20151006153844.pdfAl OV Eb r) Ci!y of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION (425)771-0220 DATE: October 1, 2015 TO: Jennifer & Graham Gifford i�iiplgil`foi°d05@g ail.com FROM: Chuck Miller, Plans Examiner RE: Plan Check: BLD2015-0868 Project: Sprouts addition -change of use Project Address: 20919 76`" Avenue W During a review of the plans by the Building Division for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications, or changes are needed. A complete review cannot be performed until the revised plans/documents, including a written response indicating where the `clouded' or otherwise highlighted changes can be found on the revised plans, have been submitted to a Permit Coordinator. Items that recur on this list appear in italics. Resubmittals must be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd Floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th, & F from 8am-4:30pm. The Permit Center is closed on Wednesdays. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Engineering, or Fire, may result in additional comments. On sleet Al 0 Site Pfiaii: 1. Site Plan - Clarify the indicated exterior accessible route to the areas of the primary function of the proposed facility per IBC 1104. The portion between the accessible parking and the proposed accessible entrances does not meet the required minimum width of 44 inches per IBC 1101.2.2. Switching one of the proposed accessible entrances with one of the represented windows on the west side of the structure would appear to comply with the requirement. On sheet A 1.3 - New Floor Plans: 2. New Floor Plan a. Indicate on the plans the required minimum clear length of 60 inches for the landing at the top of the new ramp to the proposed structure per ICC A117.1-2009 section 405.7.3. .M q W i...°:w._Aw 7 �. "'0147 014 Provide"a nate on the plans indicating the required door and gate hardware that has a shape that is easy to grasp with one hand and does not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist to operate per ICC A117.1-2009 section 404.2.6. The hardware shall be 34-48 inches above the floor/walking surface on each side of the door or gate. c. Indicate on the plans the proposed means to be used to provide the required ventilation per International Mechanical Code (IMC) 401.2. The response indicated on the plans to the review comment states: Ventilation to be providied (sic) by through wall penetrations and 4% of the floor area being ventilated per IMC 402.2. Using natural ventilation as permitted per IMC 402, approximately 56 square feet of operable window openings, doors, louvers, or other openings would be required. In addition to the natural ventilation provided by the two proposed doors, indicate the means by which the remainder will be met. There does not appear to be °µ an indication of any windows with an opengal.)lc opening portion the plans. aaund�ation/F"r�arning Plans: ..m On sheet 1 4 ]-~ ;3. Braced Wall lines - Indicate on the plans the required rnininiurn anchorage for the 'HTT5' holdowns to be installed to resist overturning forces/uplift at each end of the proposed Alternate Braced Wall Panels. On sheet A1.5 — Sections, ]retails: 4. South Firewall Detail a. Provide on the plans a detail, and a reference to it, indicating the required construction criteria of the one-hour fire -resistance rated wall tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263 with exposure from both sides, along the south side of the structure per IBC 705. The review response indicated on the plans to the plan review comment states: One-hour fire resistant rated roof projection and walls along the south of the structure per IBC 705. The purpose of the plan review comment is to ascertain the selected method of construction of the required one-hour fire -resistance rated wall tested in accordance with ASTM El 19 or UL 263 out of the many available. The Gypsum Association `Fire Resistance Design Manual' and Underwriters Laboratories `Fire Resistance Rated Systems Directory' are typical resources used in determining the desired method of compliance with IBC 705. The specified construction criteria for the proposed wall (type and spacing of framing members, type of wall covering, type and spacing of fasteners, etc.) must be indicated on the plans to guide proper installation and inspection. b. Provide on the plans a detail, and a reference to it, indicating the required construction criteria of the one-hour fire -resistance rated roof projection tested in accordance with ASTM E 119 or UL 263, along the south side of the structure per IBC 705. The review response indicated on the plans to the plan review comment states: One-hour fire resistant rated roof projection and walls along the south of the structure per IBC 705. See review comment 4.a above. Page 2 of 3 c. Indicate on the plans the extent, or the distance beyond the face of the exterior wall, of the roof eave/overhang. As noted above, the portion of the eave/overhang projecting into the required fire separation distance must be of fire -resistance rated construction, however; no portion of the eave/overhang may extend any closer than 24 inches from the line used to determine the fire separation distance (in this instance, the property line) per IBC Table 705.2. Using the information now found on sheet `A 1.0' - Site Plan - the roof eave/overhang would be limited to 4 inches at the southeast corner, and that portion is required to be of fire -resistance rated construction - see review comment 4.b above. On sheet A1.7 - Details: ��.����...k�i. -5. Foar r pion l ,tail - In icate on the plans the required minimum width of the footing per IRC Table R403.I/Figure R602.10.6.1. 6, Ramp Details (upper detail) - Indicate on the plans the required edge protection for the represented ramp per ICC A 117 1 2009 section 405.9. A separate permit is required for the proposed removal of exterior stairs and a ramp, and the construction of an exterior ramp, and any other work associated with the adjacent structure indicated on the submitted construction documents for this permit. In addition to the applicable comments listed above for the garage/carport addition and change of use (such as `1', `2.a', and `2.b'), the following items should be considered in any proposal for work to be done to the adjacent structure. On sheet Al.3 - New Floor Plans; Floor Plan Indicate on the plans the required interior accessible route to the areas of the primary function of the facility per IBC 1104. The accessible route includes all wall openings/doorways and any other means used to provide access to areas/facilities required to be accessible. The wall opening between the area accessed by the proposed ramp and the `Kitchen' does not appear to meet the required minimum width of 32 inches allowed per the exception to ICC A117.1-2009 section 403.5. Indicate on the plans the required minimum width of 44 inches for the exterior accessible route per IBC 1101.2.2. Handrails required for ramps per ICC A117.1- 2009 sec ion 405.8 may not project into the clear width. Page 3 of 3