SIGNED SPECIAL INSPECTION AGREEMENT.pdftit' EDAI SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING AGREEMENT Permit #: 3W 10 1,V Project; Prior to issuance of a permit, this form must be completed in its entirety and returned to the Cityfor approval. The completed form must have signatures of acknowledgment by all parties. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Succinl Insvectiritlt I«i ° trl ° t e itt# 4ttsttcctrrus r The Special Inspection firm of _ �� �� ,m a.����",..�... _ . _ will perform special inspection for the following types of work (separate forms must be submitted If more than one firm is to be employed): • Grading 0 Structural Fill • MSE Baektill 4 Rockery All individual inspectors to be employed on this project will be WABO certified for the type of work they are to inspect. If inspection is for work that is not covered by the WABO categories, or the inspector is not WABO certified, a detailed resume of the inspector and firm must be submitted, The resume rnust shrew that tite inspector and the firm are qualified by education and experience to perform the work and testing rcgtrrred by the project design and specifications. The work shall be inspected for conformance with the plans and specifications approved by the City. Revisions anti addenda sheets will not be used for inspection, unless they have been approved by the City. Inspection records shall include: A daily record to be maintained on site, itemizing the inspections performed, Any nonconforming work shall be brought to the immediate attention of the contractor for resolution. A weekly report shall be submitted to the City; detailing the inspections and testing performed, listing any nonconforming work and resolution of nonconforming items. A final report shall be submitted to the building depatt.ment prior to the Certificate of Occupancy being issued. This report will indicate that inspection and testing was completed in conformance with the approved plans, specifications and approved revisions or addenda. Any unresolved discrepancies must be detailed in the final report. CWt-It rA L The contractor shall provide the special inspector or agency adeqowe notification of work requiring inspection. The City approved plan and specifications roust be made available, at the jobslte for the use of the special inspector and the City inspector. "I fie contractor shall Inaintain all daily inspection reports„ on site, for review by all parties. \IEDMSVR•DEPTfStinuildinglHandouls Infonmalion Ay ChuckVnspcctionslspecial inspection and testing egreetnenl COF,doc5/1312016 The special inspectinn, functions are considered to be in addition to the non-nal inspections performed by the City and the contractor is responsible for contacting the City to schedule regular inspections No concrete. AWI be poured or other work covered until appioval is given by the City inspector Hie huilding dtporlissent shall review any revisions and addenda, The City inspector will womlor the special inspection functions lbr compliance with the agivenicill and dsc oppiovrd plims. I'liv, (,,,jty 111%pvctor Ofill be responsible for approving variuus stages Of'croistruciiiin 1(a lit, covvi-cd wid (m work to proccud Desig,11. L1114gAmmW '& I 'nic architect ond/ot vnjJ 11 cul vy vw $y nid Icale t m the plans and stivc i ficin i W i s the SPU6 (4 IYP" k1l slr$L'c- icispCefloo w(liumd mind shall ji,ichitic is schudole l'ot and lesting 'I he architect aildli" will coordinatc Ilicir wvj"iou and at dendo process ii, MICh It vvay, ijs to enstire that all re ciiiirc(t are obtained, prior to work shown On the revisions being performed in the field, Owner: ffic protect owner, or the architect or engineer acting as the owners agent, shall employ the special insproor or agency, ENFORCEMENT A Isidore of the special inspector its, (ijnj to liciAnin in keeping wittl the rcquirenictits of the IFIC, 11W filiprov(A pirisis and tjsj,, docutriew, critsy void this nip-coincril And the 111jildisig Official's appro"d $)('tile spacial illsimclor. In stench 1% cose a liew $pccisil inspuclos and/or Kirin would need to tic plup')Ned 1b, liplitovH1, A itillure rat thia do r4hwith this agrucIncill noty rcsids iti a WORK ign 111ttirs)l colistroction parlics to perform in occoince Ooticc living posted on time project until nonconroroliNt items have been resolved. ACKNOWLFDG k 414- I hive read and agree to comply vith the terms and conditions jr its ligs' :lyclit OwvV Olt V Signalure_ Contractor: 2)ptj Arch.11:11g: Dsitc� Special lisp.. Special Insp. AguncY, A TE L<",, AC"CEPTED U17< 11' 11': CITY OF F q D's 1:3 U I L DUN G t ) 11; PT yTDMS Yk I DW, S\Ru0jkqj kwdo,ffi OVrw VT,Wim� by ChO I 6A "�,V00"A'PcoM i¢,,pcqon ud 9 VetMcM r, fed Ntmd Ada q 'd',r mm R m ad a! pr'P"u^ �YPy N'fmPm Pm'nj SSA mu hm Ise` m", Na'INV mf in 01 entli"p und rir dnu'N df nfJ"p Pmd1 r Mr� mfhm" r La d����"d `ry . iNJ �I' m w h a "v 11 n " A u F I e a r P1PPwA kf n P .Y GNH Pd"iNdRi'',, D 1I;IIIII^s e° lllI°) fwFsu�)NgSfIII III Xfp'III "�fmm4�°pmN �mnw„ff.mmfffu,fll,,� rermuummu.pamfi "^w�fw�ammmll fmq'"�wf���mae� a " ��1;'ll If,' IA r;1I f;�, lf�� � fr�l]r il4P�; dkp v'z' of wow i. �,mgd,a¢,um. �i�i.3 fm Aurem �r+ll 9� ll�"" �mufrun d¢usl r7 r� Is' ad d ^� ufr�urnl� r� .r:f b_ rgi�r l l;mme� PI l'r n �,°Y rRr�ll,�frgllm'1 fdl.�iillr�rr.ti"rnr.l�l f.l`f4,. ou"'mss i r 1I1°i IlllrlIj'^ od li t+:: franca,n ).skw In <,r"Rfl,if D 1prfirlplml fIKwIllp .l `�l�sl�m-fJrm�Gal��n.'r'��nCmftr�,Ar,.9e A ll�"�"rC )^1J,-1fY61. y,d m w 1, lYpj yo " Hd4 GraClw o w0l 1w M AM) A enwnI lor I ;pr id —mv MQ ,fd C,, l" imp'ucticm Is It, 'mmAymp' Ifn+SB y$ army mml 0 lim V ADO o0r„°g"ml'll"'4m r"m d"ml m lYr:-� wd t` ti I ) w &".ungtland msumc 14 the mI,px r w m4 fmmrni lulan"am fine "'w' o d Vb damt r ,ri,m ^ h1a Oh A lira• AlNjpk cA.orl and lluP 11lrll alic cjjt rmli lrecd f1 4 (I Ir,,° I! lflm Amii f ".'" po"I nu'n f' Io m"1 fr7Ple, Ilsa rlcstInI nr"glflgm"j t%s mlll: lmro9a"r,Tl rie6gnn° ,rul+:V I)a Ifl�. r.11l,Hm�d, o urrlforlim" m+ a 4 �J'»C�:u f' r alu.l�lm, dlrmru, AAll9a t,lmm l 1r' m JNN, ~"f1 i p l r 61'm mr liven � mti ITII� 11 gr�nM'I. Ili "l'aat eCBu "Irfl 11 Allg'+I;7p� '� a r� � �, +td'� [°t N 3r .yl6q ipJl+ati m;d',l e v mlI�^ gdmrie n ('1w. o rere,i).K M f,ih„"' P W91'I4Lt..p +'.`R'I, ;;"lYl" L"in41J,. Oli II,*p"c Jon' p l h'IA lwd '"'tn'^ 111+;1+1711.i`r1'Ifli lldd,;!°k•d.il'I"; UH bc br"o'ugh! ) MIS I'u nc"IA O" 111.9 A I TN i41 Moir fl'II coml me 'to �o I cmr lu6 mr1 w e O mqm M 0101 bc ^nukynAsWed lae Me CAW"lllrll "hy inspeopplymm l wing g yKmanic I. Ik'lilg' rlsg,- smAmuw`sr'&ymmrrr g wwwL and wo"'"pu.uOon of rum"rem c nft"wlvrmmg, nmlrr,. fimgAuG mre IIu(Jjm pupmWp 6aa s uf"mmitAc f 411 all c famuAflfbnmgf phi lm, H m f jmok H "sire^ m I dW•Il.ugum"; r mrr m9 f frr nm gm¢ror`m m M ju'dIi "aa lkl+l nuro pu ctlrmuni mmllsmp fm.,girwg wwres5 as'aum"fmBctcd in comufmuAgllan e ",Ah WeI r d to w Iwumma in %4ddm"6mda Nny 4, mW"k.;,tN$.G';d chs m1Ipen r " I'I'�Il+'r fill d ul y.:rW 4 orllmmu Ilmmn?i� f 71 1 I II'"^, I A =4 1 fV �,ci I " —-I ^ IIX: ;i v, ti f ' �. Fiw r:Ily a jjppwjr cn1 pfl I 11m" I "po, hI I) Br In 'I I w I be madv avad a 6e Ilit ihc Io I n9, he h ,r III"C USrrI l dw spcur a all 1APA304 WA insmi N, I hC W"Tj,j" dMh MMMQ UN dMly MMWOhn UpWK nL AWjW !"W% all pnowN The SP060 �u,,,q)CcAky0 lunc� ic�iw, 80 C Ciji�s�dcred w 111C In a, , ddi6kjui �c� I noirn0 hlspv�'OuQS IXTI'orilleiri t),, theur and dhe crvilrac�ot k re-sporisptIk-, for CoinfROMg Me ckqo schic&101c, mgular hnspecflom '4o com"riete bhafl Ire porned rJr cthc� uw,oTk ccnIvied �nInW nnIlpiiovd u5 Ivucuu 11), rhe CIIIy insp�rccloi', OHM) wno Umv. The bullding depedonent shall reAvy ninny reNisimt ard Akan VW CAY wqxcloii wIli rnoniItor 0hc spIC6,111 Inspection funmions for comphance wNh Ow ayumw" and the approved plans I hr Cly inspedor shaH In, mspnMidc 6w appmv, , Grp ws nuagts of u,-,onstntulkm HIM Lnued md Gr even? W pmcmd ! 1u.-s pv 1 - !-,! "-u r. fraw ,, j. L) Ls " Ile amhUmi anWor mWwczr wid chi ul indbot on We &B and qw6rimums the ypen typs ormw a6N,thn iumbed wN = imAde a sdwdWe Ru hmp"(hn a"d asting 'Jrjja irchkect and/or' cn,?,6wcr wUl coordhMe duh reylJoin ard adderide Imncess in such a way as w einsure, lhau 0 required Oy approvsk are chlairmd, pnrmv to mot ohms on the revo sions I. perforrned in the fivId Q!tner., ow yqVm omwq or the archincl or enginerx achng as be owners ngcW, sJoh employ We span eNt insputor or agency, ENFORCENIEN1 A fadure of the speeml nlspector or firmi tar perVai in keeping vdlh the requiernanis of Ac IBC, Te appromad Fdons and ilk docunwrd, may vWd this alpecmm and die BAWQ OftkiO's approvaIl uf the speclal hnspectc)ir in such as cut a new spedal insparlor andMr An =Ad need to Law proposed fm appr-OVO. A faiiure of Hit design and/or consmcAbn PWks W perfoiirn hi accordainec with thh; agremnent mmy resuh At a STOP %YORK ,woe ky pmad on Ar piqjo unfil nonconforn)Iing IOnrini have bev rv�solvcd ACXNOWLEDGNIEN',,S I have rud MW agme 10 aimpy; %00; Me terms and cnrriWwrs of 116 B Si nature Cofflwacwr <'brA(zj SIj:)Ur, kd 6" . .... .. Speck! Insy Agcne) Shj.!,,mntkrrC gn a I u re - n ih ad (M. FDMEMIDS H[NLDHAi DITT Date wein 97" f 6 Doe, lmc J l,I ( l u I " I t, I l [ 1� , v C [ I , , , , pue � I o f I f I , -, f [ o fj I J ( ( , , I I , 0, I'd (:(,I f/ / (I I L U'V' ["t FE N1 101 qU k1bgr to Pt"IMU, this ]iron in in vn6njr wmjl reiwonrtevd-�lo th(70101 lhir J'1011�4A111L' p1) 1 YH r,S A 011 pcir Tnj RdKWMKQP- of w"k QqMM',' t1l;11) II, 10 hc vniWonyd; V�"�Indov, Vcne�tiown v"� . Mdw I IMOMm,' 5wr NV WA pet RM 64 5M 1 13ufldlng lim1 clopu Ii %vi;H: l r02A � � � �� ('!� tWoJd1uJ vn� p�""tot"' wl Ili' iiji, 1!1, 'q:'. ,,, I Pown If Inspolion k M atop that is nod wavcd "aq,qw, I" Ow m1wa A ; nw A %M rOO , cd,"doMled rcsonic & the inspecum wuHum nwA "AMOU 1he w"ww " " w im,poclw and, ihc ihw io'c' ijoodficd �lw vv,)t-' and *cwii,d i'^� fh�' prr rct du,'tgn and �""md, 'liall nc o1:';I11'cicd i'o� �oni'6ttliiumu vi'ld'i dic flhm� and ci lv, flh� bc uM ln� dv 11, "Jlv� lion shafli incdi�di� ",, 6di o", 11 f cut by hu 14ie"Y1QUMCA on son AMNAP Ow " and am" iwfiiwlud Ml ill bu biouI �htv Ow 1:diIdiotll r '11 fljl,, Ci� "M C',OhlOtll s wh i.'c su -Irtwl(q so p t" CiVs 01c rw,p"�"Awwi An"� Hwmm&qmwV out mW r"AWKm 01 EN""FOMM HOM, C!"A"M of Oxqusmy b&:j_' A M wIT' IdWll hC n 14 b"T "T"wo VNM to Ow i ^w' 'M mdit-o"' wobig man mmp&Md K cmhownu %"h A nqjppn,vod pkm�, and w whfva jfjv d�ujy t4mc�,Jvcd hv d-oJh�'J iri dhil, ➢�tml tv1polt, LE SM UMM"U" YMN q"O% Idu CC SPUM Mq=M" 01 OPMcy akqu' jyCly Won dot jowcohnOwn inum he madc nValwhill", iv Kjobvide 10the U06 A thenveM Ins,A" wo Uw CT) knjnm I he cmumm" AM NOMt�liu A pallk I )V.SVR-D� ) C L MM, %K Ed Nw"w""Mn" to ITFOOM, , The special inspection functions are considered to be in addition to the normal inspections performed by the City and the contractor is responsible: for contacting the City to schedule regular inspections. No concrete shall be, pouted or- other work covered until approval is given by the City inspector, the building department shall review &try revisions and addenda. 'rhe City -inspector willmonitorthe special inspection functions for compliance with the agreement and the approved plans. nic City inspector shall be responsible for approving various stages oll"construction to be covered and for work to proceed. The architect and/or engineer will clearly indicate on the plans and specifications the specific types orspecial inspection required and shall include a schedule for inspection and testing The architect and/or engineer will coordinate their revision and Addenda process in such a way as to ensure that all required City approvals are obtained, prior to work shown on the revisions being performed in the field, Owner. The project owner, or the architect or engineer acting as the owners agent, shall cnrploy the special inspector or agency, ENFORCEMENT A 6,111jj'j ji Iii gecial ins,,-,�cctor or irin w ierform in keeoml willi the rejuirements of the IBC, the 116�rovcd In such a case a new special inspector and/or firm would need to be proposed for approval, A failure Of the design arid/or construction panles to perforin in accordance with this agreement inay result in a s,rop WORK notice being posted on the project until nonconfor-ming items have been resolved ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Signature Contractor: _1> signaluin Arch,/Fng: 4,7-> _Sigirartttr Special Insp.. H, r a I rJ I tA I i no I C3 ­ C I Signaturt Special Insp. Agency,, C uo�3s 2 De gn A( I V I " PIT (F)r �THE CITY 0 F N S BUILDTNG DEPT. 16� leDate: ?y Date e_1 Date: Date: (0 Em lT.DMS4'RADEPTFS113uildpngql6odotiis Informoinr. by ChLWin5pelions\ypecial nspedion and iesling agmenicni CO dmVi3/2016 5 - A 6- 3 6