20151120084241.pdfCITY OF EDMONDS — PLANNING DIVISION COMMENT FORM ❑ PW -Engineering ❑ Fire ❑ PW - Maintenance ❑ Parks & Rec. ❑ Building ❑ Economic Dev. ❑ Parks Maintenance Project Number: PLN20150058 Applicant's Name: ROD+SUSAN COOK Property Location„ 632 MAPLE Date of Application: -1-J..6.15 Date Form Routed: 11.10.15 Zoning: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL RS -6 Project Description: ACCESSORY DWELLING UNIT **PER ECDC 20.02.005 ALL COMMENTS MUST BE SUBMITTED WITHIN 15 DAYS OF THE DATE THIS FORM WAS If you have any questions or need clarification on this project, please contact: Responsible Staff: MIKE CLUGSTON Ext_ 13.30 Name of Individual Submitting Comments: Title: ❑ I have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD NOT AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have no comments. My department may also review this project during the building permit process (if applicable) and reserves the right to provide additional comments at that time. 0 -1 -have reviewed this land use proposal for my department and have concluded that IT WOULD AFFECT MY DEPARTMENT, so I have provided comments or conditions below or attached. Comments (please attach memo if additional space is needed "' nr�� cin d ° u Q ��C tj , The following inditions"should be attached to this permit to ensure compliance with the requirements o�tt^ s d6p"rtment (please attach memo if additional space is needed): Date: it 1, 115— Signature:. Phone/E-mail: