2017-0091 Whirly Ball #2.pdf
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
DATE:September 29, 2017
TO:Tom Choquette
Email: Whirlyballedmonds@gmail.org
FROM:Leif Bjorback, Building Official
RE:Plan Check: BLD2017-0091, 2 review
Project: Generator and Enclosure, New doors at seating enclosure
Project Address: 23401 Highway 99
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information,
clarifications or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can be found
on the plans, and submit revised plans/documents to a permit coordinator in the Development Services
Department. Please note that a complete review (the previous 1 review) was not possible due to the
incompleteness of the information on the drawings. The following issues were identified that need to be
addressed. Additional plan review comments may be forthcoming depending on the quality and
completeness of your next submittal.
All new comments resulting from the 2 review are shown below in italics.
1.Previous comment completed.
2.Remove any notations from old versions of sheet SD-1 that do not pertain to this project. The plans
must be clear as to what is existing and what work is being proposed (new). Please remove the
unnecessary notes on the plan, especially that occur on/over the unheated seating enclosure. Show all
existing exterior doors on this sheet, including the swing of the doors.
3.Provide a scaled floor plan that shows the location, size and swing of the new doors. Indicate on the
plans that the hardware will be lever handled or otherwise accessible.
a.Show the swing of the new door on the floor plan.
b.The padlock and hasp shown on the plans is not allowed by code to be used for occupiable
spaces. Provide code compliant lever handled or otherwise accessible hardware meeting the
requirements of IBC section 1010.1.
4.The maximum width of any door leaf is 48 inches. Please revise the plans as needed. The larger
door leaf has now been shown on the plans as a “moveable open wall.” This “moveable open wall”
must meet the code requirements for either a door or an exterior wall. Please revise the plans as
5.Show on the plans how the new exterior walls (at the new door location) comply with the
requirements for type V-A construction. The exterior walls of the main building (including the seating
enclosure) must be one hour fire rated. It is unclear as to how the new portions of exterior wall are
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to achieve a one hour rating. Please clarify the note stating “Intumescent paint to make V-A
construction requirements,” as to the application and extent of the application of the paint.
Generator Enclosure Sheet
It appears that the enclosure around the generator has been removed from the plans, so the previous
comments (6-12) regarding this enclosure no longer apply.
Thank you,
Leif Bjorback, Building Official
City of Edmonds
(425) 771-0220
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