20170217151156.pdflay City of Edmonds
:wr. is (425) 771-0220
DATE: January 18, 2017
TO: Yuriy Labaz
Email: tlularahcatlratl, ltlro, D"Il4a1
FROM: Leif Bjorback, Building Official
RE: Plan Check: BLD2016-1458
Project: Paradise Harbor Addition
Project Address: 21602 86" PI W
During review of the plans for the above noted project, it was found that the following information, clarifications
or changes are needed. Please provide written responses as to where the changes can be found on the plans, and
submit revised plans/documents to a permit coordinator in the Development Services Department. Thank you.
Sheet Al
1. Please add the `S' sheets to the Sheet Index.
2. The Energy Credit options shown as selected on sheet Al must be properly specified and shown
clearly on the plans. Some of the specifications and detailing are found on sheet A8, however, some
of it is missing and some is incorrect. Please see the following excerpts from WSEC Table 406.2
corresponding to the options you have selected, and make any corrections on sheet A8 as needed.
Compliance haseti snY R401-4.1.2: Reduce the tested air leakage to 7.11 air changes per
hour maximum
All whole house ventilation rvtluitcrmtc¢rts as ticta:murted by Section M1507.3 of lie
drater°rva�tt�rta tl °vie �rrrl+��i C'ei e shall be nwt with a high oftl U oicy thn (maximur t 035
waus/ain), not interlock�cd withilrc furnace llmmt, Vcwdallon sytcnms using Ai lisnuwt°
inclndiagatt Iw04 uttntnt are alhswd„ lime idvil that they are cotigrollw'41 to operate at low
speed in ventilation only made.
To qualify to claim this credit, the building prnnit drawings shall slrcaity the option
being sclected and shall spcoly the nv"irr urtt tcstod building air Icakago and shall
show ttmc oualifvink ventilation svootaa.
Gas, propanmmc or oil -fired %vunacC with mipittntrn AFIi9 of 94°r%. or
Gas, propatw or oiled -fired boilcr with rniniemmumn AFVE of 92%
To gmmalif" to claim this cra alit, the building pernik drawings shrill spccity tltc option
being sclectvd and shall specify the heating c+quipment type and the minitnutn
All showvcrlicad and kitchen sink faucets ttm"led .in the house shall be rated at 1.75
GPM or less. All othcr lavatory fomtods. shall be rated A 1.0 GPM or Icsa.`
To qualify to claim this creedit, the building prennit drawings shall slmcaity the option
being selected and shall specify the maximntnmm flow ru ws fbr all shuwv'rbevals, kitchen
sink faucets. and other lavatory faauceis..
Page 1 of 2
A drain watuir heat recovery unit(s) basalt be ind ailed, which caw ttaa^a % %quitt WaWT heat
thnnall the Jaraawwtrs.and ImaMinimum efficiency of 0 ifinstnlleclfoT oqualflo or
a tninhira n cffcietacy of 52%if inssallcil for aaraetitaatl flow., Such uni% shall Wrated is
as oordance with CA B55,1 aaraal N so to t ,
` o qualify to claim this credit, the building p• . it davvings shall anCludc m plumbing
dil ts' nraa that 4Kcifies the dtFaira W atce fast rrcovcry Units Arad the plus In ag layout
re ed to install it mad labels ast odict docuf atnuation shmll be id that
et-moman meg that the snit eaninolies with the sUnJard.
Sheet A3
3. Add a note to the plans concerning the required drywall to be applied to the walls and ceiling of the
garage for the dwelling -garage fire separation as per IRC Table 302.6.
4. Provide a 36 inch deep landing at the door from the garage to the house, or reverse the door to swing
the opposite direction. IRC R311.7.6
Sheet A4
5. It appears that gridline 7 does not match that shown on sheet A3. Please verify that the gridlines are
consistent between sheets A3 and A4.
6. Please show detail callouts on this sheet for the balcony. It appears that details 1 and 2 on sheet A7
pertain to this balcony.
Sheet A8
7. The Foundation Ventilation calculations show that (5) 14"x7" vents are to be provided, but the
calculations appear to indicate that (10) are required.
Sheet S2
8. Please provide the footing schedule which is referenced in the details on this sheet but not found in
the plan set.
9. Provide specifications from the engineer of record for the proper type of bolt to be used for the epoxy
retrofit holddown locations. The PAB7 bolts indicated on the plans are only intended for cast -in -place
installations. Revise the plans as needed.
10. Reference details 2, 6 and M.1 on this sheet. Show on the plans the minimum embedment depth of the
epoxy bolts as mentioned in the above comment.
Sheet S3
11. The shearwall schedule and details indicate standard anchor bolts to be used at shearwalls; however,
the anchor bolts will all be retrofit into the existing foundation. Please provide specifications and
details for the new retrofit anchor bolts.
12. Provide clarification from the engineer of record for the structural support of the double (4)2x6 posts
in the wall adjacent to the entry door. It appears there may be insufficient support below these posts
for the gravity loads. Revise the plans as needed.
13. Provide a structural analysis from the engineer of record to verify the capacity of the existing footings
and foundation to support the increased loads imposed by the new addition. IEBC section 402
14. The construction project involves demolition of a significant portion of the existing structure. Please
be aware that structures that are demolished to the level that meets or exceeds 75% of the replacement
cost of the structure will not be allowed by city code to be rebuilt except to full -on standards for new
construction. Reference Edmonds Community Development Code section 17.40.020(F). In order to
verify that your project does not meet this threshold, the following must be provided to the city:
a. A cost breakdown showing the demolition is less than 75% of the Mlamment cost of the building.
b. Distinguish clearly on the plans which portions of the building are to be retained as existing and
which are new, in order to establish a design that clearly demonstrates the level of demolition as laid
out in the cost breakdown. Please contact me if you need further clarification on this issue.
Page 2 of 2
City of Edmonds , °rY OF Ef)MONDS
Development Services Department
121 5ch Avenue North
Edmonds, WA 98020
SUBJECT: Labaz Residence, 21602 86" PI W, Edmonds, WA
Review Comments dated January 18, 2016 — Plan Check BLD2016-1458
Structural Documents - Project No. 17916.2 dated 1212112016
Attention: Plans Examiner
The following line item numbers are inclusive for structural comments only. The balance will be
addressed by the contractor and house plan designer:
8. Footing schedule shown on sheet S3.
9. Details revised to reflect 7/8" all -threads in "Set" epoxy>
10. Minimum embedment of all -threads now indicated.
11. Details already indicates expansion bolts. Shear wall schedule updated.
12. The (4) 2x6 studs revised to 6x6 posts bearing directly on spread footing per detail 8/S2.
13. Allowable load on existing footings: 1500psf x V-4" footing width = 2000plf. The maximum
load on bearing walls is 950 plf (floor + roof) The maximum concentrated loads (post) is
(12.33in)(2)(2ft)(1.33ftx1500)plf = 8220 lb. This exceeds all imposed post loads. Therefore.
Please call if you have any questions.
Norm P. Navarro, P.E.
PO Box 39681, Lakewood, WA 98496
(253) 250-6651 cell* rear„ rs aa1 riyg6 ,ontc.a& 1 1, e-mail
Date January 22, 2017
City Of Edmonds
Building & Planning
Plan Check: BLD2016-1458
Project: Paradise Harbor Addition
Project Address: 21602 86th PI
Response to Correction Notice
Leif Bjorback,
FEB16 2017
The following list of revisions is a response to your correction letter. Revised/added items have
been clouded.
1. Item has been added
2. Energy Credits have been updated. See Sheet Al
3. Note has been added
4. Door swing has been reversed
5. Gridline has been removed from construction set
6. Extra details have been added to sheet A7
7. Foundation calculations have been updated
8-13. Per Engineer of Record
14. Please see revised plan. Majority of existing walls are to remain. Legend for new/existing
walls is shown.
If you have questions, do not hesitate contacting me at 1-206-838-8250
Alexey Ancheyev
PHONE: 206.a38.S2S0