers and revise the Impervious Surface Calculations on your site plan. a) If an infiltration system is proposed, a Drainage Report is required. Please submit a Drainage Report by a licensed Geotechnical Engineer. The report should address the soil conditions and infiltration rates. Refer to City handout 13-7213 Low I!Llp%�11 c;yet11au nit„ i 1, i�111p„ also the ' tonwlriw at rw ode LSq taLtna�uni I?1 �suwaelas� C.' �.11�c� c� 10 ��wn�c� le��ww��N i"�g�ti��� � igr�W,ldWtloNtuw�ul,la�r Rates. DATE E-MAILED 6/25/2015 PAGE(1) City of Edmonds 121 5" AVENUE NORTH EDMONDS, PUBLIC WORK DEPARTMENT Planning • Building • Engineering BLD20150609 WA 98020 • (425) 771-0220 FAX(425) 771-0221 Website: wrw ww,a dns+;aaa k%v a&Lc YA° Plan Review Comments b) If a stormwater detention system is proposed, please refer to handout E 72tortri ateuM[Mortionn y���.gri ra it 9r 9ia��ed ` Swing for stormwater management requirements. Please show the detention system on the site plan. c) Please revise the Drainage note within the site plan. The 2000sf referred to, is part of the 2,400sf of impervious surfaces that will need to be mitigated through an approved stormwater management system. lamas TNote Itaeiow... Please resubmit 3 copies of the revised plans and associated documents with a written response to each item to a Permit Coordinator. Please contact me at 425-771-0220 ext 1339 or by e-mail at a hrisxi ral,)K,(h aavands aan. Yo e if you have specific questions regarding these plan corrections. Response sponse to cormanent 6o I iuie pIlans tiave beein rf.., iseat as ra.aqaestaad. /ern inatiitral.io n assessurrnent p!iau paareld Ib7 a t. �eotaaaa.IhNcai eingine%er is lianasllu.aaled uun the u°esa.abarrnittai Ipaacka e. A iraaioigardei n is pirqposied to a°nnili ate Nuu~Haafffu-ou°1 the roofof the p:.)rqposed adaiillioin (1,439 sf) and is iillnaarstrated on a„n Stour nyaaaater klaairnaatleurrnent IPlain linncllaaaled in the u°esu.aixn"uit1:61. Onsite driveway i"naairdscaaia e (1,038 38 ,:at) is fao g1posed to be peuru°rneaalbie concrete I aaveo°anei nt. An aaaidlitioin4ai 333 s0of a.asg,.alhaalK g:na eirrnent dii,iive aa7 approach is Iproposed nn 111°ne a°n Ilat of way. II....laan alscaape Ipatio areas (56 a:sl') on the% ,,;o ath side of the I1.)rolposeat addition Villi sheet flow to tine adjacent iaindscaalpe a:aireas for liasllaen:s'o�.auniiunt'iiitnat6saica. DATE E-MAILED 6/25/2015 PAGE(2)