October 3, 2016
City of Edmonds
Attn: JoAnne Zulauf
121 5"' Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020
Subject: BLD20160215-2nd
Response to September 12, 2016 Plan Review Corrections
CT 0 4 2 016
Our Project Number 16001
Thank you for your timely review of our Building Permit application. The following response is
made to the comments presented in the September 12, 2016 plan review correction letter. The
following outline provides each of your comments in italics exactly as written, along with a
narrative response describing how each comment was addressed:
1. Please complete site plan (sheet A-1) to include all required information. Remove spot
elevations for clarity, the contours are sufficient. See example.
Response: See revised architect plan.
2. 9112116 Done.
3. 9112116 Done,
1. 9112116 Incomplete.
1) The city sewer main crosses all around this property. Shoiv the public sewer
easement for all of the sewer line,
Response: Public sewer easement for all the sewer lines are shown on the
revised plan. See Sheet C01 and CO2.
2) Why is the sewer connection labeled option #1. Please determine the design
location and remove the option language.
Response: The label option #1 has been removed.
3) Sewer cleanout shall be located at edge gfsewer main easement.
Response: A cleanout is added at edge of sewer main easement near the new
side sewer connection point.
4) A 4"-6" clean out is required at the house. Provide elevations (3).for° the house
cleanout and the 6"clean out the sewer easement and at the connection to the
sewer main. Use GIS map server layer on city tivebsite to see invert information
for the existing sewer main and use to approximate connection elevations etc
15445 53RD AVENUE SOUTH, SUITE 100, SEATTLE, WA 99189 FAX 206 398-1648 PHONE 425 251-8611 206 4 31-7970
City of Edmonds Attn: JoAnne Zulauf 2 October 3, 2016
Response to September 12, 2016 Plan Review Corrections PED Project No. 16001
Response: The existing sewer cleanout for the house will be replaced with a
new cleanout, two more new cleanouts are added, one at the outside of the
existing drywell near the northwest corner of the house and the other at the
edge of the sewer easement near the new side sewer connection point.
5) Revise note, for existing 4" service to be cut and capped.
Response: A note has been added to call cut and cap existing 4" side sewer.
6) Revise sewer note on CO2 to be consistent with COI.
Response: The plan has been revised so that CO2 is consistent with COI.
7) Water meter must be installed on the right of way side of the property line.
Response: The plan has been revised to install water meter on the right of
way side of the property line.
8) Please indicate the area of the water line that is installed and what portion is
currently installed.
Response: There is no existing water service line to the site. A new 1" water
meter and a new 1" water service line is proposed. Total new 1" water
service line is approximately 205'.
9) Note #1 does not seem to be consistent with the plans. Please remove or revise.
Response: The note #1 has been removed.
10) The water line crosses the sewer main in two places. Review Handout E86 Water
Service Line Specifications and add appropriate information to the plan.
Response: The two new 1" water service line crossings with existing 8" sewer
mains are shown on sheet CO2, the 1" water service line will cross over the
existing sewer mains with minimum 1.5' clearances. Bottom of 1" water
service and top of sewer elevations at the crossings are shown on the plan.
There is no information regarding the water or the sewer services on any plan. Please show
connections f om main services to the house. Show the water meter and note size. Add pipe size,
material and length.
Response: Sewer mains around the site and side sewer to the existing house are shown
on the plan. Water mains near the site are shown on the plan. There is no existing
water service to the site. Information of water services to adjacent properties are not
available. Water meters for adjacent properties are shown on the plan. New 1" water
meter and approximately 200 LF of new 1" water service per C.O.K. E7.6 is called out
on Sheet CO2.
S. 9112116 Incomplete. Please revise to show all easements, use GIS map, Easement Layer to
find the public easements. Show the easements all across the adjacent properties to the
northeast of the property and reference information. So show,full property that all
easements are located that serve this property. Each easement has a specific boundary,
City of Edmonds Attn: JoAnne Zulauf 3 October 3, 2016
Response to September 12, 2016 Plan Review Corrections PED Project No. 16001
show the correct information on the plans. Please add the type of easement (storm, utiliiy
etc) to the easement notations around the property.
Response: All access and utility easements, public sewer easements around and near the
site are shown on the plans. See sheet CO1 and CO2. The access and utility and public
sewer easement across the adjacent properties to the northeast of the property is shown
on the plan across the end of right of way of 94th Avenue West.
6. 9112116 Incomplete. The top of the sheet is inaccurately labeled "Storm Drainage and
Detention " since this is the only location of the sewer and water line information. Remove
or remove/replace with "Composite Utility Plan" as titled below. This should be the sheet
title shown on the title block as well. Remove "Preliminary "from the civils.
Response: Revised as commented.
7. 9112116 Completed.
8. 9112116 Completed.
9. 9112116 Completed.
10. 9112116 Incomplete. The fill property and easement areas must be shown. The northern
easement line is not show or is tinder the proposed storm line. The storm line must be
located within the easement. The plan on C01 also shows the access easement through the
property. Is that correct? Is this an access easement for the property to the southwest? The
drive through the property must be a minimum of 12' paved. Add access easement width and
length and label. Is it an access and utility easement?
Response: The plan has been revised to show the access and utility easement across the
end of the right of way of 941h Avenue West per information available from the City of
Edmonds GIS map. The new storm line is located within this 20' wide easement. This
Access easement is through the property and is used for the access to the southwest
adjacent property. The access easement width and length are shown on the plan. This
20' wide access easement is also a utility easement and public sewer easement. The
proposed onsite driveway leading to the existing garage will be a 16' wide asphalt
driveway to replace the 38' long of existing broken asphalt/gravel driveway. Another
22' long x 6' wide asphalt driveway is added to the existing 22' long x 10' wide concrete
driveway to increase the total driveway width to 16'. For offsite improvement within
the 20' wide access easement. The existing asphalt/gravel driveway will be repair to a
16' wide asphalt driveway.
11. 9112116 Incomplete.
a. The access drive is required to be a minimum of 12' paved. Please revise plan to show
paving requirement.
Response: See response for #10.
b. Grasscrete used for a stormwater mitigation bmp cannot be installed on the adjacent
property. Please remove and show concrete or asphalt for this area.
Response: The plan has been revised to use asphalt.
City of Edmonds Attn: JoAnne Zulauf 4 October 3, 2016
Response to September 12, 2016 Plan Review Corrections PED Project No. 16001
c. Grasscrete is a mitigation bmp. The area is considered impervious with the grasscrete
installed to mitigate the runofffrom that surface. Therefore, the impervious surface must be
included in the total surface calculations. Please resubmit a stormwater report and plans
designed for a Small Site Category 2, > 5000 sf impervious surface.
Response: The plan has been revised to use 38' long x 16' wide asphalt driveway. Part
of the existing concrete driveway and walkway near the existing garage will be removed
to keep total onsite impervious area less than 5,000 square feet.
12. 9112116 Complete.
13. 9112116 Complete.
14. 9112116 Incomplete. Note size of existing drywell and show specific location. Is it possible to
share with the storm system overflow? Have the existing walls been remove? If footing
drains are required, show where they will drain. It is allowable for them to connect to the
storm drain line after the detention system (though not the force line) or to divert them to a
Response: The revised plan shows the sizes and locations of the existing drywells. The
existing drywell walls have not been removed. One of the existing drywell is used for
the storm detention tank overflow. The footing drains drain to the existing drywells
bypassing the detention tank.
15. 9112116 Complete.
16, 9112116 Incomplete. Please resubmit a stormwater report and plans designed for a Small
Site Category 2, > 5000 sf impervious surface. There are no impervious surface calculations
included on the plan so unable to confirm sizing of the detention system. Please include all
impervious surface on the lot.
Response: The stormwater report has been revised based on the new impervious area
calculation. The new plan removes part of the concrete driveway and sidewalk near the
garage. The grasscrete driveway is replaced with asphalt driveway. Total onsite
impervious area is controlled to within 5,000 square feet. The detention tank is sized
for 5,000 square feet of impervious area. The plan is still designed for a Small Site
Category 1, < 5,000 square feet of impervious area. An impervious surface calculation
Exhibit is provided with the Pump design report.
17. 9112116 Show how the impervious area for the grasscrete is collected if the design changes to
eliminate it. All impervious surface for this project is considered new and must be mitigated.
Show all of the impervious surfaces to be constructed and label all of it.. Show how runoff
will be collected from each surface.
Response: The Grasscrete driveway is replaced with asphalt driveway. Runoff from
the driveway is collected by existing yard drains (one in the 10' wide existing concrete
driveway, and the other at the landscape area near the existing concrete wall at the
northwest side of the driveway) and the existing trench drain in front of the existing
garage. All onsite impervious area will be routed to the detention tank for flow control
City of Edmonds Attn: JoAnne Zulauf 5 October 3, 2016
Response to September 12, 2016 Plan Review Corrections PED Project No. 16001
mitigation. Total pollution generating impervious area is less than 5,000 square feet,
water quality treatment is not required.
18. 9112116 This review will be deferred to the next submittal due to the changes required to the
stormwater system. Note, current stormwater report, page 2, states the force line is to be
installed all the way to 941h. Please provide a stormwater pump report as described in detail
in the City of Edmonds Handout E62 Regulations for Private Residential Sewage Pumps in
Edmonds (Single Family Residential Only). The handout is for sewage but the requirements
for pump submittal is the same. Please review handout carefully to ensure that all required
information is provided in the resubmittal.
Response: The report has been revised to be consistent with the plan. The forcemain is
discharged to a new onsite catch basin in the 20' wide Access and utility easement near
the northeast corner of the site and then through a new 6" PVC gravity storm
discharges to a new catch basin in the 20' wide Access and utility easement near the end
of the 94111 Avenue West right of way. The storm pump station is designed per the
Handout E62 with a pump meets the requirements of the handout.
19. 9112116 Incomplete. Revise and resubmit. Please complete the project classification
'worksheet and submit (E72 handout)
Response: A completed E72 worksheet is included in the Storm and Pump Report.
20. 9112116 Incomplete. Revise and resubmit. Review the section pertaining to the classification
of your project in the Stormwater Supplement and provide any and all information, notes etc.
required. A copy can be found on our website under Engineering Handouts.
Response: Site Classification Work Sheet and a complete E72 worksheet are included in
the Storm & Pump Report. This site drains to Talbot Creek B and is a Creek site
project. Total onsite impervious area is less than 5,000 square feet, thus, the project is a
Small Site Category 1 project.
We believe that the above responses, together with the enclosed revised plans address all of your
comments. Please review and approve this project at your earliest convenience. If you have
questions, comments, or need additional information, please contact me at your convenience.
Thank you.
Since el'y,
Gr g �e ler P.E.
Attachment: *Revised Plans
*2016-09-27 TIR includes the E72 worksheet
Copy: Dale Fonk