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Lovell-Sauerland and Associates, Inc.
19217 36th Avenue West, Suite 106
Lynnwood, Washington 98036
Phone: 425-775-1591
File No. 5325
Date: June 27, 2016
To: Jennifer Lambert
City of Edmonds Engineering Division
From: John Yuen
V lf,l,f tine
Subject: Application #: BLD20151252 & BLDF20151536 (pool)
Project: Ronquillo
Project Address: 810 9t" AVE S.
This memo addresses the third review comments made by the City of Edmonds Engineering
Division staff on June 23, 2016 for the Ronquillo single family residence. The following list
summarizes the comments with the corresponding changes made to the application and plans.
Additional fees, bonds, plans and insurance will be provided as needed at a later date.
BLD20151536 - Pool
1) OK
2) Plans are not consistent with the Site Plan and Civils (i.e. there is a stairs and planters shown to
the west of the pool patio). Please revise such that all plans sheets are consistent.
BLD20151252 - SFR
3) As changes are made to other plan sheets, please revise this sheet as needed.
4) OK
5) OK
6) OK
7) OK
8) OK
Lovell-Sauerland and Associates
Correction Response Memo
LSA No. 5325
June 27, 2016
1) As changes are made to other plan sheets, please revise this sheet as needed.
2) OK
3) OK
4) OK
5) OK
6) OK
4) OK
5) OK
6) OK
7) OK
8) OK
9) OK
10) OK
11) OK
12) OK
13) OK
Lovell-Sauerland and Associates Ronquillo
Correction Response Memo June 27, 2016
LSA No. 5325 LARRI
New Comment - 5/20/16
14) OK
15) OK
Storm Drainage Plan and Details C3 of 5
1) OK
2) OK
3) OK
4) OK
5) OK
6) OK
New Comment - 5/20/16
7) 6123116 - Comment was addressed; however, the invert elevations for the north pipe is
stated that the pipe is above ground. It is clear this is a misprint. You can either sumbit a
new plan sheet, redline the plans, or email me the correct invert elevations and I can
redline the plans. Please ensure when revising the invert elevations that the water from the
storm main in the right of way does not back up into the CB on private property. If it helps
with invert elevations/pipe slope the City will accept an 8" pipe from CB#5 to CB#6.
5/20/16 - Comment: Provide invert elevations for all pipes in CB #6.
Invert elevation for the north pipe has been revised.
8) OK
9) OK
10) 6123116 - Comment was not addressed. The location of the alarm for the pump should be
shown on C3. What is shown on C4 is that there will be an alarm, but not the location. You
can either sumbit a new plan sheet, redline the plans, or email me the location of the alarm
and I can redline the plans.
5/20/16 - Comment: Show the location of the alarm for the storm pump.
Tentative location of the alarm device will be in the garage as shown on sheet C3.
11) OK
12) OK
Lovell-Sauerland and Associates Ronquillo
Correction Response Memo June 27, 2016
LSA No. 5325 L.
Comments by the City Stormwater Engineer Program Manager, Jerry Shuster, PE
Drainage Report for Ronscott Construction Inc., May 2015. LSA
1) OK
2) 6123116 - Comment from Herrera: The following information still needs to be clarified
by the applicant in the Drainage Report regarding the pump system design:
• The proposed pump system appears to meet the max allowed flowrate from the 2 -
year storm, but it appears that the dual pumps may not keep up with the additional
head caused by friction losses when both pumps are in operation. In addition, it
appears that the max flowrate from both pumps operating together will not keep up
with the flowrate from the 100 -year storm, potentially causing overflow. Please
address how flowrates from the 10- and 100 -year storm events will be conveyed.
The first pump is designed for the 2 -year storm event, and the second pump has
been upsized to Model HD50, with maximum flow rate of 15.5 gpm (0.0346 cfs) to
handle the 10 -year storm event, with the first pump off. During the 100 -year storm
event, both pumps will turn on and pump water at 0.0513 cubic feet per second (23.0
gallon per minute). The available maximum flow rate of 0.0513 cubic feet per second
which exceeds the mitigated flow rate of 0.0416 cubic feet per second, but less than
the maximum allowable 100 -year storm flow rate of 0.0816 cubic feet per second.
• Is there a backup power supply for the pump, per requirement #6 in the "Use of
Pumping Systems for Conveyance of Stormwater on Private Property'; ENGR-
DEV(STM)-2011-02? Please show the backup power supply and add a note that the
pump system is hardwired to the backup power supply.
Portable generator will be used as the backup power supply for the pump system.
Note #7 on sheet C4 has been revised to specify that the pump system is hardwired
to the backup power supply.
5120116 - Comment from Herrera: The following information still needs to be clarified by the
applicant in the Drainage Report regarding the pump system design:
It appears that the system curve crosses the pump curve at -12.5gpm (0.0279cfs), which
exceeds the allowable 2 -year storm flowrate (0.0168cfs). Please explain how the pump
discharge flowrate will be limited to 7.5gpm.
Provide an explanation on how pumps will alternate in operation, per requirement #6 in
the "Use of Pumping Systems for Conveyance of Stormwater on Private Property",
Lovell-Sauerland and Associates Ronquillo
Correction Response Memo June 27, 2016
LSA No. 5325 L,
Is there a backup power supply for the pump, per requirement #6 in the "Use of Pumping
Systems for Conveyance of Stormwater on Private Property'; ENGR-DEV(STM)-2011-
• Is there an overflow path for stormwater (if the pump were to fail) per requirement #7 in
the "Use of Pumping Systems for Conveyance of Stormwater on Private Property",
ENGR-DEV(STM)-2011-02 that does not result in:
o Flooding of a building or emergency access
o Erosion or downstream sedimentation
o Slope failure
12/17/15 - Comment from Jerry Shuster.- The pump system must comply with all the requirements
in the City of Edmonds Stormwater Pumping policy:
ht(p.°Ilwww,eclrnondswa.govlimageslCO IGovommentlOppartrnentsIPublic Works/PoliciesIENC
R'-DEVSTM-2001-02.Puniping..Privat Property.pdf. The requirements in this document
includes, but is not limed to, gravity flow of all runoff to the City's storm system, with an internal
alarm for pump and/or power, and a backup power source to operate 1 pump.
3) OK
Lovell-Sauerland and Associates Ronquillo
Correction Response Memo June 27, 2016
LSA No. 5325 L F1
Detention Vault and Pump System Details (C4 of 5) - New Sheet
1) 6123116 - Comment was partially addressed. There needs to be an antiflotation device for
the pump chamber. Please revise the plans accordingly.
5/20/16 Comment - Please revise the pump system details to be consistent with the City's
stormwater pump policy and Standard detail E6.7 (Sewer grinder pump). For example, show
antiflotation devices, rails, vent, etc. Make sure that the design shows that the system can be
maintained (for example the standard detail E6.7 shows that the entire lid can be removed for
maintenance where a manhole lid does not allow for this).
Per the "Use of Pumping Systems for Conveyance of Stormwater on Private Property",
ENGR-DEV(STM)-2011-02, minimum requirement #5, anti -floatation device is required for
fiberglass or polyethylene or other material that is less dense than concrete. Concrete
manhole is used for the pump chamber, anti -floatation device is not required.
2) OK
3) OK
4) OK
5) OK
6) OK
7) OK
8) OK
Lovell-Sauerland and Associates Ronquillo
Correction Response Memo June 27, 2016
LSA No. 5325
Water and Sanitary Sewer Plan and Details (C5 of 5)
1) OK
2) OK
3) OK
1) OK
2) OK
3) OK
4) OK
5) OK
6) OK
Dry Utilities — Show on sheets C3 & C5
1) OK
Thanks for your time and effort in reviewing this material. If you have any questions or need
additional information, please do not hesitate to call.
John Yuen
Lovell-Sauerland and Associates Ronquillo
Correction Response Memo June 27, 2016
LSA No. 5325 L. ^;