20170626110213.pdfSTATUS: ISSUED 06/26/201 Expiration Date: 12/26/201`7 (`*.*-1TY OF EDMONDS 121 5TH AVENUE NORTH - EDMONDS, WA 98020 PHONE: (425) 771-0220 - FAX: (425) 771-0221 1 Parcel No: 27031300401500 R 1. OWN ER APPLICANT CONTRACTOR JAMES T MANN TAMES T MANN HOMEOWNEREXEMPTION 18906 OLYMPIC VIEW DR 18906 OLYMPIC VIEW DR CIO JAMES T MANN EDMONDS, WA 98020-2353 EDMONDS, WA 98020-2353 18906 OLYMPIC VIEW DR EDMONDS, WA 99020-2353 (425) 672-4371' (425) 672-4371• (425) 672-4371 LICENSE #:' EXP. JOB 1 1 MINOR WORK PERMIT TO INSPECT EXPIRED PERMIT BLD2016-1309. REMOVE PERVIOUS DECK AND REPLACE WITH NEW IMPERVIOUS DECK. 80SF WORK STARTED PRIOR TO PERMIT VALUATION: $0.00' PERMIT TYPE Residential PERMIT GROUP: 18 - Complete Minor Work GRADING CYDS:'0 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION., RETAINING WALL ROCKERY OCCUPANT GROUP; OCCUPANT LOAD. FENCE ( 0 X 0 FT) CODE 2015 OTHER: ------- OTHER DESC: I ZONE: RS-12 NUMBER OF STORIES 0 IVESTED DATE: NUMBER OF DWELLING UNITS: 0 LOT #t BASEMENT: 0 1 ST FLOOR 0 2ND FLOOR 0 BASEMENT 0 1 ST FLOOR 0 2ND'FLOOR<0 3RD FLOOR: 0 GARAGE: 0 DECK 0 OTHER 0 13RD FLOOR: 0 GARAGE: 0 DECK: 80 OTHER: 0 BEDROOMS:0 BATHROOMS:O BEDROOMS:0 BATHROOMS:0 FRONTSETBACK StDESETBACK:. REQUIRED: E 25 PROPOSED: 29 ' REQUIRED: W 10 PROPOSED: 10+ IREQUIRED N 25 PROPOSED 0 HEIGHT ALLOWED:25 PROPOSED:7 RE UIRED. S,10 PROPOSED: 10+' SETBACK NOTES Like for like replacement of existing nonconforming deck, Setbacks shown are to deck A 20 access easement runs across the northern extent of the subject parcel benefiting the lots to the west,, The 'rear' setback, above' is actually a street setback taken from the edge of the access easement, The deck (and most of the northern half of the 'house) 'is within the required 25 setback from the southern edge of the access easement,, I AGREE TO COMPLY WITH CITY AND STATE LAWS REGULATING CONSTRUCTION AND IN DOING THE WORK AUTHORIZED THEREBY, NO PERSON WILL BE EMPLOYED IN VIOLATION OF THE LABOR CODE OF THE STATE OF W ASHINGTON RELATING TO WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE AND RCW 1 8 27, THIS APPLICATION IS NOT A PERMIT UNTIL SIGNED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL OR 1 I84I1 14, DEPUTY AND ALL FEES ARE PAID' 9nature Print Name Date Released By � Date ONLINE' APPLICANT ASSESSOR OTHER ATTENTION IT IS UNLAWFUL TO USE OR OCCUPY A BUILDING OR STRUCTURE UNTIL A FINAL INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE AND APPROVAL OR A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BEEN GRANTED, UBC109/ IBCI 10/ IRCI 10, STATUS: ISSUED BLD20170851 • Final approval on a projector final occupancy approval must be granted by the Building Official prior to use or occupancy of the building or structure. Check the job card for all required City inspections including final project approval and final occupancy inspections. ; • Any request for alternate design, modification, variance or other administrative deviation (hereinafter "variance") from adopted codes, ordinances or policies must be specifically; requested in writing and be called out and identified. Processing fees for such request shall be established by Council and shall be paid upon submittal and are non-refundable. ,r Approval of any plat or plan containing provisions which do not comply with city code and for which avariance has not been specifically identified, requested and considered by the appropriate city official in accordance with the appropriate provision of city code or state law does not approve any items not to code specification. Sound/Noise originating from temporary construction sites as a result of construction activity are exempt from the noise limits ofECCChapter .5.30 only during the hours of7:00amto 6:00pmon weekdays and iii10:00amand 6:00pmon Saturdays, excluding Sundays and Federal Holidays. At all other times the noise originating from construction sites/activities must comply with the noise limits of Chapter 5.30, unless a variance has been granted pursuant to ECC 5,30.120 0 Applicant, on behalf of his her spouse, heirs, assigns, and successors in interests, agrees to indemnify defend and hold harmless the City of Edmonds, Washington, its officials, employees, and agents from any and all claims for damages of whatever nature, arising directly or indirectly fromthe issuance for this permit. Issuance of this permit shall not be deemed to modify, waive or reduce any requirements of any City ordinance nor limit in any way the City's ability to enforce any ordinance provision. THIS PERMIT AUTHORIZES ONLY THE WORK NOTED. THIS PERMIT COVERS WORK TO BE DONE ON PRIVATE PROPERTY ONLY, ANY CONSTRUCTION ON THE PUBLIC DOMAIN (CURBS, SIDEWALKS, DRIVEWAYS, MARQUEES,ETC,) WILL REQUIRE SEPARATE PERMISSION, PERMIT TIME LIMIT: SEE ECDC 19.00.005(A)(6) -,,XLL FOR INSPECTIONS RUING J42771-0220 EXT. 1333 04GINEERING 425 771-0220 EXT. 1326 FIRE (4 5) 775-7720 PUBLIC, WO RNS,1425)771µ0235 PII,E."li°llld VWNT 4'251672-57 5 I ICI�t�I.JNG0 -1110 1 When calling for an inspection please leave the following information: Permit Number, Job Site Address, Type of Inspection being re este Contact Name and Phone Number, bate Prefereed, and whether you aefer,mornin or afternoon. • B-Isolated' Footings/Piers • B-First Floor Framing • B-Building Final