20170119160131.pdfMe onno Pre -Application Meeting PERMITTING & DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION 121 5th Avenue N P: 425.771.0220 www.edmondswa.gov Pre Application File Number: PRE20170001 Pre Application Date: January 19, 2017 - 3pm Property Name: Swanson Project Address: 7424 - 210`h St SW Type of Construction: Demo SFR, construct 2 story duplex & 2 bdrm rambler ........_............. ..-....................................� Developer/Applicant Ernest Swanson _._ ........................._................... _........ ............ .. Engineering Reprsentative Jeanie McConnell, Engineering Program Manager jeanie.mcconnell@edmondswa.gov Complete Civil Construction Drawings City of l:dntonds Standard Details, Fees, Handouts,, E;dnlonds Community Development (ode (l C1 C), etc w ^ cdni,ondsNva.&Lv f X�' Ci15 utility maps, asbunits City easements: ww,n at�s�l��a�t���¢.swa, * Drawings shall be 24 x 36 in sire and scaled at 1:20 minimum w e Include loll extent of property and adjoining right of'ways o D tailsll rofiles, as well as City of Edmonds Standard Details shall be provided as " necessary • Include Civil Plana Sheet Index, to Include Utility Purveyor Information o Include "Approved byEngineering" approval block ..... example on City website. Provide General Notes and Construction nstruction Sequence ce — example on City ebsite. l p y wv Stormwater Site Plan �k * City Stormwater Engineer: Robert t Edward t l Phone: 42 .771.022f1 x 1323 or p,-mai1. robert_edwwpndms fa dni n dswa„gov a Stormwater management system shall be designed in accordance with the 2014 DOE Stormwater Manual as modified by Edmonds Community Development Code t� i((ECDC) 18.30 Stormwater Management and the Stormwater Addendum Submittal r, checklists are currently being developed and should be available the beginning o 1 ebruary, all resources caul be found on the City wwrebsite. • Hie City has a 2 % retrofit regUirement that applies to existing unmanaged. impervious surface areas. Page 1 of Traffic Impact Analysis • Refer to and follow the requirements outlined in the ECC Chapter 3.36. • Transportation impact fees are due at the time of building permit issuance. General Facility Charges • Water — calculation is based on size of water meter required for domestic use • Sewer — calculation is based on number of living units • Storm — calculation is based on impervious surface area. CIVIL CONSTRUCTION PLANS TOPGRAPHIC DRAWING ➢ Existing and proposed contours (2' intervals) ➢ Grading plan and quantities of cut and fill. Include quantities for building foundation and provide bottom of footing elevations. ➢ Use light pen layer for the proposed construction so pertinent information is clearly identifiable. EROSION CONTROL ➢ Erosion and discharge of sediments and other pollutants into receiving waters during construction shall be prevented. Failure to contain on site will constitute and illicit discharge. ➢ A full temporary erosion and sediment control plan is required for issuance of a demo permit. ➢ Developer is responsible for implementation and maintenance of erosion control measures throughout the project. ➢ ESC general notes and standard details shall be placed on drawing. STORM DRAINAGE ➢ Refer to ECDC 18.30 and the 2014 DOE Stormwater Manual ➢ For projects with less than 5000sf of new plus replaced hard surface area, the on -site stormwater management BMP's shall be determined following DOE List 1 or LID Performance Standard. ➢ For projects with 5.000s:f or gjeater of new plus replaced hard surface area, the on -site stormwater management BMP's shall be determined following DOE List 2 or LID Performance Standard. ➢ Stormwater Management system shall be designed by a licensed engineer. ➢ Provide RIM and invert elevations for all existing and proposed storm structures. SITE ACCESS ➢ Driveway Approach - Access Width • 24' to 30' standard width for Multi -Family. • A single point of access is to be provided ➢ Driveway Access/slope • 14% max slope, waiver up to 20% per ECDC 18.80.060 under special circumstances. ?;- -4 tw ru - Z Z - rrr-r a q r / 7-;_r, Page 2 of 4 • 6% landing area for the first 20'. FRONTAGE IMPROVEMENTS ➢ Curb and Gutter • Standard Curb/Gutter ➢ Sidewalks • 5-foot wide sidewalks required along property frontage. • Thickness of sidewalks shall be 5-1/2". Thickness at driveway approach shall be 6". ➢ Storm Improvements Provide additional storm improvements as required DRY UITLITIES - UNDERGROUND WIRING & ELECTRICAL POWER SOURCE ➢ Underground Wiring Requirements of ECDC 18.05 shall be followed. All utility services shall be installed underground. ➢ Show location of pad mounted transformer, if proposed; to be located on private property. ➢ Show location of dry utilities and required utility separation (5-feet from City utilities within the ROW and 3-feet from water/sewer/storm utilities on private property). WATER SERVICE ➢ Purveyor: City of Edmonds • Meter(s) shall be placed on right of way side of property line and outside of driveway approach. • Minimum meter size 3/4" with 1" minimum line size. • If fire sprinklers are required, meter shall be a minimum of 1" with 1 '/2" water service line. ➢ Irrigation • City Cross Connection Control Specialist: Jeff Koblyk Phone: 425.771.0235 x1644 or e-mail: jppff. qb,% @c(tqj s v ..g<.) • Show separate irrigation meter. • Show location of backflow assembly. • Irrigation Sprinkler Permit to be obtained from Public Works. SANITARY SEWER ➢ Purveyor: City of Edmonds • 6" cleanout required at the property line with 12" lamphole cover with'/z" hexbolts. • Existing lateral shall be inspected by the Sewer Division to determine if it is in acceptable condition for reuse. If not, a new 6" lateral from the main to the property line will be required. • If existing sewer lateral is not proposed for reuse, it shall be cut and capped at the property line. • Cleanouts: required at property line, at edge of easement and at the end of the run. Locking Cl lamphole covers shall be installed at property line and when located in hard surfaces. Cleanouts shall be placed a maximum of 100' apart when the lateral length exceeds 100 feet. Page 3 of 4 RECYCLE/TRASH ENCLOSURE ➢ City Recycling Coordinator: Steve Fisher Phone: 425.771.0235 or e-mail: stev e.�fisl rw dr q�dsvr .Gov ➢ Refer to City Handout E-37 ➢ Gate shall be full swing, concrete pad required ➢ Enclosure to be accessible by hauler ➢ NO UTILITIES (I.E. GAS METERS, POWER, ETC) SHALL BE PLACED WITHIN THE ENCLOSURE STAGING/LAYDOWN AREA ➢ Show location of job site fencing, job trailer, materials storage, etc. TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN and HAUL ROUTE PLAN ➢ Include traffic control plan for work during all phases of construction. ➢ Haul Routes shall be most direct route to main arterials. RIGHT-OF-WAY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT ➢ A right-of-way construction permit is required for all work within the City right-of- way. ➢ Contractor is required to have an active state contractor's license as well as City business license. COST ESTIMATE, BONDING and 3.3% Inspection Fee ➢ Provide an itemized engineers cost estimate for both on -site and off -site (right-of- way) improvements, including traffic control and all utility installations. Use the King County Bond Quantity Worksheet (available on the county website). The amount of the bond will be based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the off - site improvements. ➢ The 3.3% inspection fee is based on 120% of the City approved estimate for the entire project improvements. Page 4 of 4