2018-06-11 Land Use Criteria Statement EWC.pdfLand Use Criteria Statement Edmonds Waterfront Center environmental WORKS Community Design Center June 11, 2018 402 15th Avenue East Seattle WA 98112-4599 To identify the appropriate Land Use criteria, the following documents were 2063298300 used to determine applicable designations for the Edmonds Waterfront Center 206 329 5494 fax (EWC) site: www.eworks.org A. City of Edmonds Zoning Map, Revised November 2, 2017 Project site is located in a CW - Commercial Waterfront zone. B. City of Edmonds Comprehensive Plan Map, Revised July 15, 2015 Project site is designated at Shoreline Commercial and lies within the Downtown / Waterfront Activity Center. im C. City of Edmonds Shoreline Master Program Designation Map, Updated 08- BARKER 25-2014 LANDSCAPE Project building and parking are landward of OHW and designated as Urban ARCHITECTS, P.S. 4519 S. 1901h Court Mixed Use I. Stalral WA 98188 206.783.2870 D. City of Edmonds: Parks. Recreation and Open Space Plan. Updated Dec. 6. 2016 Existing Senior Center site is designated as a Regional Park Note: All text below in italics is excerpted from the Edmonds City Code and Community Development Code. This document pertains to code compliance of the proposed EWC building and parking lot. See accompanying Edmonds Waterfront R-edevelopment Marine Walkway Land Use Permit Criteria Statement for code compliance of the Edmonds Marine Walkway modification and the Edmonds Waterfront Redevelopment Walkway Over Water Land Use Permit Criteria Statement for code compliance of Walkway Over Water. The proposed EWC meets the criteria of the applicable code sections as described below: Commercial Waterfront Zone - ECDC 16.55.000 Purposes A. To reserve areas for water -dependent and water -related uses and for uses which will attract pedestrians to the waterfront; The project reserves and improves upon the water -dependent and water - related uses and attracts more pedestrians to the waterfront by: - Providing improved access from the parking area to the beach via new stairs and universally accessible ramp. - Creating an additional route from the sidewalk in the right-of-way to the shoreline. - Providing a building with spaces for community functions and activities to attract people to the waterfront. B. To protect and enhance the natural features of the waterfront, and encourage public use of the waterfront; The project protects and enhances the water -dependent and water -related uses in the following ways: - Redesigning the parking by eliminating a bulkhead that extends into the natural shoreline, relocating parking and existing outfalls landward, and replacing the parking lot/bulkhead with beach habitat restoration. C. To ensure physical and visual access to the waterfront for the public. The project ensures physical and visual access to the waterfront for the public by: - Providing a sidewalk at the frontage where there is none, currently. - Pushing the curb line along Railroad Ave. further east to provide a more functional and inviting landscape along to frontage as well as a full -width sidewalk. - Enhancing the existing physical access to the waterfront with accessible routes from the sidewalk in the Right -of -Way, to the shoreline. - Featuring the waterfront views in key community spaces from within the building - Reducing the length of the building along the waterfront, creating a wider View Corridor than required by the City of Edmonds' land use code. Commercial Waterfront Zone - ECDC 16.55.010 Uses B. Permitted Secondary Uses 1. Off-street parking and loading in connection with a permitted use. Seventy-one (71) parking spaces, more than required by the Community Development Code, are proposed for the site to serve both the new Edmonds Waterfront Center as well as the Marine Walkway/beach restoration area. Loading and unloading of small boats/kayaks to the beach area is provided as shown on the Site Plan. Loading and unloading of equipment and items serving the Edmonds Waterfront Center is provided along the east side of the new building. D. Secondary Uses Requiring a Conditional Use Permit 2. Regional parks and community parks without a master plan subject to the requirements of ECDC 17.100.070. The site is designated as a Regional Park in the City of Edmonds Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan. A Conditional Use Permit is being pursued as part of this Land Use Permitting submittal. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 2 Commercial Waterfront - ECDC 16.55.020 Site Development Standards Table A: Required Minimum Setbacks are 15'-0" landward of bulkheads for buildings and 60'-0" landward of bulkheads for parking. Allowable Maximum Height is 30'-0" There is no required Minimum Lot Area, Minimum Lot Width, or allowable Maximum Coverage. The project provides a 16'-4 3/4" building setback from bulkheads which is greater than the 15'-0" required, as shown in the Site Plan (Sheet A1.1 of the drawing set). See response to ECDC 24.40.090 below and Sheet 1-4.0 for parking setback requirements. Building height proposed is 29'-6 1/2" which is less than the allowed 30'-0" maximum as shown in Exterior Elevations on Sheets A3.1 and A3.2 of the drawing set. Commercial Waterfront - ECDC 16.55.030 Operating Restrictions A. All uses shall be carried on entirely within a completely enclosed building except for public parks or limited outdoor display of merchandise. The proposed primary use is Regional Park. Outdoor seating is proposed to augment community gathering functions in good weather. The existing Marine Walkway to remain and proposed Beach Restoration with a new section of Marine Walkway both offer outdoor recreational uses. Outdoor display of merchandise is not anticipated, and would be minimal if occurs. Community Facilities - ECDC 17.100 Purpose and Intent "...the purpose of this chapter is to provide for the development of such facilities in a manner that balances the public desire or need to site such facilities within the city, but minimizes the potential adverse impact of such facilities on residential neighborhoods and capital facilities such as streets and sewers." Although the project is adjacent to an existing residential use building, the proposed project is not in a residential neighborhood, and no adverse impacts are anticipated on the adjacent residential building. No adverse impacts on streets are anticipated. The project provides six less parking spaces than in the existing senior center lot. The proposed facility is only 2300 S.F. larger than the existing facility so no adverse impacts on sewers are anticipated. Community Facilities - ECDC 17.100.070 Parks Facilities A.2. Regional parks and community parks without an adopted master plan require approval of a conditional use permit. The project's proposed primary use is recreational / Regional Park and project team is pursuing a conditional use permit via this land use application. The open space development goals of this project are part of the stated goals for the City of Edmonds Shoreline Master Program. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 3 C. General — Lighting. All exterior lighting shall be arranged and directed so as to direct the light away from adjacent residential uses. Exterior lighting proposed is designed to not direct light towards the adjacent existing residential use to the south of the project site. Outdoor lighting is also directed away from sensitive habitat areas. Off -Street Parking Regulations - ECDC 17.50 C. The Downtown Business Area. All new buildings in the Downtown Business Area shall provide parking at a flat rate of one parking stall for every 500 S.F. of gross floor area. Gross building square footage includes outdoor areas used for the same use. The proposed building contains 26,229 G.S.F. and 1,670 G.S.F. of outdoor area included in the use which equals 27,899 G.S.F. total as shown in Diagram 1 on Sheet T1.2 of the drawing set. 27,899 G.S.F. divided by 500 G.S.F. yields 56 required parking spaces. The project provides 71 parking spaces which are greater than the 56 required. Property Performance Standards - ECDC 17.60.030 Standards A. Noise. Noise emanating from any use shall be muffled so as not to become objectionable due to intermittent beat, frequency or shrillness and where a use is within or adjoins a residential district, the noise loudness measured at the boundary line shall not exceed 45 decibels between the hours of 11:30 pm and 6:00 am, and 60 decibels at other hours. Multipurpose spaces are located within the building to minimize sound travel from uses within multipurpose spaces to other areas. The proposed uses are not within or adjoining a residential district. B. External lights shall be shielded, trained or directed in a manner which minimizes glare onto adjacent property or passing traffic. Exterior lighting luminaires have been selected with direct only distribution to minimize glare to adjacent areas. See Sheets E2.02 and E2.03 for building lighting and Sheet E1.10 for site lighting. C. Waste Disposal. Liquid and solid waste, storage of animal or vegetable waste which attract insects or rodents or otherwise create a health hazard shall be prohibited. No waste products shall be exposed to view from eye level from any property line. The project's site improvements include an enclosure to shield waste dumpsters from view as shown on Sheet L4.0. Waste will be stored in standard dumpsters and containers provided by local waste and recycling collection services, which will be stored in the enclosure. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 4 Land Clearing and Tree Cutting Code — ECDC 18.45.075 A.2 For each tree removed, replacement planting of up to three trees of the same species in the immediate vicinity of the tree(s) which was removed so long as adequate growing space is provided for such species. 5 trees are being removed from the existing landscape in order to allow for the necessary raised grade to meet the new EWC FFE. 5x3=15 trees for replacement. The design proposes 29 new trees, which exceeds the requirement of this code provision. Driveway and Curb Requirements — ECDC 18.80.060 A. Permit Required. No person shall begin work on the construction alteration, repair or removal of any driveway or the paving of any parking strip on any or adjacent to any street, alley or other public place in the city, without first obtaining a permit from the public works director. Permits will be obtained prior to work B.1. No driveway shall be so located as to create a hazard to pedestrians, bicyclists or motorists or invite or compel illegal or unsafe traffic movements. Driveways are being located in a manner as not to be a hazard to pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorists. They compel legal and safe traffic movements. B.2. No driveway shall be constructed in such a manner as to be a hazard to any existing street lighting standard, utility pole, traffic regulating device, or fire hydrant. No driveway is being constructed as a hazard to any of these existing features. B.4. On private property every driveway must provide access to parking structures or access specifically designated for parking purposes requiring the entrance of vehicles. Driveways are providing access to parking designated for parking vehicles. C. Size and Number. Except as otherwise provided, the width of any residential driveway shall not exceed 20 feet exclusive of the radii of the turns, with such measurement being made parallel with the center line of the street. Driveway approaches shall extend from the edge of the existing street a distance of 20 feet or to the edge of the property line, whichever is greater. Approaches shall be constructed of asphalt concrete pavement or an equivalent approved by the city engineer. Driveways are meeting all required criteria D.1. Driveway slopes shall not exceed 14 percent unless authorized by the public works director in accordance with the criteria set forth below Driveways are designed at less than 14% slope. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 5 Street Trees — ECDC 18.85.000 A. To protect existing street trees by regulating their maintenance and removal. There are no existing street trees in the existing site. B. To provide for new street trees on existing and new streets by specifying appropriate trees for particular areas, based on the following factors... The city of Edmonds Street Trees Plan suggests Acer rubrum 'October Glory' for this location. However, this species is too large to plant under power lines and will not do well in close proximity to bioretention planters. Acer glabrum, or Douglas Maple, is the proposed substitute as it does not grow as tall and is noted as a tree that is appropriate for bioretention planters by the City of Seattle Green Factor program. They will meet all code for view corridor, size, spacing, safety, utilities, and adaptability to the regional environment. Sidewalk Standards — ECDC 18.90.030 A. Sidewalks in areas zoned commercial are required to be 7'40' wide with a rolled curb. All sidewalks are between 7'-0" and 8'-9" for an average width of 7'-10" and will include a rolled curb. Parking Lot Construction — ECDC 18.95.020 A.1.b.2. Cars. The full width parking space shall be eight and one-half feet in width and 16-112 feet in length. Minimum standards for off-street parking space dimensions shall not be less than as shown on Figure 18-1, Minimum Parking Lot Requirements for One- and Two -Way Traffic. Full width parking stalls are dimensioned at 8.5' x 16.5' A.1.b.3-4. Cars. If the conditions of subsections (b)(1) and (b)(2) above have been satisfied, and the applicant selects this methodology, a maximum of fifty percent of the total provided parking spaces may be sized at reduced width. The reduced width parking space shall be eight feet in width and 16-112 feet in length. Reduced width parking stalls are dimensioned at 8' x 16.5'. No more than 50% of the proposed parking stalls will be compact stalls. A.2. Trucks. Parking areas for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight exceeding 8, 000 pounds shall be designed to meet sound, commonly accepted specifications necessary for parking such vehicles as designated by the city engineer. There are 4 Van stalls throughout the site. Their proposed dimensions are 10' X 25' B. Control Devices. Hard -surfaced parking lots shall use painted stripes to designate EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 6 spaces. Gravel parking lots shall use durable raised rails and wheelstops and signs to designate spaces. Pedestrian walks in parking lots shall be protected by curbs or raised rails. Painted stripes are provided. All pedestrian routes are protected from parking cars by concrete wheelstops. C. Parking lots shall be hard -surfaced. All parking lots will be paved with asphalt. D. Maximum parking slopes shall be six percent; minimum slope shall be one percent. All parking lots grades are between 24% Figure 18-1. For parking at 30 degree angle, the minimum aisle width for 1-way traffic is 12' The proposed drive aisle is 20', which exceeds the requirements. Plant Schedule — ECDC 20.13.015 B. Maximum size at installation are as follows: Minimum Street tree caliper at installation is 1.75". Other deciduous trees is 1.5" Minimum height for medium and tall shrubs is 18" Maximum height for small shrub is less than 3.5' tall at maturity; Medium shrub shall be between 3.5-6' tall at maturity; Large shrub shall be more than 6' tall at maturity. All size requirements are being met in the proposed planting schedule D. Maximum spacing for large shrubs is 6' O. C. Maximum spacing for medium shrubs is 4.5' O. C. Maximum spacing for small shrubs is 3' O. C. All spacing requirements are being met in the proposed planting schedule E. Ground cover is required in all areas. Ground cover shall be living plant material approved by the ADB. Spacing for ground cover is as follows: Spacing for 1 gal. pots is 30" O. C. All spacing requirements and plant conditions are being met in the proposed planting schedule General Design Standards — ECDC 20.13.020 A. Preference shall be given to an informal arrangement of plants installed in a variety of treatments that will enhance building designs and attractively screen parked vehicles and unsightly areas, soften visual impact of structures and enhance views and vistas. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 7 Plant arrangements are of an informal manner meant to enhance building designs and attractively screen parked vehicles and unsightly areas, soften visual impact of structures and enhance views and vistas. C. Existing vegetation that contributes to the attractiveness of the site should be retained. Existing significant trees and shrubbery (six-inch caliper or more) must be shown on the proposed landscape plan and saved and incorporated into the landscape plan, if they are reasonably attractive and of good quality. The only significant trees in the site cannot be retained as a result of the need to raise the parking to meet the proposed building elevation. There is very little other attractive vegetation on the site. The existing shrubs and trees on the north border of the site are being retained. D. Curbs shall be provided as needed to contain landscaping in planter areas Curbs are being supplied where necessary to contain landscaping. Most landscaped areas are graded to maintain landscaping as they drain to bioretention areas. E. Automatic irrigation is required for all ADB-approved landscaped areas for projects which have more than four dwelling units, 4,000 square feet of building area or more than 20 parking spaces. Automatic irrigation is proposed for the site and will be designed in future phases. F. All planting areas should be at least four feet wide between curbs. Where there are curbs and landscaping, the minimum 4' width is being met. H. All plants shall be compatible with the character and climate of the Pacific Northwest. Shrubs and/or groundcover are required to provide 75 percent ground coverage within three years. All proposed plantings are compatible with the Pacific Northwest and will provide 75% coverage within 3 years. J. Landscaping must be provided in adjacent rights -of -way between property line and curb or street edge and shown on the landscape plan. Landscaping is being provided in the right-of-way. K. Street trees must be planted according to the city's street tree plan. Contact the planning division for details. See above response to ECDC Section 18.85.000 Street Trees. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 8 L. Street trees should be installed within four feet of either side of the property line. Street tree planting locations are meeting this requirement. M. Landscaping should be tall enough to soften any dumpster enclosures located in planting areas. There is a planting area adjacent to the dumpster enclosure that will have a tree and shrubs to soften its appearance. N. Trees and very large shrubs should be planted at least five feet from any water/sewer lines. Landscape plantings shall reflect consideration of plantings in relation to utility lines. This criteria is being met. O. Utility boxes should be screened with landscaping without blocking access.. This criteria is being met. P. Species approved within a landscape plan shall have a growth pattern in scale with the development and be consistent with the preservation of significant views and height limit for the zoning district. See answer to ECDC 24.60.060 B.3. for response to maintaining significant views in the site. Q. Stormwater LID best management practice integration into overall landscape design is strongly encouraged, where feasible. Bioretention planters are being used throughout the site. R. Consideration of a variation to the maximum planter size will be given when the planter area is also functioning as a bioretention or rain garden facility. See requirements in Chapter 18.30 ECDC. The landscape planter containing bioretention planter #3 is larger than 1500 SF meaning this variation is needed. General Planting Standards — ECDC 20.13.025 A. Blank building walls should be softened by landscaping. Landscaping should include trees and shrubs — mostly evergreen. Trees should be planted an average of 20 feet on center either formally or in clusters. The only blank building wall is of limited area on the "plan south" facing side which is approximately 8 feet from the tall blank wall of the adjacent condominium EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 9 building. Landscape Types — ECDC 20.13.030 C.3. c. (Type 3) If planted to buffer a parking area, access, or site development other than a building, any of the following alternatives may be used unless otherwise noted: (c) A combination of earth mounding, opaque fences and shrubs to produce a visual barrier at least three and one-half feet in height. Along the south border of the site there is need to screen the adjacent apartment complex from the parking lot. An opaque fence meeting all the minimum requirements will be used. D.1. (Type 4) Trees shall be deciduous and planted 25 feet on center and the trunk shall be free of branches below six feet in height. This condition is along the northern border of the site. There are existing trees to be preserved that meet this requirement. D.2. Plant materials which will cover the ground within three years, and which will not exceed three and one-half feet in height. There are existing shrubs and groundcover to be preserved at this location that meets this requirement. E.1. c. (Type 5) If the parking area contains more than 50 but less than 100 parking spaces, the director — or his designee — shall determine the required amount of landscaping by interpolating between 17.5 and 35 square feet for each parking stall proposed. The area must be landscaped as described in subsection (E)(2) of this section. If 71 spaces provided then need 24.85 S.F. per parking space. 71 parking spaces = 1,764 S.F. total landscape req. Currently, the design provides 6,298 SF of landscape area, exceeding the required amount. E.2.a. Each area of landscaping must contain at least 150 square feet of area and must be at least four feet in any direction exclusive of vehicle overhang. The area must contain at least one tree a minimum of six feet in height and with a minimum size of one and one-half inches in caliper if deciduous. The remaining ground area must be landscaped with plant materials, decorative mulch or unit pavers. Type 5, Parking landscape areas are meeting this requirement. Please see sheet L5.0 for landscape areas. E.2.b. A landscaped area must be placed at the interior ends of each parking row in a multiple -lane parking area. This area must be at least four feet wide and must extend the length of the adjacent parking stall. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 10 Parking landscape areas are meeting this requirement. Please see sheet L5.0 for landscape areas. E.2.c. Up to 100 percent of the trees proposed for the parking area may be deciduous. All trees in this zone are deciduous. E.2.e. The minimum area per planter is 64 square feet. Parking landscape areas are meeting this requirement. Please see sheet L5.0 for landscape areas. E.2.f. The maximum area per planter is 1,500 square feet for parking lots greater than 12,000 square feet. Planters shall be spread throughout the parking lot. Please see response to ECDC 20.13.020R for variation on parking areas greater than 1,500 SF with a bioretention area. All other landscape areas are meeting this requirement. E.2.g. Shade trees are required at the rate of a minimum of one per planter and/or one per 150 square feet of planter. [Ord. 4085 § 15 (Exh. A), 2017; Ord. 3636 § 4, 2007]. Parking landscape areas are meeting this requirement. Please see sheet L5.0 for landscape areas and tree layout. Sign Code - ECDC 20.60.020 General regulations for permitted signs. M. Wall -mounted, Projecting, Individual Letters, Building ID and Pedestrian signs are permitted within the downtown activity center defined in the comprehensive plan. The project proposes one wall mounted sign and two projecting signs which are permitted outright. See Sheets A3.1 and A 3.2 for Exterior Elevations and Sheet A3.4 for Renderings in the drawing set. Sian Code - ECDC 20.60.025 Total maximum aermanent sian area A. Business and Commercial Zone Districts. Maximum total permanent sign area allowed shall be 1 S.F. of sign area for each lineal foot of wall containing the main public entrance to the primary building. The maximum number of signs is three per site. The entrance wall is 149'-0" L.F. which yields a maximum total sign area of 149 S.F. allowable. The three project signs have 21.6 S.F. in total sign area as shown in Diagram 3 on Sheet T1.2 of the drawing set. Sign Code - ECDC 20.60.030 Wall signs — Maximum height and area. A. Ina CW zone, maximum area of a wall sign is 1 S.F. per lineal foot of attached wall. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 11 The proposed "Edmonds Waterfront Center" sign is a permanent wall sign. It is attached to a wall that is 21'-0" L.F. which yields a maximum total sign area of 21 S.F. allowable. The EWC main sign is 16.7 S.F. as shown in Diagram 3 on Sheet T1.2 of the drawing set. B. In a CW zone, maximum height of a wall sign is 14 feet or the height of the face of the building on which the sign is located. The height of the building face on which the "Edmonds Waterfront Center" sign is located is 25'-3 1/2". The height of the sign is 16'-10 3/4", which is lower than the maximum height allowed as shown in Drawing 1 on Sheet A3.1 of the drawing set. Sign Code - ECDC 20.60.030 Projecting signs — Maximum area and height restrictions. A. Ina CW zone, maximum area of a projecting sign is 16 S.F. The "thrift shop" and "coffee" signs are marquee/projecting signs. The "thrift shop" sign is 1.5 S.F. and the "coffee" sign is 2.0 S.F. as shown in Diagram 3 on Sheet T1.2 of the drawing set. They are both less than the 16 S.F. maximum allowable area per sign. Note: the "coffee" sign text shown is a placeholder until a vendor is identified. B. Ina CW zone, maximum height of a projecting sign is the height of the wall to which the sign is attached. The height of the wall to which the "thrift shop" sign is located is 25'-3 1/2". The height of the sign is 11'-0", which is lower than the max. height allowed as shown in Drawing 1 on Sheet A3.1 of the drawing set. The height of the wall to which the "coffee" sign is located is 26'-4" minimum. The height of the sign is 9'-0", which is lower than the max. height allowed as shown in Drawing 2 on Sheet A3.2 of the drawing set. C. The sign area of a marquee sign may not exceed two feet in the vertical dimension. The "thrift shop" and "coffee" signs are 8 5/8" in the vertical dimension, which is less than the 2'-0" allowable as shown in Diagram 3 on sheet T1.2 of the drawing set. "H" Terms - ECDC 21.40.030 Height. D. Height Exceptions. 1. For all properties located within the Coastal High Hazard Areas. —height is measured from the elevation that is two feet above base flood elevation as identified from the applicable FEMA flood hazard map. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 12 Base flood elevation from the applicable FEMA map is 12.0 ft. (NAVD88) Base flood elevation plus 2'-0" yields 14'-0" as the elevation from which building height should be measured. A 14'-0" base elevation plus the 30'-0" maximum allowable building height yields 44'-0" as the building height limit elevation. The proposed building's roof peak elevation is 43'-6 1/2" which is below the 44'-0" height limit elevation as shown in Exterior Elevations on Sheets A3.1 and A3.2 of the drawing set. Height Exceptions. 3. Elevator penthouses, not to exceed 72 square feet in horizontal section, or three feet in height, for that portion above the height limit; The elevator penthouse proposed will comply with the above provisions. Height Exceptions. 5. Vent pipes are not to exceed 18" above the height limit; Any vent pipes needed for systems functionality will not exceed 18" above height limit. Height Exceptions. 7. Solar energy installations are not to exceed 36" above the height limit. The project is being designed to allow for a possible future photovoltaic system installation, including solar panels on the roof, which will comply with this provision. Natural Resources ECDC Title 23 Most of this project is within the 200' shoreline setback. Because of this, the majority of the response to environmentally critical areas is covered below in ECDC 24.40.020 Shoreline Critical Areas. However, there is a portion of the project that is landward of the 200' shoreline setback. This correlates approximately tothe BNSF Right -of Way (R.O.W). This entire area is in a seismic hazard designation. Our consideration and response to this ECA is covered in the accompanying Geotechnical Report produced by Landau Associates dated August 4, 2017 and titled "Revised Draft Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Edmonds Waterfront Development and Restoration and Ebb Tide Condominiums Walkway Projects". Shoreline Environments ECDC 24.30 According to Appendix A of the Shoreline Master Program there are two shoreline jurisdictions for the project site: Waterward of OHW is designated Aquatic 1 and Landward of OHW is designated Urban Mixed Use 1. Only the latter is relevant to this submittal. Shoreline- Critical Areas ECDC 24.40.020 There is a portion of this project that is outside the shoreline designation. For this area see Natural Resources Title 23 above for our response to the environmentally critical designation. Within the shoreline there are several environmentally critical EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 13 designations: - Frequently Flooded Area - Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Area - Seismic Hazard Area The consideration and response to the first two designations are covered in the accompanying "Critical Areas Report and Mitigation Plan" dated September 21, 2017, and "Biological Evaluation Report" dated May 2012. The consideration and response to the Seismic Hazard Area designation is covered in the accompanying Geotechnical Report dated August 4, 2017 and titled "Revised Draft Geotechnical Engineering Report Proposed Edmonds Waterfront Development and Restoration and Ebb Tide Condominiums Walkway Projects". Shoreline- Flood Hazard Reduction ECDC 24.40.030 To reduce the likelihood of flood damage the proposed finish floor elevation of the Edmonds Waterfront Center is being constructed 2.9 feet higher than the existing Edmonds Senior Center. The accompanying proposed landscape and parking areas are being constructed to reduce the likelihood of flood damage by being raised to the extent practicable by the site restrictions. The landscape and parking are being elevated and graded to meet the new building elevation but also provide a smooth transition to meet and match the grades of all adjacent properties. Shoreline- Public Access and Views ECDC 24.40.040 1. a. Conditional uses shall provide public access where the use will create increased demand for public access to the shoreline. Due to the replacement of the existing parking / bulkhead with a restored beach with steps and a ramp, it is anticipated that public access to the shoreline will increase. Access will be significantly increased due to the new features inherent in the design of the beach restoration, "...allowing the general public to reach, touch, and enjoy the water's edge, to travel on the waters of the state, and to view the water and the shoreline from adjacent locations." (ECDC 24.40.040 A.) Please see Site Plan on Sheet A1.1 and Sheet L4.0. 11.a. Within the Urban Mixed Use 1 designation and landward of the ordinary high water mark, a view corridor must be maintained across 30 percent of the average parcel width. 30 percent of the site's 307'-0" maximum parcel width yields 92'-2" of required view corridor width. The project provides 141'-8 1/2" of view corridor width which is greater than the 92'-2" requirement as shown on the Site Plan (Sheet A1.1 of the drawing set). General Policies and Regulations - ECDC 24.40.050 Shoreline Vegetation Conservation A.1. Vegetation conservation includes activities to protect and restore vegetation EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 14 along or near marine and freshwater shorelines that contribute to the ecological functions of shoreline areas. Vegetation conservation provisions include the prevention or restriction of plant clearing and earth grading, vegetation restoration, and the control of invasive weeds and nonnative species. Bioretention planters are going to be placed throughout the parking lot and adjacent to the Right -of -Way (R.O.W.). Native plants will be will be used in these planters. The quality of these plantings will be an increase over the existing species, particularly in the R.O.W.. See sheets 1-5.0-1-5.4 for more information about the planting plan. B.3. Exposed soils shall be immediately developed or revegetated to prevent erosion. Exposed soils as a result of the bulkhead removal are being covered immediately by a layer of beach stabilization fill and then a layer of sand. The sand is then being planted with native vegetation. Exposure of soils/subgrade where the parking is being removed with be subsequently replaced either with new asphalt parking or with planted areas. Shoreline- Water Quality, Stormwater, and Nonpoint Polution ECDC 24.40.060 An erosion and sediment control plan is not needed for this permit submittal. However, please see the accompanying Drainage Design Memorandum prepared by Reid Middleton, dated May 30, 2018 for consideration and response to all Stormwater Code Requirements by the city. Shoreline Development Table ECDC 24.40.080 In Urban Mixed Use I areas, recreation and signs are permitted and require a shoreline substantial development permit. Parking not supporting an associated water -dependent use is permitted and requires a shoreline conditional use permit. The project includes shoreline development for recreation, signage, and parking. The project team is pursuing a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit and a Conditional Use Permit with the land use application. Shoreline Bulk and Dimensional Standards ECDC 24.40.090 For recreational development in an Urban Mixed Use I area, a 15'-0" shore setback is required and a maximum height of 30'-0" is allowable. There is no maximum coverage provision. Building setbacks, buffer, and maximum impervious surface are not applicable. The project provides a 16'-4 3/4" building setback from bulkheads which is greater than the 15'-0" required as shown in the Site Plan (Sheet A1.1 of the drawing set). Building height is 29'-6 1/2" which is less than the allowed 30'- 0" maximum as shown in the Exterior Elevations on Sheets A3.1 and A3.2 of the drawing set. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 15 For parking in an Urban Mixed Use / area, a 60'-0" shore setback is required. Parking setback may be reduced by one foot for every one foot of public walkway or publicly accessible open space that is provided waterward of the OHWM, to a maximum of 20 feet. The minimum setback for parking facilities shall be no less than 40'-0" from the bulkhead. Building setback and buffer are not applicable. The proposed parking area is outside of the minimum 40' setback. There is more than 20' of publically accessible open space waterward of OHWM and so are deducting 20' from the 60' setback requirement for Urban Mixed Use 1. Please see Sheet L4.0 for parking setback information. Specific Use Policies and Regulations - ECDC 24.60.060 Recreational Development A. This master program gives priority to recreational development that is primarily related to access to, enjoyment and use of the water and shorelines of the state. This project is providing access for enjoyment and use of the shorelines of the state by improving accessible routes and pedestrian connectivity and circulation along the waterfront. The walkway over water fills a missing gap in the Edmonds Marine Walkway, connecting Olympic Beach, the Edmonds fishing pier, and other southern waterfront amenities with Brackett's Landing South, Brackett's Landing North, and the Edmonds Ferry Terminal. B.1. Encourage the coordination of local, state, and federal recreation planning so as to mutually address recreational needs. Shoreline recreational development should be consistent with all adopted park, recreation, and open space plans. Coordination is happening with state and Federal permitting agencies. The project's connection of the Marine Walkway is consistent with goals of the City of Edmonds Comprehensive Plan which includes the Parks, Recreation and Open Space Plan, the Community Cultural Plan, the Streetscape and Street Tree Plan, and the Edmonds Shoreline Master Program. B.2. Encourage the linkage of shoreline parks, recreation areas, and public access points in a linear system, such as hiking paths, bicycle paths, and scenic drives. This project is providing improvements to the sidewalk in the right-of-way, allowing for a more continuous experience for pedestrians along Railroad Ave. As well, there will be more routes through the site from the right-of-way to the existing waterfront trail, which links over a linear mile of public spaces, shoreline parks, and water -based amenities together, including Brackett's Landing North, the Edmonds Ferry Terminal, Brackett's Landing South, the Edmonds Marine Walkway, Olympic Beach Park, the Edmonds Public Fishing Pier, the Edmonds Marina, the Port of Edmonds Plaza and Marina Beach Park. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 16 B.3. Locate and design recreational developments in a manner that preserves, enhances, or creates scenic views and vistas. Views are being preserved per the requirements of ECDC 24.40.040 B.11.a. Vistas and other opportunities for scenic views will be increased along the waterfront. See sheet A1.1 for view shed analysis. B.4. Locate and design recreational facilities to minimize adverse impacts including those related to stormwater runoff, water quality, visual qualities, public access, and vegetation and habitat maintenance. Stormwater runoff is being mitigated through a variety of bioretention facilities that will filter run-offbefore it enters Puget Sound. For more information on the proposed stormwater approach, please see the accompanying Drainage Memo. Public access to the beach is being improved through stairs and an ADA ramp. Vegetation is being increased by removing the existing parking and bulkhead structure and replacing it with beach habitat restoration. Shoreline recreational development should be consistent with adopted park, recreation, and open space plans. B.S. Encourage physical and visual access to shorelines and surface waters. Visual and physical access to shorelines is being encouraged by adding additional points of access from the right-of-way at Railroad Ave and from the existing Edmonds Marine Walkway. The project's Regional Park primary use is consistent with the City of Edmonds Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan. C.1.a-d Prohibited recreational uses and developments. None of the listed prohibited recreational uses are being designed for in this project. C.2 Recreational facilities shall make adequate provisions for: a. Vehicular and pedestrian access, both on site and off site; Vehicular and pedestrian access, both on site and off site are provided b. Vehicular traffic, both inside and outside the facility; Vehicular traffic, both inside and outside the facility are provided c. Vehicular parking; Vehicular parking is provided EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 17 d. Water supply, sewage disposal, and garbage collection; Water supply, sewage disposal, and garbage collection are provided e. The prevention of overflows and trespasses onto adjacent properties; The prevention of overflows and trespasses onto adjacent properties is provided for. f. Screening, buffer strips, fences, and signs to prevent park overflow and to protect the value and enjoyment of adjacent or nearby private or public properties; Screening, buffer strips, fences, and signs to prevent park overflow and to protect the value and enjoyment of adjacent or nearby private or public properties are provided for. g. Security; Security is provided for with adequate lighting and incorporation of CPETD principals. h. Maintenance; Maintenance will be provided by the city of Edmonds as well as the Edmonds Waterfront Center. The project's Regional Park primary use is consistent with the City of Edmonds Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan. Edmonds Shoreline Master Program, Development Table ECDC 24.40.080 In Urban Mixed Use I areas, recreation, signs and parking not supporting an associated water -dependent use are permitted and require a shoreline substantial development permit. The project includes recreation, parking and signage. The project team is pursuing a Shoreline Substantial Development Permit with the land use application. Shoreline Bulk and Dimensional Standards ECDC 24.40.090 For recreational development in an Urban Mixed Use I area, a 15'-0" shore setback is required and a maximum height of 30'-0" is allowable. There is no maximum coverage provision. Building setbacks, buffer, and maximum impervious surface are not applicable. The project provides a 16'-4 3/4" building setback from bulkheads which is greater than the 15'-0" required as shown in Diagram 2 on Sheet T1.2 of the drawing set. Building height is 29'-6 1/2" which is less than the allowed 30'-0" maximum as shown in the Exterior Elevations on Sheets A3.1 and A3.2 of the drawing set. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 18 For parking in an Urban Mixed Use 1 area, a 60'-0" shore setback is required. Parking setback may be reduced by one foot for every one foot of public walkway or publicly accessible open space that is provided waterward of the OHWM, to a maximum of 20 feet. The minimum setback for parking facilities shall be no less than 40'-0" from the bulkhead. Building setback and buffer are not applicable. The proposed parking area is outside of the minimum 40' setback. There is more than 20' of publically accessible open space waterward of OHWM and so are deducting 20' from the 60' setback requirement for Urban Mixed Use 1. Please see Sheet L4.0 for parking setback information. Utilities — ECDC 24.60.090 B.2. New public or private utilities should be located inland from the land/water interface, preferably out of the shoreline jurisdiction, unless this location is reasonably necessary for the efficient operation of the utility facility or service. All stormwater infrastructure meet these requirements. B.3. Utilities should be located and designed to avoid negative impacts to public recreation and public access areas and significant natural, historic, archaeological or cultural resources. All stormwater infrastructure meet these requirements. B.4. All utility development should be consistent with and coordinated with all local government and state planning, including comprehensive plans and single purpose plans to meet the needs of future populations in areas planned to accommodate growth. Site planning and rights -of -way for utility development should provide for compatible multiple uses such as shore access, trails, and recreation or other appropriate use whenever possible; utility right-of- way acquisition should also be coordinated with transportation and recreation planning. All stormwater infrastructure meet these requirements. B.S. Utilities serving new development should be located underground, wherever feasible. All stormwater infrastructure meet these requirements B.7. Utilities should be designed and developed to preserve scenic views and aesthetic qualities of the shoreline area All stormwater infrastructure meet these requirements C.2. Except where infeasible, all utility lines, pipes, conduits, meters, vaults and similar infrastructures and appurtenances must be placed underground consistent with the standards of the serving utility. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 19 All stormwater infrastructure meet these requirements. C.6. Utilities may not be located waterward of the ordinary high water mark unless no practicable alternative exists and this location is essential to the operation of the utility. This project proposes no utility work waterward of OHWM. However, in the adjacent/connected Edmonds Marine Walkway modifications, two (2) existing stormwater outfalls are being relocated from their current locations, along the water- side edge of the parking lot bulkhead, to be further landward, and must be held at their existing elevations, which sets them below OHWM. Their impacts to the shoreline environment will be improved with the use of boulders as energy dissipaters and tide gates. C.10. Utility developments shall be located and designed so as to avoid, to the extent practicable, the need for any structural or artificial shoreline modification works for the life of the project The utilities in this project are not creating a need for artificial shoreline modifications. EWC Land Use Permit Criteria Statement — June 11, 2018 Page 20