2015-1252 Ronquillo (Weller).pdf City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION (425) 771-0220 DATE: November 30, 2015 TO: Scott Schrieber RonScott Construction scott@ronscotthomes.com FROM: Andrew Gahan, Plans Examiner RE: Plan Check: BLD2015-1252 Project: Ronquillo Addition/Remodel th Project Address: 810 9 Avenue S. During a review of the plans by the Building Division for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications, or changes are needed. A complete review cannot be performed until the revised plans/documents, including a written response indicating where the ‘clouded’ or otherwise highlighted changes can be found on the revised plans, have been submitted to a Permit Coordinator. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Engineering, or Fire, may result in additional comments. Sheet A2 1.Detail 1 – Please clarify what is meant by the detail bugs referencing ‘102’ and ‘103’. Sheet A4 2.Please provide safety glazing at the following locations per IRC R308.4: a.the (2) 3060 windows adjacent to the double-door leading to Scott’s Library. b.the north-most 3060 window along the west wall of the Great Room. c.the south-most 3060 window along the west wall of Netty’s Office. d.the 3060 window along the south wall of the hall across from the Mud Room door. Sheet A5 3.Provide 50 CFM exhaust fans in the Master Bath, as well as the Master Bath toilet room per IRC M1507 as amended by the State of Washington. 4.Per IRC Tables M1507.3.3(1) & (2), the minimum capacity for the whole house ventilation fan should be 135 CFM for continuous use. Please provide a larger exhaust fan to be used for whole house ventilation. 5.Add a note to the plan the whole house ventilation fan is to be labeled ‘WHOLE HOUSE VENTILATION” per IRC M1507. 6.It appears that safety glass is required at the 6060 window by the north staircase. Please verify. Sheet A9 7.Provide specifications for the ledger connections required where ledgers are required. Sheet A10 8.Please provide detail bugs to reference the pertinent lateral details. For example, the interior SW-1 walls should reference Detail 8 and/or 13 on Sheet A12. The offset shear wall detail transferring through a low roof should reference Detail 15 on Sheet A12. Etc. Sheet A11 9.Please add detail bugs referring to the correlating foundation details as appropriate. 10.Provide a detail for the guard rails required throughout the project including along the masonry wall, at all decks, and stairways, conforming to the requirements of IRC Table R301.5. Sheet A12 11.Please provide structural calculations for all basement walls and retaining walls in excess of 4’ tall stamped by an engineer licensed in the State of Washington. 12.The size of the HSS tube steel members shown in Details 19 and 20 differ from those shown in the structural calculations. Please verify correctness with the engineer of record. Sheet A13 13.Notes E.2. and F.1. appear to be referencing sections from the IRC but are cited as IBC. Please verify. 14.Note S.1. specifies ½” GWB throughout the garage, however on Sheet A4, there is a note in the garage which specifies 5/8” GWB throughout the garage. Please reconcile the two notes. 15.Please note on the plans that special inspection will be required for all field welds. 16.Specify which options from WSEC Table 406.2 will be utilized to achieve the required energy credits under Section U of the General Notes. Page 2 of 2