20160729152028.pdf2 o 15 0
Building Envelope Engineering
March 22" d, 2016
Project No. 1501-1008
City of Edmonds
Planning Department
Subject: — Edmonds Center Townhouses -- RCW 64.55
Building Enclosure Design and Details, and Inspections
Planning Department:
This letter is intended to address the state waterproofing law (RCW 64,55) regarding
building enclosure design and associated details as it relates to Edmonds Center
Townhouses Project located at 624 & 628 Daley St, Edmonds, WA.
BEE Consulting, LLC (A Washington Engineering Corporation) was retained by
Edmonds Center Townhouses Condo Association in order to provide building enclosure
design consultation, design details and on -site inspections related to the building
The undersigned has provided building enclosure documents and inspections that in my
professional judgment are appropriate to satisfy requirements of RCW 64,55.005 through
RCW 64.55.090.
Sincerely Yours,
James C Freeling, P.E.
BEE Consulting, L
Principal Engincc
�f-PIRES: 121271
170 W Dayton Suite 206 Edmonds, WA 98020
ph 425-672-3900...... fax 425-812-8608
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Building envelope engineering
Project Name:mm Edmonds Center ..... .__......._ .........
Date: 11/2/15
Townhomes. Project #: 1501-1008 1 Window Water Testing
Project Address: 628 Daley ST Field Rep: Nathan Van Voorst, Testing Manager
Edmonds, WA. Onsite Date: 11/3/15
Client: Edmonds Center Townhome Manometer: DM 32
Condominium Association Weather: — 65 °F, Clear
Present at Site: Nate Van Voorst (BEE) Patrick McMahon (BEE)
BEE Consulting was retained by Edmonds Center Townhome Condominium Association for the
purpose of performing window water penetration resistance testing on a selection of VPI
windows and doors as installed in the building, in accordance with ASTM E1105 procedure B,
consisting of four -five minute cycles with a one minute rest period between. The tests were
inclusive of window system and installation detail. All equipment was in current calibration per
the standard. A negative pressure plenum was assembled on the interior face of specimens and
the tests were performed with the following results:
Columbia Heights 1402-1011
Building EmNepe Enginwring
Columbia Heights 1402-1011 11/2/15
Testing Summary:
A total of Three VPI systems were tested as installed at Edmonds Center Townhomes. A passing
result was recorded for each of the systems at the test pressures noted above.
Prepared by:
Nathan R. Van Voorst, Testing Manager
Reviewed and Approved by:
Chad Smith, PE, Operations Manager
Please note that there is no guarantee expressed, written or implied by this report. The data complied herein is subject to change in
case of new or additional data discovery. The information contained in this report is based on information available at the time that
this report was prepared. Concerns do not represent a total listing of all locations with issues nor do they imply all similar locations
to have issues. If additional information is discovered, it should be forwarded to our office for further review and comment. We
reserve the right to amend and/or modify this report if new and/or significant data becomes available that impacts the situation and
parameters of this investigation. Our services were performed using the degree of skill normally exercised by practicing investigation
individuals in this area and similar locales. No other warranty is either expressed or implied.
Columbia Heights 1402-1011 11/2/15