20171023104107.pdfEXEMPTION FROM CONTRACTOR REGISTRATION VERIFICATION FORMI) The undersigned property owner or authorized person as described below, has applied for a building permit from the City of Edmonds and claims that he/she/it is exempt from providing contractor registration in accordance with the provisions of RCW 18.27. The property owner or authorized person, by their signature below, hereby verifies to the City of Edmonds that: � Value of wort under $500.00. The aggregate contract price of labor and rnatefials and all. other items required for the project is less than $500.00 and is not part of a larger operation to be undertaken on the property. This exemption does not apply to a person who advertises or puts out any sign or card or other device wh ch might indicate to the public that lie/she is a contractor, or that he/she is qualified to engage in the business of contractor. RCW 18.27.090,(9). ❑ Owner who contracts for a project. A property owner contracting with registered contractors for the project, and who him/herself is not performing any activity of a contractor for the purpose of leasing or selling improved property that he/she has owned for less than twelve months. RCW 18.27.090(11). ❑ Work performed personally on awn. property. Anyone personally working on property he/she owns, or at which he/she resides, as long as the property owner, or resident, does not perform any activity of a contractor on leis/her property for the purpose of selling, demolishing, or leasing the property. RCW 18.27.090(12). ❑ Use of own employees. Property owner using him/herself or his/her own employees to perform maintenance, repair, and, alteration work in or upon his/her own property. RCW 18.27.090(13). ❑ Licensed Architect, engineer, electrician or plumber. All work performed under this permit will be performed. by an arcll.itect, civil or professional engineer, certified electrician or certified plumber operating within the scope of his/her certification. RCW 18.72.090(14). ❑ Other. Specify which provision of RCW 18.27.090 applies: THE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY OWNER OR AUTHORIZED PERSON HEREBY VERIFIES THAT ALL INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM IS TRUE AND ACCURATE TO THE BEST OF HIS OR HER KNOWLEDGE AND ACKNOWLEDGES THAT IF ANY OF THE INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THIS FORM IS FALSE HE OR SHE UNDERSTANDS THAT THE BUILDING PERMIT WILL BE D&\4 EDIATELY REVOKED AND ALL FEES PAID FORFEITED. DATED this �"� day of PROPERTY OWNER/AUTHORIZED PERSON, / Signature Print Name 20 WITNESS Si aGire Print Name L:\TEMP\BUILDING\HANDOUTS REVISED IN 2009\PREVIOUS HANDOUTS\FORMS\CONTRACTOR EXEMPTION FORM D.DOCREVISED 7/07