2015-0962 Trike Stop-2.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE: September 1, 2015
TO: Richard Okimoto
Email: raoarch@mindspring.com
FROM: Leif Bjorback, Building Official
RE: Plan Check: BLD2015-0962
Project: Trike Stop Main Building
Project Address: 23107 100 Ave W
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can be found
on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to a permit coordinator in the Development Services
Department. Thank you.
1.The use of non-separated occupancies (B and I-4) requires that allowable area of each occupancy
group be evaluated separately using the floor area of the entire building (not just the area of the
respective occupancies.) Thus, the analysis provided does not demonstrate compliance with IBC
508.3. I suggest you try calculating allowable area using frontage increase per IBC 506.2 to justify the
non-separated occupancies.
Sheet A-1
2.Add a note on the site plan to indicate an accessible route from the parent dropoff to and including the
main accessible entrance.
Sheet A-2
3.Room identification symbols (numbers) are shown on the plan, seemingly with references to room
elevation views (the numerals 1,2,3 and 4 surround the room number) but none are found. Please
clarify these symbols.
4.Provide details and dimensions for accessible fixtures and features in all restrooms to show
compliance with ICC A117.1 chapter 6.
5.The door approach at Door DB112 is inadequate. A minimum of 18 inches of clear floor space is
required beyond the latch on the pull side of the door. ICC A177.1 section 404.2.3
6.The door approach at Door DB118 is inadequate. A minimum of 24 inches of clear floor space is
required beyond the latch on the push side of the door. ICC A177.1 section 404.2.3
Sheet A-4
7.Indicate the wattage for each individual light fixture on the Light Fixture Legend to allow for correct
installation and inspection. WSEC C405
8.Both of the Interior Lighting Space-by-Space forms provided indicate non-compliance for allowed
wattage. Please revise the forms and the plans in order to meet the provisions of the WSEC for
9.Fill out and submit the Exterior Lighting Summary form and verify the exterior lighting shown on the
plans complies with the form. (The EXT-LTG forms submitted were not filled out.)
Sheet A-8
10.Provide a wainscot in Toilet Rooms B113 and B118. IBC 1210.2.2
Sheet A-9
11.Due to the change of occupancy, all areas of “primary function” must be served by an accessible
route, including doorways. All doors (with very few exceptions) must each be wide enough to allow
for a minimum clear width of 32 inches at the 90 degree position. Typically doors less than 36 inches
wide will not meet this requirement. IBC 3411.4.2 #2 and IBC 1008.1.1
Sheet A-10
12.Detail 3 shows new 6-by blocking supporting the new 6x6 column above. It appears the orientation of
the blocking (perpendicular to the force of the column) causes the blocking to fail due to crushing.
Either revise the detail to provide vertical grain bearing of the members, or provide calculations to
justify the detail.
13.Indicate on the plans any structural changes where new openings are created for doors or windows in
the exterior walls. Show header sizes and address any changes/reduction in structural wall panels.
14.Describe on the plans how ventilation is provided for all rooms, either by natural means or
mechanical means as per International Mechanical Code section 401.2.
15.In toilet rooms, provide exhaust at a minimum rate of 50 cfm continuous or 70 cfm intermittent.
Show the proposed CFM on the plans. IMC 403.3
16.In Laundry room, provide exhaust at a minimum rate of 20 cfm continuous or 50 cfm intermittent.
Show the proposed CFM on the plans. IMC 403.3
17.How is the building heated?
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