2016-1458 Paradise Harbor Addition comments 2.pdf�o'V ED,110 City of Edmonds PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS BUILDING DIVISION �St. 1 sa° (425) 771-0220 DATE: May 24th, 2017 TO: Yuriy Labaz Email: yuri.labaz ,hotmail.com FROM: Eric Carter, Plans Examiner RE: Plan Check: BLD2016-1458 Project: Paradise Harbor Addition Project Address: 21602 86th PI W Please be advised that the building plans for the above referenced project have been disapproved for the purposes of obtaining a building permit. During a review of the plans by the Building Division for compliance with the applicable building codes, it was found that the following information, clarifications, or changes are needed. Reviews by other divisions, such as Planning, Engineering, or Fire, may result in additional comments that require attention beyond the scope of this letter. Items that recur on this list appear in red italics. A complete review cannot be performed until the revised plans/documents, including a written response in itemized letter format indicating where the `clouded' or otherwise hi2hli2hted changes can be found on the revised plans, have been submitted to a Permit Coordinator. Resubmittals must be made at the Development Services Department on the 2nd Floor of City Hall. Permit Center hours are M, T, Th, & F from 8am-4:30pm and from 8:30am-12pm on Wednesdays. Sheet A 1 1. Please add the `S' sheets to the Sheet Index. 2. The Energy Credit options shown as selected on sheet Al must be properly specified and shown clearly on the plans. Some of the specifications and detailing are found on sheet A8, however, some of it is missing and some is incorrect. Please see the following excerpts from WSEC Table 406.2 corresponding to the options you have selected, and make any corrections on sheet A8 as needed. Page I of 3 OPTION DESCRIP110N CIREDIIT(S), 2a MR 1, EAKAGE.CONT11,01. 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HIGH Ft +[0 EM."Y I IV AC H,)U1WNIFN I 3j: 1,() Gos, Pmpanv Or Ott -fired Funio cc. woh minintum A IT IofQT!��, or Gws, pnipain: In odcd-Iiicd Impi(ler Ivilh, mininium AFUE. id'92%,� Fo qwahly tc, chumi thins the budding pQrrnit drawings Mwill sIncHY thQ qi,tion hcin�sclv,oc.d anal .shall %liccify flic lhw!;ating a,quipnwn[ typ-,,,! ardOic minjilmul 4:'Llpiplut-na 01-wirlicy 511 EFFECIFN'T M,A FFR HFATING 5a: 0.5 All slwwcrlucad and kitclwn sink fimcm immill"I in the luntsc s11hall be rawd at 1 '71 611M ar Icss, All o0wr Iavaory lmwkvs fliafl Ix, raI,d al U,fl (AINT or lvsNlt 'I o qualdy to daiin dais cre(fil, flik; builffing rwrinit di•vvinvs shell Ilia" op6on licing sclectcd and shiall q),"J(y tulle nininluill flwo ratcs ('or alk skcwerheads, kiichen sink fakiccls, and (Alma ,'r havalory fituods. 5-LI 17,1110EENI WA ill IR IIF.A [ING 5d, 0.5 A c1raini walel lx',aq le-CovelY ujlit(sD dull lic inst".111c4l, wvhkhi caplu.ms wmraslc watcrhcaq fruim;alll thc showcrs, and has A-1,110cm.'y ifinstalled fi:sFC(lk1M flowor a mininium cffiwicncy o6'52`�O� ifinsioHod Rvi- mic(ptal MINI, Suich unils dui[l bc ualcd iii UCLO I'll ArPcc Nvilh. CSA 1155.1, .tiukl [pe scLibclud Fo qualify to clafin flik cmcki, flw building pci-111it dna%vings 0all inclitcle a plumInng 41tagroIn 11hol sllvvifics 111lic th-min waiki h,mil i ecmcry It"tos ani] 111c phillillipg kuylli'll 11CC&III, [e) fiIISCAH it dTld 1,315CIS of k1flivr doc.11111craofiou shall be pFovidcd that Sheet A3 3. Add a note to the plans concerning the required drywall to be applied to the walls and ceiling of the garage for the dwelling -garage fire separation as per IRC Table 302.6. 4. Provide a 36 inch deep landing at the door from the garqge to the house, or reverve the door tea swing the osite direction. JRC R311.7.6 It does not appear this item has been changed pan the plans. VP Sheet A4 5. It appears that gnidline 7 does not match that shown on sheet A3. Please verify that the gridlines are consistent between sheets A3 and A4. 6. Please show detail callouts on this sheet for the balcony. It appears that details I and 2 on sheet A7 pertain to this balcony. Sheet A8 7. The Foundation Ventilation calculations show that (5) 14 'W" vents are to be provided, but the calculations appear to indicate that (12) are required. Five vents are stall indicated on the plans. Sheet S2 8. Please provide the footing schedule which is referenced in the details on this sheet but not found in the plan set. 9. Provide specifications from the engineer of record for the proper type of bolt to be used for the epoxy retrofit holddown locations. The PAB7 bolts indicated on the plans are only intended for cast -in -place installations. Revise the plans as needed. 10. Reference details 2, 6 and M. I on this sheet. Show on the plans the minimum embedment depth of the epoxy bolts as mentioned in the above comment. Sheet S3 Page 2 of 3 11. The shearwall schedule and details indicate standard anchor bolts to be used at shearwalls; however, the anchor bolts will all be retrofit into the existing foundation. Please provide specifications and details for the new retrofit anchor bolts. 12. Provide clarification from the engineer of record for the structural support of the double (4)2x6 posts in the wall adjacent to the entry door. It appears there may be insufficient support below these posts for the gravity loads. Revise the plans as needed. General 13. Provide a structural analysis from the engineer of record to verify the capacity of the existing footings and foundation to support the increased loads imposed by the new addition. IEBC section 402 The construction prolect involves demolition oaf a significant portion qaf the existing structure. please be aware that structures that are demolished to the level that meets or exceeds 75% oaf the replacement east qaf the structure will not be allowed by city aide to be rebuilt except tea fuXon standards fear new construction. Deference Edmunds Community Development Code section 17. 40.020(l). In carder to verify that your prq/ect dues not meet this threshold, the hallowing must be provided to the city: a. A east break -down showing the demolition is less than 75% qaf the replacement east qaf the building. Please the attached worksheet if this is the method you choose, please complete, and return with your resubmittal. b. Distinguish clearly on the plans which portions qaf the building are to be retained as existing and which are new, in carder to establish a design that clearly demonstrates the level gafdemolition as laid out in the east break -down. please contact me i f you need further clarification on this issue. It is stall unclear on page A which walls are to remain ftom the original construction. please identify on the plans which portions oaf the Jbundation, walls, and gar floor system are to remain f om the original structure. Page 3 of 3