SIGNED SPECIAL INSP AGREEMENT STRUCTURAL.pdf, v,A j WN �F"" ON 4, TION AND "I"EST111M AGREEMEN"r S1 I C IAL INSEM.,C, J, Permit ��PPW 15.0520 Pro Ject; 10P SHEI.A.- BL)ULDlNG - STRUCTURAL lllriopto lvsuance qf a perink ihisjbrmt, rptust be complefed in Us endreo� and refurned ev the Ci�vfikr apl)),oval, The compleredfiOna nitus� hmr-e signatures qf'ackYianded9n;eM1 !It all pqua es. DUTIES AND The Special hispection firnt of wffl perrotin stlechd inspemian Wr the folwing Lypes of %vork (sepmate Wns inust hO SUbrakted H'Tnore th,am unnnd., Winn is to be =Woyed)� "Eing in Consmu, X.,Sfiliewnd Masorvry —X.Smawd SW)VeWing x -5 t� B01fing — -- Spmy apodd WpvoAng ,,QnUAC COWS Spems Laterul 'Wouds tri V: UVOf Oii!�,ervation ti°M design proft"SSkinul Ckadfnosoilh� Ali inidividual klSPkxJ(mS Wothe umployed oil this project will be, WM30 cerOfied for the typo of1work they arc, io VkPl'tiJRLIIMI w An woo duos notmovwK by the, WABO w, the iw;piac'wr is not WABO cWhI a daW wsww of Te hqwdw and An nwwOw SOMW Ile WWMC mul h0w MM dw inVeotor and the Firm are qtWhied by MMW MW expaWne w lmhn'n� the v,,ork and tesdiig r"juired by The pusa;D`"a®n desitka added spe6fiemkniN- Ile wayls AuH be inqvoed Rw vcnWnnwwe whh Ae Maw mid �pecificadons approved ll� the City, Revisions and addenda sheets %011 not be used V inspecdon, Mess they have been appwved by tile 01y� It'ApeCtioll, mwmw AMU QW& A dQQ nxW w be Jjrtdljr� onirted un,,6oa hemowg to %pectins pubmw? A" nwwadmming work shall be brain ghL lu AC immeW mwnwwwr me cowracuar for resoMk-m A weekly repon shall be Wbmiaed W the City; Whng (fie irnspectiortsand wsLing pefforawd, hsting, any nanwn0n,ing wot k and resulution of noncaAFOII-ftfltlg items, A SO repan W , be suknhwd w dw bWQg dqwtne at pitior to the Certificaw of Occupancy b6ngr i4sucd. This report wiH indicate that inspeuion amd ws"g was conl1pleted in confortmance wk.11 dle approved FAans, Mpc%wimts and approved reSions or addenda, Any unresolved dkCWPWcKs Mst be dadkd & Ow SO wpm(. LWMWW W" Wo n1spik'6"In Son duoW26naNWS But Q shodl pro T, vidu thu spocial in,�spo.,tu,,f oragmuy v.,dequate. ofwork requiring inspecik)re The Ciq uppmved Man and spAknims nui' be n 11-ade ari.niable, w the johsite far the, wse of the q.)ecial inspector and thou CIty ingpecuu. 'The coiamum W nWmak A MY Qmcdon mponz on shn Fa redew by A Pan% "rho speejW impecUml Nnerions are wonsWred W be W udWiJon to the nodmut inspections by the City i1nd fl)e a,,otjtractor is responMe Ar conLuting IS Chy to saxlult wgWar inspections, Nc# couwTote ShWj be, pouwd or wher wod; covered unLU appwyo is Oven by dw (Aq inspector The NAWNg dTanment whall sm iew any rcKioms and alkndu, Ile Cip impeular will snondur the special 1'Ufl-,AiCn1s 1,01 cc'nufflkinco jh we agmanan and the uppinved plant 11w Chyinquour shall be rwpomil& An uppmAns of aC,W%aS.w6oN tcj� 86o covenvd and fo%vork to Lh �~a—i inn R n ha �6!2wa!,s The Whed und& oVhwa MMI WAY AdiCUle 0rl Lhe !,,'dans and q)ecificalJous the spec types of spechl hlSjlk'u`fiOnn NL�U6fCd nd AaH 5dws n mjMuk An kqwcom aW W". I he Whou Weir m%hieu vvill coordinate, 11116Y revisnon arhl adclenda frroccrss 6 smh as % " as w emum R=H NqMwd C4 apKmOs uc Wahwj p6m v"ym* dwwn mn Te reAhnn; heing peifuruied in the WW. Qmnkn The ovvuci,, m Lac ruchhoct nr engkimN Ruig as Te owmas agm; OW, m"kq dw qwdd hmpectur or vjawy. V, N 111) RCEA1 E NIT A fiffluro (4 dw spoiiALd fifM 10 QrAwn; in keeping Yvhh the a,A dw, IMC, approved plarns and dowum= nay Ad this qnWMM" aw the RUNAng MONA appovw of dw spaim impalm, ln skich a cas",- �a "qjecul� �11[-WAW We Wudd MW �o i,-w propos,,,d fn� approval A fuHurc ofulte- pIoJes hay in accowdance wit His ngruoucto niny rauh in a STOP WORK wxive being pmiol mh dw pvqW iW0 hevc, bcml, n,,olvcd, I have 1W WKI agnte W wol me Ulan and "ualloLdiWWn 0"Mn 41MM09 DaW ....... ..... . ArchAng: ..... ........ q na my, �a c u S e pW Imp, Agwy), Tily,7. C,"ffy OF EDMONDS BUHIMNO DFFI' Dam 0. , W ul o htfisg t1o" Fre, Well '20 Ilia"r.u1� 1 u'4x " i"I wsrvz fi,rn I On c6�21 6,120f ",